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Posts posted by OrbitPoints

  1. I don't think magnets hurt the monitor it will warp it into many pretty colors :) but most moitors have a degauss feature that returns the monitor to an unmagnitized state. WARNING magnets hurt hard drives, floppy drives, vcr tapes and any other magnetic storage devices permanently. Don't get your 50 pound subwoofer around your computer.But the monitors with speakers mounted on the side are not going to break, the speakers are either so small they don't interfere with the electron tube in the monitor, or the speakers are magneticly shielded.

  2. something to try.<html><script>function submitonload() {document.autosubmit.Submit();}</script><body onLoad="submitonload();"><form name="autosubmit"><input type="submit" value="Sign In"></form></body></html>this is quick way, you may want to add <script language="javascript...">and some other inputs on form :) o and dont forget form action" :)

  3. ctrl+shift+esc = task manager (windows 2000)print screen = whole screen in clipboardalt+print screen = active window in clipboard[edit boxes] (notepad, renaming etc.)home = beginning of line current lineend = end of current linectrl+home = goto first characterctrl+end = goto last characterctrl+left arrow = goto first character of previous word (different from program to program)ctrl+right arrow = goto first character of next word (different from program to program)

  4. I use odbc using a m$ access db when I use mysql are the commands the same after I specify my dsn?my $Source = 'DSN=[dsn]; uid=[username]; pwd=[password];';if ($db = new Win32::ODBC($Source)) {print "Connected.";}$db->Close();If you don't know yet this is perl. :)Thanks for the help in advance.

  5. For me the question which language is best is to broad, I like perl for server side scripting, c# and c++ for modules for Diablo II (d2hacking botnet...) vb for fast/simple projects and even though it isn't really classified as a programming language (or is it?) I use autoit for alot of projects (v3 has some unique features i really like).

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