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Everything posted by r3d1405241470

  1. just test the site with dial-up and it just fine. may be you should start cleaning your history, cache, cookies, also spywarez
  2. weird....anyway if your planning to use msSQL you have to use windows. for the stable, free, and fastest db. it's mySQL, it supports both unix and win system. just check thier corresponding site for more info.
  3. if your using m$sql ms provide a security soln't for you, just check thier dev site.for mySQl properly config of admin's priv and it's user. a power password for admin and a minimal privileges for your user, remove defualt accounts. for anti enjection good design of db, and secure code(server side code).
  4. *topic moveNilsC moveabletype is part of perl in web development.
  5. ie look i got 1 :)this is sux, modz deserve a negative not positive.and since only the modz and admin can alter the warn level. the reputation thing is for members. this features is made for you guys, i think for fun or whatever. so don't take this one too seriously.
  6. Survey of Xisto Web Community[age range?]secret [amount of time online in this community/week?]< 3hrs, depend in the situation[occupation?]student, free lance[country?]philippines[native language?]tagalog[number of web communities you actively participate?]5+[how should this community be moderated?]i suggest a diff modz that good in that field, in every main forum.i choose appointed by admin and his/her staff, is the best choice. trust me.[Other than free hosting, is there anything else that keeps you active here?]when i open my browser, i see this page first :)may be you should also ask what type of community they have join or thier interest e.g. gfx, web design, hardware, and soon.
  7. yeah, why i close it?that 9 page is full of argument posted by 3 to 5 members. and some, post the same thing over and over again and arguing for that thing where that topic is not a debate. the topic is asking for someones points of view not depending your point. and think about new comer, will they read all of those post? no. they have just to post what they use and why? if they read that some mem debating about it, its thier opportunity to gain more post.if those topic are really interesting feel free to create a new one. as continuation of the closed topic.if you think that i'm wrong. see reputation thing. do what you want, it's there for members.if you have complains just post and i will read it, if i see your post. -thnx
  8. that one is just a fixed since you can't call an id twice or more, and i'm not working with tables anymore. same script i've used to achieve a table data effect but without tables. and kindly use the [ code ] instead of bold, just to separate the code from text. -thnx *edit. f*** what data cells are you talking about? and besides the output of your code and a simple css rollovers don't even have diff. if you din't understand the.... your nob , if your talking about the data cell rollover effect for tables, you got the wrong code
  9. for a longer life i choose seagate, my 5 year old 1.9 gig reformated hundred times and been burnt one time, is still alive and kicking
  10. i've heard once that most of this spams is made by email provider and spam assassins. you can also have some bux by just spamming. therefore spamming is business not a bad habit. and in my point of view this project honey pot is another good business
  11. lolz, you might the first citizen and not related to any artist who said that
  12. swish the one click animation, and the best choice for novice. i also suggest the max version. lots of animation and an additional basic action script
  13. nice links, for more ps tuts sites kindly search on the forum *closed
  14. i don't know if there any software can do that.why not just import the movie to flash add some action script and done. prob solve.
  15. darn, another mistake here is a class version <style type="text/css"><!--a.my_id:link { color: #074605; font: arial; font-size: 13pt; text-decoration: none}.... // same as above just replace '#' with '.'a.my_id2:link { color: #00F; font: arial; font-size: 13pt; text-decoration: none}....a.my_id2:hover { color: #F00; ... }....--></style><a href="..." class="my_id">link1</a><a href="..." class="my_id2">link2</a> link1 and link2 should have a diff text and hover color.
  16. dreamweaver ftp is one the great feature of dreamweaver. not free and not available elsewhere. if you want it, you have to buy dreamweaver.
  17. <style type="text/css"><!--a#my_id:link {color: #074605; font: arial; font-size: 13pt; text-decoration: none}a#my_id:visited {color: #074605; font: arial; font-size: 13pt; text-decoration: none}a#my_id:hover {color: #009C00; font: arial; font-size: 13pt; text-decoration: none}a#my_id:active {color: #074605; font: arial; font-size: 13pt; text-decoration: none}--></style> same as above and should be used in this way <a href="..." id="my_id">link</a>
  18. lolz, i thought i'm still using the home edition :)i forgot i've ugrade, my mistake :)btw registry exist on home ed, i got somethin
  19. for noob this tool are basic/adv administration kit, with this tool you can closed the guest account,rename guest and other default accountr, set the password length, password encryption for any account, set the permission of guest and more...
  20. i don't think so. coz java is now going more deeper, leave the old tech(applet) and going to another field. jsp is another one, with jsp you can interact java and flash.this two might exist in the future and may not replace html, they both need it to run well who knows, what human might discovered in the future. a flash running without a plug-in or a much better java applet
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