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About shira

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  1. Amount of visitors This forum seems almost empty. The amount of new posts is very small. And a lot of old members seem to have left this place. In any case it seems they don't post here anymore. The first post made by this account has received 34 visits during the first 5 hours the post has been exposed on this forum. This means, that the forum attracts visitors. This can be seen as a nice piece of information. It can be considered interesting information, because with enough visitors the possibility one visitor will react to a post might grow. And this might be convenient for some persons, because for some members it seems more easy to post a message in a reaction to a message of another member. And a reaction to a new topic opens the possibily to post in that topic again by the Opening Poster. When a new topic doesn't recieve any reactions the Opening Poster has the option to react to the first post of the topic. And it is not sure wether or not this can be seen like something that might be considered to be a little bit odd.
  2. shira


    At the moment the Opening Post has been sent the picture of the start page of http://forums.xisto.com/ was not available. A picture of the home page of http://forums.xisto.com/ might explain the point of the Opening Post. Here is a picture of the first page of http://forums.xisto.com/ .
  3. shira


    MyCents A new members starts with 0 MyCents. Today the first posts were made. It seems interesting to see how long it takes before the first amount of MyCents appear in the purse of a new account. The year today is 2014, the month is june and the number of the day is 19. This might be interesting. A next step might be to count the number of words and posts. This might give some insight in the amount of MyCents that are given out for a certain amount of words and letters.
  4. This empty forum offers opportunities. This forum is pretty much empty. The amount of posters decreased slowly. The last days no new posts would pop up when the button called: 'View New Content' was clicked. It is also unclear if the forum is still moderated. The small amount of members who post messages and the small amount of new posts offer a huge range of opportunities. The first advantage is that a new member can post about favorite topics in a way the new member likes without being critized by other members. Also the members who have an attitude as if they own this forum are gone. This means, that reactions with the intent to control the way new members post won't appear under posts. The conclusion of this way of thinking is, that the lack of activity, that almost exists, offers new possibilities for members, who are able to see the advantages of the current situation of the forum.
  5. Question The website of the forum contains different parts. One of the parts on top of the website of the forum is a section with the words: The question raised in this post is: What is the meaning of the first part of this sentence: Order any Package at Xisto - Web Hosting.com for FREE OR Quickly order Hosting for $1.95 here. It says: 'Order any Package at Xisto - Web Hosting.com for FREE (...)' If the link of the word 'FREE' is clicked a different page appears. The link leads to a post about so called free hosting. The information makes it clear, that free hosting can be obtained by posting messages on this forum. The advertising gives the idea, that it is possible to order any package for free. It might be possible, that the quoted sentence is not very clear.
  6. shira


    Opinion: It is difficult to find this forum. Lets say it is a requirement to get visitors that internet users will visit a site if they can find the site. When the website 'http://forums.xisto.com/ opens the visitor sees a lot of blue and a lot of text. The visitor can click on a link to go to the webpage with the forum. The link to enter the forum is called: Participating at our forum/community. These words contain a link to the forum. The link is: http://forums.xisto.com/ The words are in dark blue while the back ground of the front page of http://forums.xisto.com/ is dark blue too. The colours have just a slight difference in colours. The other text of the front page is white. The goal of this post is to express the opinion, that it is hard to find the forum for a new visitor, because the link to the forum is not very obvious.
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