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Posts posted by ribbons&pearls

  1. well, that's the point of being an ex. i don't think most of the couples would want to be friends after they break up. usually, it would be awkward to interact with someone whom you had connections with. if you want to move on, you have to let it go. he has to learn to do the same thing, or else both of you would only have problems later on.


    your ex is kinda freaky though. with the threats and all. i mean he won't even let you moveo n with your own life. maybe you should try to move away for a while. give yourselves some space.


    ya i did that, he's kind of backed off now but . i got home from holiday about a week ago and he had pinned the tires of my mum's car. so . i'm back to being scared of him . joy.

  2. <font face= "Book Antiqua" color= "FF0099"> it seems as if no matter how hard i try to find a guy that's right for me i always end up with somebody who is totally not how they first seemed. I first started dating this wonderful guy, a little rough around the edges, but really sweet inside. Things were going great for a while but then i decided that we should just be friends cuz i fell out of love. For some reason he couldn't understand this and kept acting like we were still going out. Well, i was trying to move on with my life. This reallllli buff guy asked me out and i felt realllllly badd but i had to say yess because come on , would you pass up an oppertunity like that? So what does me ex do but threaten my new boyfriend that he's going to kill him and knife him . thats a jolly way to congragulate the new couple isn't it?! well . eventually he calmed his rage with my new boyfriend and became friends with him, but instead he decided to turn his rage on me!! lets just say i was scared to leave my house for a while, anyways after a little while longer he stopped confronting me and harrassing me and started giving me evils from afar, which in my opinion is a LOT better! Anywayz, again , after all of this drama it turns out that me and my new boyfriend weren't meant to be. and we split up. and now he refuses to talk to me . i guess it just seems that i can't keep an ex as a friend. Which is not really fun because normally we start off as really good friends and then end up dating. Ah well. i guess next time i should just pick somebody totally random to date. Does anyone else get this problem or am i just cursed ? </font>

  3. As if it couldn't get any better he whispered in my ear, in that sexy voice of his, " Will you be my gurl?" My mind screamed the answer, OFCOURSE, definately, YES, but i just whispered back in the sexiest whisper i could muster, " sure, why not."

    from summer love part one

    i felt like an angel who had just gotten her wings. It was as if i was walking on air. never before had i felt happier. here was this amazingly hot guy and he had asked ME not my friend (who is a natural beauty and normally ALWAYS gets the hot ones) to be his girlfriend. it was too good to be true. after, reluctantly i pulled away from him i went back inside and he followed. it only took a few seconds for me to find the rest of the group. they were in my friends room gathered round the computer screen laughing they're geeky butts off at a downloaded south park episode. as quietly as i could i snuck in and sat behind my friend dan . nobody noticed. then, like the fox he is my new boyfriend snuck in the room and came and sat behind me. he put his legs around me so that i could lean back onto him. and then put his arms around me as if protecting me while at the same time claiming territory. o i thank my cousin so much for convincing me to buy the top i was wearing earlier that day . it was quite a low cut one and in the back it dipped down quite a bit in the back. It showed off my beautifully sun tanned shoulders perfectly and make them look irresistable. well i guess they looked irresistable to him because his lips couldn't help stumbling accross them. you have no idea how ticklish this is. Imagine sitting in church, where you have to be silent during prayer, and having somebody tickle your feet with a giant feather. that might come a near second to the amount of restraint it would take to keep yourself from laughing hysterically. not just that but can you imagine how aroused you would get.!?! he knew what he was doing too. o did he ever. it was part of his aura. aura of arrogance. not arrogant in a bad way. arrogant in the way that makes you want him sooo badly. anyways. so after he regained control of his lips we just sat there a little while just watching and laughing to southpark . well i think that the rest of the gang really honeslty didn't realise that we were in the room with them because at this one point when kenny was in cartmans body and said something like, " ya but carmans fat enough for the both of us " or something i started laughing and almost everybody jumped a foot in the air . my one friend was like . HOLY SH*T where the H*LL did you two come from?!?! this was answered cooly by my other half, we've been here the whole time you n00b, ! then after this shock we went back to watching southpark. i'm going to skip ahead again for a little while because nothing too interesting happened. i was craving cool-aid sooo badly, as much as i didn't want to disturb my hunk from his southpark daze i had to get up. so i went to the kitchen and made sum cool aid. as i was stirring it he came up behind me and put his arms around my waist and kissed my on the neck. if it weren't for that jelly feeling i got everytime he was near my i would have jumped and spilt the juice everywhere. i stopped stirring and turned around so that i was facing him . he had the most beautiful eyes that i have ever seen. the thought clicked in my head as i stood motionless gazing into his eyes. they were such a rich emeral green with a sapphire blue streak through them. i could just stare at them all day. and being an artist you can't imagine how beautiful these eyes seemed to me . i could draw them still now even after all this time and if you knew him you would be able to recognise them instantly. i cant even begin to imagine the thoughts that were going through his head. but i can remember mine. every single one. everything just seemed so clear in that moment. i felt like i knew what i was going to do with my life and everything just became so clear.

  4. ..guy named Alex Johnson. He was everything i ever wanted in a boy: intelligent, likes the Beatles, is a computer geek, loves gaming, and best of all, HES JEWISH!!!


    wow this is sooo creepy. i kno sumbody names alex johnson ( i think thats his last name) and he's a geek.. such a geek and he's jewish.. ahhh whooo are you!! lol sry to be rude but would u mind giving me a country that your from... not canada are you?!

  5. That is so romantic! You are a good writer, maybe you should write some romantic novels and make a buttload of money. I like how you went all indepth and stuff, really compelling! By the way, what was that guys name?


    ya i wish it was as good as it sounded . when i get around to writing what comes next you wont think its as romantic. and i can't tell you his name yet. keep reading . then you might find it out.

  6. i swear that i'm gonna duct tape my mother's mouth is she doesn't start listening to what i say. She always gives me crap for not listening to her, but really its the other way around. I get into trouble from her aLL The time because she never actually listens to EXACTLY what i say. she'll pretend she's listening and only catch a FEW of the details like... if i said i was going to wear a red and pink dress with black butterflies on it she would only catch that i was going to wear a dress. her listening to me saying what i'm gonna wear isn't realli important cuz i have a much better fashion sense then her anyways but when its important stuff she NEVER listens !! am i just being a *BLEEP* and its normal for parents to do this or is she just being rude? do ne of you guyz get that?

  7. I've experienced those kind of situations before. ALWAYS get interupted when it get's to the good part....

    Guess I really need to find a place without anything so that i can finish up before i wake up.:P


    ahhh thats sooooo sounds wrong!! i know exactly how you all feel though!! usually i'll have the BEST dreams when i'm sleeping at a mates house or they're sleeping over at mine and then they waked me up right in the middle of the good bit and through something heavy and close to my hand at them and then they usually shut up for a while and i roll over and go back to sleep.

  8. Well... My name would be Tyler to your average person. Ty to some, TJ to a very select few.... come to think of it I havent been called that since like 3rd grade but oh well...


    I Do however have a very interesting name to one person... I am Lerch. I dont quite understand why, but I am lerch and I am supposed to dye my hair green. I have also been told I was crazy... but then we decided I am not crazy, I am eccentric! And im going to marry some wench and colonize the Yukon and have lots of bipolar children named Sparticus! And that is my story about me and my friend who has dubbed me Lerch!


    hehehehe thats funny!!!!! i'm eccentric too!!!!! i have a funny one too.. peoples keep calling me Elesh but my names Julia. ... and this is a funny chain thing we have






    bin lauden..

    and thats how elesh became bin lauden!!!

  9. Maybe it is because I've gotten a lot older, but I personally like the old Nick shows much better.  Like Rugrats, Hey Dude, Salute your shorts, and Doug... they new ones like The Fairly Odd Parents just are not anywhere near as good in my opinion.


    ooo i agree with that too!!! but i still like fairly odd parents!!!

  10. hm... last time I said "I love you" or "I'm sorry" was in 2002-ish. And I do chip out once in a while =P


    awww . i feel so bad. that must be horrible to have parents like that! have you tried talking to them about how you feel ? maybe if you ask them not to be so racist infront of you they might make a concious effort not to be.

  11. Read I promise you'll Love it

    Okay this is pathetic i know, i should be over what him already, and i want to be able to honestly say i am, but i can't. if i did it would be a lie. I went back to my home country for my holidays and was having a great time. You know the usual, shopping, partying, sun bathing. Everything was wonderful. I had been away at families for a while but when i got back my best friend and i went to a friend of her's party. I was like, "Party, I'm in!" and to top it off it was a pool party, so there i was, all excited to show off my curvy bum bum in my new pretti baithing suit. Thinking, 'O its just friends i don't need to worry about looking good, it's not like there's any guys there' Wrong. Oh how wrong was i?!?!? So we pulled up to his house and got out of the car, went round back to where everyone was and walked in. Sitting in the hot tub talking to my now great bud, "Hair" was this o-so-sexi guy with gorgeously tanned, perfectly toned body. My heart stopped. My stomach instantly filled with butterflies, I had to look away or else i would have probably either drooled or cried out for this being the ONLY day i chose not to bother looking pretty. Anyways i'm going to skip to the good parts because nothing relavent happened until a little while after. So we exchanged emails and started talking on msn for a while. Me being the out going person i am told him straight out that i thought he was sexi. and as it turned out he thought i was pretty darn fine myself. We started running into eachother at a lot of places. And it got to a point that i couldn't go anywhere without seeing him. Which was fine by me because he was just candy for my eyes. So one time we were out sumwhere and had spotted eachother as was usual he invited me and my gang back round to his house. Naturally i accepted, its not every day some fox invites you back to his. So the day after we all went to his and messed around for a while. When we finally all got too lazy to move anymore we gathered round the tv and watched some scary movies. Obviously we were sitting next to eachother. Somehow, without me noticing he had put his arm round my shoulders in one of the scary bits where i closed my eyes *i know i'm a wuss* and he was hugging me to him whenever it was scary. Well lets just say that movie just got a whole lot scarier!!! Oh did he ever smell good. I'd secretly smell him everytime i was scared. We left a bit later then normal that night and i was a bit happier as well. Smelling something that good kinda makes you feel happy inside. Fast forwarding again to a good point. It was our turn to have everybody over. We were all outside at one point playing "beach" volleyball out on the front and this mini-van came pelting down the road at 85Km/H roughly and my gorgeous guy just says, "dan's here". sure enough dan, with half his torso sticking out of the driver's window screams, "i'll be there in 5 minutes" . 5 minutes later dan arrives and we started playing again. Again we all became too lazy to move anymore and again we gathered round the tv and watched dan pwn everyone at PS2. That soon became boring so we decided to play with matches. As you do. We thought of the brilliant idea of *DO NOT TRY THIS IT HURTS* drenching our hands in perfume and then lighting it fire and seeing what colour the flames went then plunging it into the pool when it burnt through. This lasted quite a while. Fire is quite entertaining after all. It then progressed into flicking lit matches at eachother and then into just plain out war of fire. Which then resulted in me having to get the hose and snap them all out of it. After the fire frenzy wore off everyone went back inside...well, almost everyone. Little did i know my summer hunk remained behind. I turned round from putting the hose away and saw him, nervous about what i should i walked round to the other side of the house in search of the ball, really it was just an excuse to release myself from the gaze of his dreamy eyes. He followed me. My heart was beating fast. I thought for sure that he could hear it. He walked slowly up to me. I was frozen, like a deer in headlights. My heart racing like a greyhound. He was inches away from me then, his chest was touching mine. He was taller then me, but so much so that it made it aquward, it was perfect. His arm slowly wrapped around me and rested on my lower back. his other arm imitating and resting in the exact middle of my back. As if in a trance i lifted my arms around his neck and leant in towards him. Gently he kissed me on the lips, his lips as soft as the purest of silks. He kissed me again this time i felt him open his mouth a slight bit. He kissed me again. I felt a sensation that i had never felt before. I had dreamed about, lusted for this moment for so long and it was finally happening. It was better then i had ever dreamed about. Our lips parted and we rest our heads against eachother. My legs felt like jelly and i felt like there was no way that he didn't hear my heart. As if it couldn't get any better he whispered in my ear, in that sexy voice of his, " Will you be my gurl?" My mind screamed the answer, OFCOURSE, definately, YES, but i just whispered back in the sexiest whisper i could muster, " sure, why not."





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