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Posts posted by TiKiRoKhaN

  1. Just a question for you guys who have played it.


    I read a review online (I forget which site, could have been gamespot or ign...I forget where I visited half the time anyways)...and the reviewer said that Age of Empires 3 was little more than a small improvement upon Age of Empires 2 and was not nearly as good as its predecessors.


    Is this true?  Because I saw some of the graphics and they looked absolutely amazing, I mean...I'm an old school RTS'er and looking for something that I can match up with the fun I had playing starcraft and the original Age of Empires.


    The reviews from Gamespot, Computer Gaming World, etc... are all generally right. IGN is a little generous.


    The graphics are no better than those of BFME (Battle for Middle Earth), and the units don't even have faces (even in WarCraft III, one of the first 3-D RTS games, units had faces). Those bullets are rediculously unrealistic as well...


    The Home City is a PoS that does little for the game. The campaign is very poorly done, as well being boring.


    The regular game is once again, a yawn. Seem to be some major balance issues as well.


    Instead of spending your hard-earned money on this PoS, spend it on something like Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War, or Act of War: Direct Action. You could also wait for Company of Heroes, Battle for Middle Earth II, and Star Wars: Empire at War to come out. Any of those games are at least 50x better than AoE3.


    Like CGW said, if AoE3 were released 4-5 years ago (pretty much, before WarCraft III), then it might have been a decent game, but being released now with such other great RTS titles and even better ones to come, it just flat out sucks.

  2. hey hi all! i have this age of empires 3 and it is completely out of this world starting from  the new stories, campaigns and the amazing graphics it has, with the age of mitology i thought i have seen all but when i first played aoe3 i felt like i was going to die and no one can take me out of my pc when playing aoe3. The requirements are not high, a normal computer of this times can hold the task of aoe3. I have an Optiplex from dell with 128 mgs of ram, a xtreme graphics 2 with 90 mgs in video and a intel pentium 4 of processor with 2.8 gs...hope it helps you


    OK, i give up. Obviously none of you have played a real RTS.

  3. i agree thats the mine problam if you wanna play good games you have to have a very powerfull computer and now its very fast developing around computers so practicly if you want to play all the best games you have to have hell a lot money. B)


    If you just upgrade parts of your computer every now and then it's not that bad (like, upgrading your video card one year, processor another, and ram another, then repeating...)

  4. Being someone who can play both games with the highest detail, resolution, etc...


    Act of War: Direct Action does look better.  Even Battle for Middle Earth looks better, or is at least on-par (mostly b/c of the really nice lighting effects in that game).  The thing that hurts AoE3 the most is that the terrain and stuff is nice, but the units models suck.  Even WarCraft III has faces on their units.  You can't really see faces on the AoE3 ones.  Gameplay-wise it's horrible as well.  What might have been ok 4-5 years ago is far outdated now.  I'm so rediculously glad that I only downloaded the demo and didn't buy the game.


    Yes, AoE3 is the worst RTS of the year. You know it's bad when Computer Gaming Magazine gives a sequel a '3'

  5. That was odd... didn't post what I typed...Anyways, as much as I totally disagree with how the team is handling it... there is a mod in the works that will convert WCIII into SC (hence, giving you the 3-D graphics).Anyways, even twere that not so, Blizzard would make an actual SC2 and not just a graphics upgrade. If they were going to do that, they would have already. They'll probably start on SC2 after they finish Ghost.

  6. ...AoE3 sucks... the graphics are ok, but not nearly as good as they could be, or were supposed to be. The campaigns are, weak, hollow, and shallow, and offer very little. The skirmishes are quite boring. Balance is off. If it were released 4 years ago, it might have been good, but compared even with something like WarCraft III, AoE3 is horrible. Especially when compared to Dawn of War or Act of War.AoE3 is a peice of ****

  7. My first impression when I read the title was that it was about pop stars and rock stars but lo and behold, its about our universe. That is really very interesting. In fact, I never knew a star had like a life and much less a life cycle. Does anyone have any idea how much a decent telescope for seeing stars might cost and where to get them?


    You can visit, i dont remember were it is. I think its in LA, but you can visit a observatory when there's a event going on and you can see the stars. I did, I saw the cornona, i believe its called. The outer part of the sun, it was beautiful. You could see some fire moving slowly, but of course it was very slow. B)

  8. We are actually turning the project into a mod now.  If you are interested in joining the team, e-mail me at TerranUp16@hotmail.com


    Aye, and what a mod it will be. Already have 14 members, all quite good as well, and with me doing the actual modding? Heh, best mod ever. Really will be quite good. 8 new factions, ****load of new models, me doing the modding, new interfaces, me doing the modding, new splash screen, me doing the modding, new mpq, me doing the modding, new world editor, me doing the modding, new maps, me doing the modding, two new campaigns, me doing the modding, new everything, and of course, me doing the modding =)

  9. e.Notice from jlhaslip:
    Members are reminded to post new topics in an approriate forum. I moved this to General. Web Hosting Requests Forum is for applications only. Thanks.

    :) funny, but really I think we need it to. Bush in my view is just looking for a excuse to look religious, cause that is what gave him the popular vote. So, really its just a joke to him. Maybe he does think we need it, but he wont do it till the end. But then again, i dont like bush first off, so no i dont support him :) and i dont believe he will do it.

  10. Nice picture by the way - leave the poor guy alone :P We get the gist of the idea, of what it is.
    Thanks for sharing :)

    (sorry i havent been around lately) :)
    aww im loved :(, but also. I dont think it would be much of a change to the universe if we die. I mean we have only been around for a blink of an eye in the universe standards.

    But also, I dont think people will ever be able to live sanely on Mars, or any other planets. It is just to much of a change to a person unless they are born there. We people are social, we need exposure to the outside world, and the places.

    Also, I dont think any hippies or anyone would want to live on another planet. Only the self concerned people would want to do that. Instead of moving, we should do the best to keep our world safe and ok. Anyways, I dont think we will be around for the sun to grow. Did you know mars lost its gravitational field due to the suns solar flares.

    so.... even if we did move to mars, we would be attacked by solar flares, which will soon affect the earth due to it being affected for millions of years by the sun. So even the end, there is no escaping. The best we could do, is live our lives to the fullest and have our grandchildren, and the grand childrens grandchildren for centuries to come, to have there lives the best they can. For when the day comes, They will know what it was like to live.

  11. I think I mentioned the 600/0 record I had for Generals Online (which is more competitive than LAN)? I barely played single-player. Terran's right, if you can't win with the SW General every time you play computers or humans (unless you are against another SW General), you stink. All you have to be able to do is stay alive from rushes and initial attacks (which isn't hard), and then just build some defense, then start cranking out Supply Drop Zones and Alpha Auroras (or just plain Auroras for regular US, the tactics are generally the same, except with SW General you will get a Particle Cannon sooner b/c it's 1/2 the price). It's really that simple. You can beat anybody on Generals Online if you can do that.PS: Really, please do go out and buy Act of War...

  12. I meant the Air General b/c no1 allows the SW General b/c it is so rigged. READ stupid **bottom**. I have 600 wins, I'm no noob to the game, I know all the other tactics, I was simply stating the one that works better than all others. Auroras of any type are extremely overpowered. I tried GLA for a bit, but to no avail. With the ability to generate an infinite source of money (all armies can), and with the fact that Auroras are assured to make it to their target, they are impossible to stop if even used partially right. The infinite money means you will always have enough money to build more, and therefore can afford to continually send suicide Auroras to take out enemy superweapons, power, money sources, etc... with virtually no hit to your economy at all. They are assured to get through and you could care less if they make it back.The stealth general is useless, b/c the US player only needs to use their spy satellite and drone. Not to mention the fact that if you think you know where something is, you just use ctrl+click to attack a spot, and the Auroras will drop their bombs there (destroying everything they hit. The game is just so unbalanced it?s sickening.You really need to play Act of War. It?s really quite sad, sitting here listening to you claiming that Generals has even the smallest bit of balance. Even if it had the balance you claim, Act of War would still have 20x better balance at the very least. You really should go buy it and play it, for Generals is nothing compared to it.Act of War > Generals.

  13. By the way, C&C Generals sucks.No balance at all... The SW General is rediculously rigged. The whole US is rigged really (there are these things called Auroras...). I was 600/0 on Generals Online from just being the Air General and Aurora spamming (I was the air general b/c the SW general is so rediculously overpowered that it's banned from most games).Act of War: Direct Action is so much better... there's actually balance in that game (as well as better graphics, better units, better gameplay...)

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