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Posts posted by priyadk

  1. My opinion on this one is that everyone experiences such kind of trauma's at some point of time in their lives..literally everyone.Some people tell it and some don't bcoz they feel and forget it as a dream..I don't think it is a NDE.I had such a experience 2 months back around 4am in the morning.I was unable to breath.I was suffocating.I tried to call for help.Then i felt that it was the mind that was shouting not my mouth.And i was motionless,I could barely move my hands,feet or anything.When i came back to my senses after 15mins,My heart beats were skipping too fast.I didn't sleep for the next 3hrs.Then i started thinking why this happened to me.I thought this might be the answer.I watched a horror movie just a day back.It was a japanese movie.It was so terrible that i couldn't quit thinking abt it for the next 24hrs.After that experience i stopped watching such craps..When you are in a very happy mode...sad mode..emotional mode..when u keep thinking of all these modes,you may experience such kind of trauma at some point but not everytime..The definition of NDE is something like this u are dead for some duration and u come out of your body.U can see yourself and when you get transported somewhere and after that prolonged duration,u come back into your body..See..Life after death is still a unresolved mystery after all the latest technical advancements in the current world.When it gets solved scientifically..I think you can have answers to all these NDE stuffs.But i dont think it is possible.I think something spiritual is there behind all these events..That is a different topic altogether..So don't take it as serious issue.If u have a bad day..Just think about it the whole day..But don't take it to the time u sleep bcoz that 8hrs are the most peaceful hours in a day for you..Wish you good luck..

  2. Actually..the fact is when we play with kids..we become kids..And they enjoy life bcoz they dont have any tensions and worries and what they feel is whatever they do,parents are behind to protect them in any case.But after reaching a particular age,they start to feel that there have some responsibility in their life.That is the point they start to feel the tension and totally everything changes..That is life..

  3. Right! i also got a link shared by my friend..The moment i saw that i understood that it was a fake message circulating around.If it was a real news,it would have been broadcasted in all tv channels and so on.The people who are using the product for their babies would have thrown it in the dustbin after seeing these message. They know that the message is 99% fake but still they dont want to risk the life of their kids for that mere 1%..

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