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Everything posted by edmarkcore

  1. Is it just me, or is this turning into a sacrificial-type cult as we speak? (Who brought the Kool-aid?)Seriously, there's more to life than just dwelling on the bad stuff......and if you can't get over things, try methods of coping with the problems.....*toke**toke*, can't argue with that one.....er.....I mean......drugs are bad, mmkay? If you're of age, alcohol is a good calm-you-downer.....or is that Prozac?......ok, forget all the drug-induced ideas.....Every person on the face of the planet has at least one thing that brings a smile to their face in life.....if you don't, then you're not looking hard enough.....a couple in here have said that they hate what they have become........well, you got yourself here....if you don't like how you got here, take a different route to where you are going...that simpleFind a song that brings a smile to your face.......walk down the street and hit a homeless person with a whiffle bat.......go set a case of Ensure on the doorstep of the old folks home......go to the nearest teen pregnancy clinic, and while they're all asleep, put their hands in warm water (I love Family Guy.....greatest show ever). Do something that will bring a smile to your face. There's bound to be something where you live that can make you smirk. If not, move somewhere else.....like Florida where they can't count...California, where a *bleeped out word* actor is now the Gov., or to North or South Dakota where......well.....it's the Dakotas....enough said. Hey, if all else fails, move to Canada.....sure, the weather sucks, but the drinking age is lower!!
  2. I, personally, absolutly cringe whenever I hear those commercials on TV. I mean, come on.....hearing Franz Ferdianand's "Take Me Out" sung by a whole bunch of little kids makes me hate that song, even when I hear the real version on the radio!!Seriously, what's next? "Question" by System of a Down? "Dr. Feelgood" by Motley Crue?? Instead of sticking with the crappy pop music that's infesting MTV, they're starting to hit the better mainstream bands. They can rip off as many boy / girl band songs as they want....they all suck to begin with, let these kids promote just how sucky the songs are......but so help me, if by kids bop 11, they're doing "Enter Sandman", I will start listening to country music....and I HATE country music.....but it would sure beat jamming my fingers into my ears everytime their commercials come on
  3. Actually, there will be 2 versions of the 360...one at $299, the other at $399. The greater one will have the wireless controler, a HDD upgrade, and something else.....can't remember at the moment. Give it a year, and the prices of both will drop a whole lot, which is what I'm definatly gonna be waiting for. As far as the TiVo thing, I don't believe that will be a feature. That would mean that the 360 would have to have both a calbe input and outupt (not the old RF cable....actuall cable jacks built into the system). And Steve, it's the graphics core that runs at 500 mhz.....the actual processor speed clocks in around (correct me if I'm wrong) 3 core processors running at 3.2 ghz each. Just a tiny bit more powerful that the current xbox
  4. Seeing as how I play video game way too much, it's kinda hard to pick just one favorite genres. I guess the majority of games I play would fall into the FPS area. Definatly love the Halo and Halo 2, as well as the Rainbow 6 and Splinter Cell series. RPGs are also a good time.....just got done with Indigo Prophecy.....what a mindtrip that was! Would definatly recomend that game to any RPG fan!!
  5. lol....makes me think of the lyrics to Denis Leary's song "*BLEEP*":You know what I'm gonna do?I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadilac El Dorado ConvertableHot pink!With whale skin hub capsAn all leather cow interiorAnd big brown baby seal eyes for headlightsYEAH!And I'm gonna drive around in that babyAt 115 miles per hourGetting one mile per gallonSucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds in the old-fashioned non-biodegradable Styrofoam containersAnd when I'm done sucking down those grease-ball burgersI'm gonna wipe my mouth with the American flagAnd then I'm gonna toss the Styrofoam containers right out the sideAnd there ain't a Goddamn thing anybody can do about itYou know why?'Cause we got the bombs, that's why!Two words: Nuclear *BLEEP*in' WeaponsOkay!?
  6. No offense taken what so ever.....I'll admit, video games can contribute to violent behaviors, but when people are trying to put all of the blame on video games, that's what I think is the messed up part
  7. *edit Sorry, didn't mean to have the quote from a prior comment in there......
  8. Doesn't anyone else find it ironic that the same government that is putting all the blame on video games for all of the violence, etc, is the SAME government that not only sent but still have our troops over on the other side of the planet (killing people, if I'm not mistaken). People who have problems with things like this always try and find a scapegoat to blame all their problems on. People are getting fat off of fast food, so they're suing the fast food restaraunts because "they didn't know the food was bad for them...kids are using guns.....let's blame video games. While we're at it, Bill Clinton got some from Monica in the White House....should the porn industry be shut down for that one? EVERYONE has problems.....and EVERYONE is different.....and EVERYONE has different views on everything. I'm sure if we were to start a post up with this list of things, the replies of arguments would never end 1. Video Game Violence 2. Explicit lyrics in music 3. Abortion 4. War in Iraq The media needs things to dwell on, and the government always seems to have ways to spark things up. We might as well sit back and watch everyone argue till their blue in the face Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go play some Serious Sam.....
  9. Just got through beating a new game called Indigo Prophecy on the Xbox...I must say it was an AMAZING game. If anyone else has played it, has any opinions on it, etc., post here!
  10. To go into a little more detail about the XBE files, it's files / programs that were made using the Microsoft SDK (System Developers Kit) for the Xbox. It's to be used only by MS employees, and none of them would ever get away with making "extras" for the xbox, hence those certain files / programs are illegal.
  11. It is a pretty fun and addicting game. My favorite part is taking the ride (can't remember the name......the one where it shoots people straight up in the air), and making it really tiny, and set the acceleration to 90 mph....watch them go flying off of the ride. When I first did it, I thought they were gonna land right back onto the ride, but nope.....ride blew up. That's when you tear it down, build a new one, and start whistling like nothing happened.
  12. I loved Halo 2!! It made for some great times in college when all of our internet ports are connected, so we'd all plug in our Xboxes and have a 16-player rocketfest! And the new levels that they came out with make for some insane Multi-Flag CTF!Only think I don't like about Halo 2 is when you've got 4 people on one box, and you all 4 find each other, start shooting each other like crazy, and the game lags a bit......maybe it's just me on that one......
  13. What all do you have stored on your hard drive right now? I've looked into all of the legal legistics of this....I found all of the loopholes
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the modchips are illegal....it's what you DO with them that makes the process illegal. You bought the system....you can do whatever you want with it......with each system, however, it just voids the warrenty. I myself have a modchip in my xbox. I added a 120 GB hard drive as well.....transferred all of my music files (all ripped from CDs I own, don't worry) and made backups of my DVD collection. Saves some extra wear and tear on the disks, plus I'd rather much listen to all of my music on my sweet surround sound system rather than my tiny crappy PC speakers
  15. I would suggest just waiting a year on getting either system....that's hard for me to say, seeing as how I spend a vast majority of my time in front of my xbox. Give them time to work out little kinks that they are bound to have with the first ones that go off of the shelves. Remember the very first xbox's....how the power supply unit had problems with over heating...some even catching on fire? A year or so down the road, they had a newer version which took care of that problem. And if that doesn't do it for you, the price will be a lot cheaper in a year, as well. I'm all for the latest and the greatest, but I'd want the upgraded 360, and I'm not that ready to drop 400 on one as soon as they come out. Give it a year and it will drop down to sub-300. And to stick with the topic, go with the 360
  16. 360 will also offer a new thing called the Xbox Marketplace.....kind of like a branch off of xbox live. What it does, is when you complete a certain goal in any game ex. Beat Level 5 of Tony Hawk, you would recieve XX amount of points. You can then turn around and use those points to buy new things for your game....new skateboards for your skaters, new guns for halo 3, etc.
  17. A majority of the more popular Xbox games right now will be backwards compatible with the 360. In the near future with the 360, they will come out with updates that you can get on xbox live that will give you compatibility for older games
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