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Everything posted by mobileunlocking

  1. yea i heard the same just look at yahoo Mick
  2. yea phpbb is alot more easyer to use than invision but i like invision better :)Mick
  3. i realy realy realy realy hate it lol.carnt stand it anymore lol.Mick
  4. well i dont a site would ever get 90 billion hits aday dont you lolunless where in the year 90,000 lolMick
  5. lol 23.thats not old thats just very old lolomnly joking.Mick
  6. well i actualy want copyright on web design casue what if you made a design and a big company used it and put it on there site saying they have made it and other stuff.i would like copyright to stay on web designs and templates.Mick
  7. ignor him googlue.i dont think he ment it.Mick
  8. i dont realy think there should be copyright on html.you should realy let every1 use it etc.i think copyrigh on html and dhtml is just stupid i hate it and want it baned :)Mick
  9. plz can you stop being offensive.googlue be be offened now.Mick
  10. you have posted this topic some where els http://forums.xisto.com/topic/2335-scripting-forums-how-to-or-where-to-find/ /CLOSED Mick
  11. ill do that ill put it on all of my sites for you admin.Mick
  12. i think what there trying to ask is for a india forum where all the indians can post there etc.am i right?Mick
  13. Welcome to Xisto Blizard_DragonWe hope you ejoy your stay here and if you need any help just.You only need 10 post for some hosting :)EnjoyMick
  14. iv edit your poll cause you did some spelling mistakes lol.Mick
  15. well all you have tro do to setup up a forum on here is whe your get hosting on here you go on scrips and then press invision board and then it will ask you where you want to put it like /forum eg:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then it will ask you to creat a admin username and password. it can be what ever you want it to be then press install and then your forum will be sorted :)Mick
  16. takes a bt long for your site to full load.iv joined your site for you but i might need some banners etc.Mick
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