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About Dragoneye
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To all Hard-Core gammers. Microsoft is saying there aiming for your mothers and wives. In a few weeks. Microsoft plans to introduce a marketing campaign to extand Xbox 360 beyond young men who are currently Xbox's biggest fans. Microsoft is hoping to win a big share of the market from Playstation 2. By promoting a more family-friendly image for the new Xbox. Xbox 360 will be on U.S shelves Nov.22, for Europe its Dec.2 and Japan Dec.10. 2001 MicroSoft introduced Xbox which was focused on typically male ages 17 to 24, who wanted a high-end machine with better graphics and a complex game function. The PS2 and Nintendo GameCube put more emphasis on reaching the mainstream market. This time Microsoft plans a wider attack, Brochures going to major retailers to describe Xbox's 360 ability to double as a DVD Player and MP3 player. Even thou the game functions while AMAZING are now only a small part of the message. The point, said Bill Nielsen Who oversees marketing for Xbox 360 is to help convince women in the family that "this is for you, too," The brochure EVEN says " Here are some things you might want to tell your wife this thing does." Over Labor Day weekend Micosoft and Pepsi began a radio promotion to give away 9,000 Xbox 360's by Nov 22. These ads where not only for Hard-core gamers but for Women too. Microsoft will also try to showcase a more family-oriented games. Xbox has depended on popularity of games like Halo. But the new Xbox will promote games like Kameo an action-adventure game for young teens including girls. Even with all these features like a DVD player and Image Viewing there only Icing on the cake. "But first and foremost this thing will always be viewed as a game machine." The Xbox base will be focused on the first few months to hard-core gamers willing to pay $299 U.S for a Base model and $399 model with add-ons like wireless controller. The early indications are that demand for Xbox will be strong. Online preorders have been so high some retailers are now only taken preorders only for bundle packages. The web site GameStop for example offers an Xbox bundle for $699 which includes 5 games and a extra controller. The stakes are high for Microsoft, sence Sony and Nintendo plan to introduce new consoles next year. In the game wars PS2 has sold 30 million units, GameCube 10 Million and Xbox 13 million. They plan on starting out with 2 to 3 million Xbox 360 units but the demand could be even higher shortage might even benefit Microsoft by attracting attention well into 2006. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Cleverly left out few words here and there to bypass plagiarizing the original article however it's still copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Warning issued by OpaQue.
I own a PSP.... But i let my Roomate use it more then i. its ok for games or tranporting computer files but for playing Music or watching movies i dont find its worth it. They did try to sqezze alot into it. Also ive had some problems using mine files certain files not allowed, ive had a few files disappear.... and i find music quality isnt that great.
Yea i downloaded the AOE 3 Demo the other day pretty cool.... AOE has come a long way i remember playing the original Age Of Empire's which was cool. I still play AOE 2 age of the kings and the expansion.I found you cant really practice using AOE 2 to try to play AOE 3 to many different things systems been kinda changed around.LoL i was really good at AOE 2 i could play on Hard *after i moded it so they didnt build so many towers* and i could do really good win basicly ever times AOE3 lmao i got owned a few times mostly because i was palying around with the new features.
I just bought a Palm Trio the other day.... This has to be the best phone ive ever owned. I got internet, phone, camera, date planner, touch screen geez there so much on this thing it came with a book and the books pretty big lol....Still havent been into everything, and dont know what everything does but its pretty cool.... i can be in the middle of no where and still login online which is awsome, its not alot bigger then a IPOD .... So its pretty compac....Oh another thing i think is great came with a Wirless Blue Tooth Headset which is big these day's.Even thou the screen isnt that big its still awsome to have if you are on the run alot, its on 24/7 i get about 2 days outta it without having to recharge it and i was using its ALOT.... was it worth 700 bucks, oh yea well i got it for free i get a 700 dollar + bill next month lmao.
Well yea know they dont have any idea's for movies when they use games as there base for a movie.... Yes RE movie didnt really relate to the game some people didnt like it because they thought it was going to be just like the game....Personal i liked it.Doom well i knew this was coming someday.... i figure already they will change the whole thing basicly just use the base of the game.... Still pretty sweet with all this new tech in making movies plus the Rock he's a pretty good actor so i really hope this movies good Trailers are awsome.
is that a Everquest char? WoW is hands down the best RPG online game's to date. Well for now anyways some day they may get beat by another game. WoW is the first game i was willing to pay to play online what really instrested me was Warcraft.....lol
Yea i heard they where making a game looks really cool. I got all the Stargate movies on DVD i got every season up to season 7.... Just picked up Stargate Atlantis dvd set.... I checked out some trailers there pretty cool. im gald they do have vehicals too.
Socom 3 come's out tommorow yay i got it pre ordered.... lol total forgot about it till last night when i watched Ultimate gamer.I really liked Full Spec Warrior but Socom 3 is gonna top all of my game's lol... hopfully im not let down i went to E3 and it was great...Anyone Else Looking Forward to Socom3 for the PS2?
used to play RS.... lol went to World Of Warcraft way better..... your goal to boot Zizima outta first place lol.... Not sure i saved up money bought tons of coal and iron and smithed it all then made steel plates then high alched them all.... mabe all my money back and just repeat till lvl 99 ....