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Posts posted by arghyaghosh01

  1. actually i believe in ghost because I believe that if there is god then there is evil or ghost. but the thing is spirit cannot do anything or cannot hamper anyone. but in parapsychology tells us that evil may possessed you and do anything what they want that's why I afraid of ghostyes very much

  2. my favorite actor is akshay kumar. I am a very very big fan of him. I have seen all movies of him and also I have sooo many pictures of him. I love his every movies, ads, tv shows and everything. Actually I dont know I love his every single steps I always follow his path, I follow twitter & face book every day. I know everything about him because I love him a lotI am a big fan of him

  3. It has been observed that the most common causes of a heart attack are addiction to drugs, too much stress, very bad eating habits and sleeplessness.Actually what happens is, in the heart, coronary artery gets blocked by things like unsaturated fat , bad cholesterol etc. for this reason blood can not move easily through the artery so it becomes very difficult for the heart to pump blood .So, the point that comes out is that if we can restrict ourselves from the above mentioned causes, then it become easier to restrict a heart attack as well and make our heart healthy forever :D

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