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Posts posted by vivek2012

  1. You are confusion is quiet understandable since you are living in an age where love is considered almost as a commodity. The days are over when love was considered as the most valued and sacred emotion of the humanity. In the today’s world love is bought and sold as good as a commodity that is being bought and sold in the market. You say - Give - Give - yeah it is possible but it is not love that is taken on its face value by the recipient is accepting it, it is the value of the GIVER that is taken in its face value. You say - TAKE TAKE - yeah it is also possible to go by the TAKE TAKE policy in love affairs. But again, the person taking it is not taking it by its original face value, but the taker would take it and give it a value in accordance with the value of the person from whom it is taken. So you know the case of GIVE - TAKE policy. No need to elaborate it. Ditto.Of course, there are exceptions to it. There are people who still take love by its face value. Ready to sacrifice their lives for it. But they are already in endangered species category.But, mostly if you see, the love affairs of the day do not stand the test of the time. They fail miserably, in the most of the cases, in withstanding the onslaught of the ‘fate’ as it is called famously, within a short span of time. Then the reverse of the love i.e. its alter-ego – hate, wins over it. And when some good thing rots due to any reason, it would emit the most foulest of the smells. Love is no exception. A love affair turned sour is the most dangerous relationship in the world. The relationship may continue till the very last day of the characters involved on this planet. But it would be stark hate that would be the driving force behind such an existence. You would get to see a lot of persons, especially in India leading lives like that. It is out of the consideration of social standing and misplaced pride that such ‘relationships’ last. In the West it won’t last even for a second after the relationship turned sour. However, I would still like to believe or hope that ‘love’ in its true form still exists. One may be able to find it in some remote village where the science and technology along with its alter-egos greed and destruction have not made inroads into it. That is the only place where you may be able to find at least a sign of that fine emotion of humanity called LOVE still alive thriving with all its fine characteristics, as the people living there would be living in total communion with NATURE. NOT like us, the unfortunates on the earth, who are destined to live the lives of MACHINES. Machines have no humane qualities.

  2. These ‘problems’ as you would like to call it have, it seems, since, been lost its significance as a matter to be paid immediate attention by humanity in order to bring about solutions to solve it. In the struggle to prove as the fittest to survive, the humans have lost their faculty of foresightedness by which they used to see the magnanimity of the problems that surrounded them form time to time. No body really cares any more. The problems are there and would continue to exist.


    Natural resources. It is a heartbreaking fact that we are running out of natural resources. In fact we are not ‘running out of it’ - we are ‘out running it” may be the phrase that would be more suitable to it. The world is in the grip of a few thousand people who are not interested in the preservation of its natural resources which is the real ‘treasure’ and the gift by the God Almighty. These few thousands are not at all worried about it and are in mad rush to amass man made wealth for the upkeep of their generations to come. Come to think of it. What a pity it is. By the time these generations have arrived on the planet, their would be nothing natural left for them to live on but the man made wealth which are of no use to them without the firm support from the nature. There will be no ‘nature’ at all by the time. Everything will be artificial. And nothing to make them remain as human beings would be there. They will be living like people from the primordial times - almost beasts. The only distinguishable characteristics left in them as human beings would be their ability to stand erect on two legs.


    Unequal distribution of finances. Why to bother. When there are no natural surroundings left, the human race would meet with its ‘natural’ end - extinction. Then what is the use of ‘Money’?


    Dishonesty. The less talked the better about it. I doubt my own honesty as a human being who is nothing but mute spectator of the horrendous destruction of the natural resources around me by a handful of my own brethren.


    Violence. It is a way of life for us. Earlier the religion was the way of life for human beings. Let us live with it. Is there any remedy? I don’t think. The advocates of violence are so powerful that it is their mercy that we, the non-violent ones, are allowed to live for one more day. As Sydney Sheldon says “Tomorrow never comes”. If by chance it comes make the best use of it.


    In the mean time try to go by the rule “Live and Let live” rather than the “Live and Let die” policy. That way one may get to live through the time the All Merciful God has kindly allotted one on this planet without meeting with an untimely end. It, however, depends on the Grace of God though. One will have to really strive to be a recipient of it.

  3. Friendship is something that happens spontaneously between two persons. You may be able to ‘make’ friendship with someone of your choice irrespective of the fact that the other person is willing for it or not. The feeling for companionship with somebody, these days, is a conscious choice of people and not a spontaneous happening as it used to be in the days of the yore. It is the curse of the commercialization of everything including human feelings and passions. The facilities to make our lives more comfortable that are provided by the present times brings along a sense of insecurity too, which makes us to view most of our brethren in a not so humane light. Therefore, it is nothing but natural that the friendships of the day are made on a conscious decisions by all of us. It is more so since we don’t possess ourselves the qualities that we are trying to find in a person to be in possession to qualify as our friend!However, you can still find and make friendships provided you have a real longing for it. And, who knows you may be even lucky to find somebody of your choice!

  4. According to Sigmund Freud “a dream is a disguised fulfillment of a repressed wish”. I think one should give due credit to him for an observation such as this. It is the most well balanced and trustworthy opinion on dreams He has put in a lot of efforts and taken a lot more pains to arrive at this conclusion. I bow to him with due respects. But I believe, there is something more to it. If it is only suppressed wishes that are the origin of our dreams, then why do we dream a lot many things which have no connection whatsoever with our suppressed wishes. For example, I have seen many times snakes, scary situations where I have been subjected to so much of pain and anguish, departed Forefathers etc which, I am almost sure, in most of the cases, were certainly not connected with any suppressed or repressed wishes of mine.



    However, I believe that it is an attempt by our subconscious mind, which is the repository of all the memories from our past lives, and is active while we are asleep, to bring into your conscious mind a bit of information from the hitherto unexplored and immeasurable store of the accumulated memories of our past lives. I donot know whether you believe in the theory of past lives or not. To me whatever my forefathers have told about the universe and its inhabitants are gospel truths. Therefore, I believe in past lives.


    Though it is difficult for me to provide you with some solid evidences for my point of contention with regards to the dreams i.e. its relationship with past lives, I think it would be possible for anybody to see this connection if contemplated with a little more enthusiasm/interest.




    We are living in an age in which the technological advancement has almost reached its peaks. But along with the joy and happiness it has brought through this advancement, it also contributed to a very noticeable change in the private lives of human beings.

    The ‘peephole’ technologies, that have been developed side by side with the other technological advancements, has been posing a threat to the “Privacy” of human beings, which was guarded with utmost care by the human race till the advent of this technological boom, as it is widely known as.

    In fact it is Internet which should take a major share of the blame for it. Through Facebook, Blogs, emails et al, the human race is going public by revealing the most intimate part of their lives. Add to that the mobile telephone bloom - it has almost created havoc in the private lives of a major percentage of the total human race. To peep into the private lives of the hapless and vulnerable, with or without their knowledge, click a picture or MMS clip and thereafter send it to other people at will and create havoc in the lives of the affected persons has been made easily possible by invention of Mobile Telephones.

    Then comes the reality shows. There are umpteen numbers of so called “Reality Shows’ are aired through TV channels, which focuses on the private lives of people and make it as much public as possible.

    Further, the cyber-inspecting agencies does their bit to invade into the private lives of their respective citizens by monitoring emails, telephonic conversations etc. Of course, there are good reasons making such checking mandatory from the security point of view of a nation, but nonetheless it also is a form of peeping into the privacy of a human being.

    There may be a number of other areas, through which the privacy of human beings are compromised/invaded, which I may have not touched upon due to my limited knowledge in the subject matter. However, from what I have gathered, it becomes very clear to me that the day is not far when we would be biding adieu forever to one of the pillars of our society - the PRIVACY.

  6. One must say that your opinion that the ‘humanity must be destroyed is indicative of a very dangerous point in the time of the history of humanity on this planet. The history is witness of many a cruel human beings who had destroyed millions of people in the name of politics, misplaced religious beliefs etc. But this opinion of yours comes as a surprise to me and sends a shiver down my spine when I contemplate about the possibility of that thought getting converted into a reality by someone. You are one among the 700 plus billion people that inhabit this planet. 700 plus Million! And to moot even an idea to destroy a race as vast as that because of a few among them believe that the race has lost its fitness to live on is, to say the least, precarious. Even the worst of the humans such as Hitler, Mussolini et al (to their credit!) had destroyed only a few millions. Even such hardcore dictators have not contemplated a complete destruction of the human race. Of all the species on this planet, the humans are the only ones gifted with the faculty to think, contemplate. Of course, it is a fact that that this faculty of thinking presently is being used mostly for destructive purposes. But that does not mean that the same faculty is not being used for constructive purposes. Of course, it is. There are millions of people who whole heartedly use this faculty for the well being of the human kind. In certain cases there a few hundred thousands who have dedicated their lives for this cause. We all owe our existence, howsoever wretched it may be, to this minority! In fact, it is their presence which is the nemesis of the evil forces of the world, and the prime reason that prevents the world getting taken over by these evil forces.Therefore, though the evil forces on this planet seems to have an upper hand over the good forces for the time being, we should not forget that we have dealt with all the predecessors them such as Hitler, Mussolini etc and taught them with befitting replies. Actually it is a cycle which repeats itself in the human history. The periods of living in agony have always paved the way to living in ecstasy too. Cheer up. Look at the brighter side of the life.

  7. Let me start quoting from a James Hadley Chase novel titled “the World in My Pocket”. I am quoting it from memory, therefore, it may not be as exactly as it appears in the book. A character in the novel replies to a question about money

    “Money, money is power, it is fun, food and drink, cigarettes and love. Money is a motor car, petrol, clothes and shoes, it is everything you can think of”

    The axis of the world in which we live today is Money. Without it you are a nobody in the world. The good old human values which were the pillars of the societies the world over have single handedly been replaced by the Almighty Money. Everything orbits around money.

    Therefore, the emergence of greed as the watch word of the day was an inevitable end. The status of a person in the society is measured by the wealth he is in possession of, howsoever stinking it may be. Everything depends on the amount of wealth you amass during the course of your life. The more you amass, the more you feel satisfied and, in turn, admired by the people around you.

    Since ‘survival of the fittest’ is construed and accepted as the natural law of existence, why worry about fact that 90% of the wealth is owned by 2% of the people of the world? They are the creation of the rotting societies across the world. Can somebody do something to bring back the old values in place of the ‘money oriented values’ of the present to save humanity from a possible destruction through a world war III that may be triggered off by the powers that be in their rage to amass more money? God only knows.

  8. Honor Killing as it is widely known as, is a certainly a social evil which is required to be eradicated from its very roots from the society at the earliest possible time. The governments, I think, could do many things to curb this barbaric practice still in force. However, enacting a new law to deal with it may not be as effective as we may think. The need of the hour is education of the masses about this despicable act. The advocates of this heinous crime need to be educated on the true and literal meaning of the word “Honor”. These hapless people consider it an ‘honor’ to do the honor killing. They are not worried about the consequences of it, and one may even prove correct in guessing that these people even feel ‘honored’ to be in prisons for perpetrating it. There may be a moment in their lives when they may actually regret it, but we are not sure of it. Delayed remorse is of no use to anybody, not even to the person who undergoes it.


    While it may be prudent for the government of the countries, where it is in force, to enact laws to arrest this barbarous act, the efficacy of such laws in achieving its desired goal would still be debatable since this act, in most of the cases, is committed by its advocates on misplaced religious beliefs. Of course, there may be other reasons attributable, but majority of the cases reported owes its origin to religious beliefs. Chances are that it may, therefore, exist till the extinction of the human race from this planet, though I nurture a hope that it may even get eradicated when the almighty time reaches a point by where the human generations contributing to this heinous propaganda against humanity may have become extinct.


    I would like to further comment on the following reply by the Trap Grand Marshal.


    As much as I complain about the government in the United States, I have to say, I'm certainly glad I live here and not in some freaking barbaric country where women can be murdered for any complaint that a man might conjure up. I can't think of anything more disgusting and shameful than such a practice.


    I have a little information for you to enlighten you about the misconception that you are staying in a country which is not as barbarous as other countries from where the Honor Killings are reported. It is from an article that is available on Wikipedia on the subject.


    A 2009 study by Phyllis Chesler in Middle East Quarterly argues that the United States is far behind Europe in acknowledging that honor killings are a special form of domestic violence, requiring special training and special programs to protect the young women and girls most likely to be the victim of such practices. The article suggests that the fear of being labeled "culturally insensitive" often prevents government officials in the United States and the media from identifying and accurately reporting these incidents as "honor killings" when they occur. Failing to accurately describe the problem makes it more difficult to develop public policies to address it.[75]

  9. The concept of the existence of more than one universe (Multiverse as it is knows as) is not new. In the Vedas and Puranas (Holy Scriptures of Hindus) the concept would be found mentioned many a times.

    Every universe is covered by seven layers — earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego — each ten times greater than the previous one. There are innumerable universes besides this one, and although they are unlimitedly large, they move about like atoms in You. Therefore You are called unlimited (Bhagavata Purana 6.16.37)”

    Lord Śiva said: "My dear son, I, Lord Brahmā and the other devas, who move within this universe under the misconception of our greatness, cannot exhibit any power to compete with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for innumerable universes and their inhabitants come into existence and are annihilated by the simple direction of the Lord" (Bhagavata Purana 9.4.56)”

    “Even though over a period of time I might count all the atoms of the universe, I could not count all of My opulences which I manifest within innumerable universes (Bhagavata Purana 11.16.39)”

    And who will search through the wide infinities of science to count the universes side by side, each containing its Brahma, its Vishnu, its Shiva? Who can count the Indras in them all--those Indras side by side, who reign at once in all the innumerable worlds; those others who passed away before them; or even the Indras who succeed each other in any given line, ascending to godly kingship, one by one, and, one by one, passing away? (Brahma Vaivarta Purana)

    Therefore, even though it may be new found subject for the modern age scientists to wonder and study about this phenomenon called “Multiverse”, it is an astonishing fact that it, indeed, was a subject for the ancient Hindus and they have arguably commented ‘authentically’ about it. It may be argued that there is no ‘scientific’ proof to support the revelations contained in Hindu Scriptures about the ‘Multiverse”. However, it is an amazing fact many of the findings of the modern science, arrived at with the help of its multifarious accessories and equipments, have only confirmed the ‘revelations’ in the Hindu scriptures, which was earlier rejected for want of ‘scientific proof’, as authentic and scientifically valid. And, you will be astonished to know that these “revelations” were not the outcome of any external equipment or accessories based ‘experiments’, but the outcome of some inborn supernatural powers that these Hindu Rishis (Sages) were possessing! It still remains a mystery.


    I would not like to go too much deep on the subject since it is too large for me to do so. Those who are interested in a deep study may access such information through sources available on Internet or read books on the subject. However, I would like to end this post with the opinion of what the Famous Astrophysicist Carl Sagan had to say on the Hindu scriptures

    The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer time scales still”.

  10. You may have missed some facts when you say that “space is so vast a few burnt up thrusters and some junk satellites are not serious cause for concern and in the vast cosmos not a really large amount of trash when you consider how much room is out there” since these space junk, I quote from an article I happen to read in Internet,

    “circle the earth in orbits as near as 150 miles (240 kilometers) to 22,500 miles (36,200 kilometers) away. Satellites in low orbit aka LEO stay within 500 miles (800 kilometers) and travel extremely fast—17,000 miles an hour (27,400 kilometers an hour) or more—to keep from being drawn back into Earth's atmosphere. Most satellites around Earth are found in the LEO range. Other objects are sent much farther into space and placed in what is called geosynchronous orbit. This allows the satellite to match the Earth's rotation and "hover" over the same spot at all times. Weather and television satellites are generally in this category.”

    The vast space has no doubt is so spacious that anything can fit into it because everything that has been created is and have to be within it. But the space under the purview of the subject under discussion is limited to just above the earth. With regard to your assumption that it is “not a matter of serious cause of concern”, I would like to quote again from the article I have mentioned above;

    “NASA and other national space agencies have identified orbital debris as a serious problem and are currently devising plans to mitigate existing space junk and curb future debris”.

    Therefore, the pollution by space junk above our planet is a matter of serious concern. The effects may not be apparent as of now. But it is sure to bring its share of catastrophes to add to the plethora of catastrophes that presently exist on the planet as the aftermaths of the irrational application of science and technology.



    With regards to your concept about science I would like the great Albert Einstein himself to clarify it; He says

    “A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?”

    The present day scientists makes us believe that more and more and more are required to lead a happy life on this planet. Is not it? He further says

    “Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations.”

    Do you think the technological advancement of the present times has any real concern for man and his fate? I fail to see any real concern.


    In my article titled “Village versus City’, I have tried to highlight the efforts by a few determined villagers to defy the attempts by the city folks to pollute their village by dumping the waste produced at the city.

    Here I would like to highlight one other area being heavily polluted by the human race – the Space. According to a study by US Space Agency NASA, more than five lakh pieces of debris, such as spent rocket stages, broken satellites etc, are there above us orbiting the earth in their dead tracks.

    The mankind has already done whatever they could ‘do’ to make this beautiful planet a place unworthy for living for their future generations by polluting it by mindless and unscientific advancement in the filed of ‘science and technology’. Each day of this ‘advancement’, as they call it, in the field of science and technology would only bring this planet very closer to its ‘untimely’ destruction. The scientific and technological advancements of the present age have already lost its original aim - the aim to help humanity to inhabit this planet more comfortably. The original aim being lost, the aim of these once sacred fields has now been replaced, as it now appears, to making this planet totally uninhabitable for the mankind at the earliest possible time. Alas, nothing, it seems, can be done even to pacify, leave alone preventing, its maddening rush to reach its new found goal, since it is done in the name of ‘scientific and technological advancement’! There are still a handful of ‘human beings’ across the world with guts and gusto in expressing their heartfelt anguish over this maddening rush. But there voices are neither not taken with the required level of seriousness it is worth, or disregarded as ‘musings of persons with a motive to prevent scientific and technological advancement’. And in certain cases these concerned voices are stifled by using strong arm tactics by the powers that be.

    Now the so called scientific and technological advancements have started leaving its ‘identity’ even in the space! It is polluting the space above our planet in the name of ‘space exploration’. The fight for supremacy in the space by the two super powers USA and USSR (now Russia) propelled the pollution of the space and the advent of the IT era made things more worse. Since 1957, numerous explorations of the satellites of the earth and sun have left the space a graveyard of spent rocket stages, broken man made satellites etc. By now a few more numbers of them must have been added to the estimation of NASA of the number of debris presently on the orbit i.e. nearly five lakhs – and more numbers are going to be added in the days to come!

    The situation is alarming, but nobody really cares. May be it is because of the fact that the ill effects of the space pollution have not yet become apparent. Or may be we donot have enough time to tackle this danger looming on our heads since we have a plethora of such issues to deal with on the ground level!

  12. I have some interesting information on the subject. There is a person in India whose name is Prhalad Jani who is claimed to have been surviving without food or water for almost 06 decades! I know it would sound ridiculous to all. I have never had a chance to meet this individual in person, and, therefore, would not like to comment on the authenticity of his claim. However, I am placing the link to the news item that I chanced upon while browsing the net for the information of all.

  13. This is nothing new. The unholy nexus between the pharmaceutical companies and the so called Doctors have been going on ever since the advent of competition in the field of manufacturing of medicines. Earlier it was under wraps, but right now they don’t see any reasons to conceal it any more since they very clearly understand that the Indians have since long become shock proof to withstand the impact of such shocking news. And, in case if you feel that there will be some action from the powers that be or from the so-called ‘concerned citizens’ against such a devilish collaboration, you are mistaken. Nothing of that sort is going to happen. The pharmaceutical companies concerned are well equipped to'deal with them'. Most of the Doctors of India have chosen it as their profession not out of the love for humanity. In most of the cases you will find that they have been forced by their well wishers to opt this as their profession. They secure admission in colleges by virtue of paying hefty amounts as ‘donation’ to the colleges concerned. In addition, a major part of the seats are in the reserved category which are set aside to help students from the minority communities, scheduled castes and tribes, other backward communities etc. Though the merit of setting aside seats for such categories cannot be underrated, the facts remains that a majority of students becoming Doctors by making use of such reserved quota do not possess the required level of passion or quality to do justice to this sacred profession. The saddest part is that the a large number brilliant students possessing passion and quality to serve humanity as Doctors never get a chance to obtain a seat in the colleges mostly due to brute majority of the above mentioned categories. So, it is nothing but natural that most of Doctors would love to forget the Hippocratic Oath that they have taken immediately after taking it! It is these Doctors who view this profession as profit making one and get into collaborations with such pharmaceutical companies and disregard the well being of their patients which is supposed to be their bounden duty! As a result, presently in India the medical shops out number panshops and tea stalls! It is a big, big business. It adds every day crores of rupees to the coffers of the pharmaceutical barons. Therefore, in order to increase the sales, they will do anything within their powers such as the one presently under reference. It is a pity that this country, where Ayurveda was born, things have reached such a pathetic level.

  14. The ‘generation gap’, as they call it, is widening day by day. The so called technological advancement has made the things more worse. There is sharp decline in the sanctity of human relationships. The respect the elders used to command from the youngsters is on the brink of extinction. The incident under reference is just an example of it. Who is to be held responsible? There may not be clear cut answer to it. There would be justifications by both the sides – the elders and the youngsters; they would like to exonerate themselves from being blamed for it.


    As said by a character in the famous novel ‘Day of the Jackal’ written by Frederick Forsyth “we are living in hair raising times’. And, it is a fact that in order to keep up with these times, human being had to make amends to a lot of well established norms in the society. But everything with regards to the human relationships was manageable till the dawn of the IT era. Along with its high-fly facilities that catapulted the humanity into unprecedented technological heights, it also dealt a severe blow to the time tested human values - the mankind is almost brought down to the level of robots. The youngsters, who are living almost like robots, no more care about many values that were so close to the hearts of the elders. They are not interested in anything apart from technologically advanced ‘stuff’, as they call it. The sacred books of the yore that set rules governing the upkeep of the relationships and emphasized on the necessity of safegaurding it for the well being society, have been put aside by the youngsters as ‘trash’. Of course, no efforts worth mentioning was carried out by the elders to take note of this dangerous trend and to nip it in its bud; instead, they simply allowed the youngsters to get on with it. And, now, it is payback time. I feel pity on the father though. I have not seen what was the ‘considered’ opinion of the daughter about her parents, but could presume that it was something really ‘appalling’ so far the hapless father is concerned.


    Though I don’t completely blame the sons and daughters of the present age for the state of affairs as it stands with regards to the relationship with their parents, I would like to remind them of one thing – the gap of age between yours and your parents cannot be shortened even by a second by anything in the Universe, it will remain as it is, try however you may.


    Finally a word of advice to the father concerned - 'Forgive them father, for they do not know what they do'.


    ON 13 February 2012, a handful of men, women and children from a village called Vilappilsala near to the capital of Kerala - Trivandrum made a history of sort by denying access few trucks carrying waste material meant to be dumped at the Waste Management Plant existing within the village. The trucks were carrying waste material collected from the city of Trivandrum. Trivandrum, being the capital city of Kerala does not have a Waste Management Plant of its own. Therefore, till 13 February 2012, all the waste produced by the residents of the city was being dumped at the Waste Management Plant constructed by the Trivandrum Municipal Corporation. However, over a period of time, notes of dissent from the villagers were on the rise with regard to the ‘Management’ of the Waste Management Plant. The villagers complained that the waste brought in from the city was just being dumped into the Plant and thereafter it was left unattended to rot there hampering the otherwise peaceful lives of the villagers. The villagers made verbal and written complaints to the authorities concerned about their predicament as the number of people from the village falling sick with various ailments such as skin diseases, elephantiasis, respiratory problems and even cases of developing impotency and also increase in the death rate of people in the age group between 40 – 50 were on the rise, but to no avail. Further, the stink emanated from the Plant was unbearable for the natives as they were to silently suffer it 24x7. Hopeful and sympathetic assurances on the remedial measures to help them that are being explored by the Government were given to them by the concerned officials. However, it seems, assurances were not being converted into action by the Govt. Therefore
    Therefore, the people of the village took a firm decision to prevent the Corporation from further dumping the waste material into the Plant. The Corporation on its part tried everything within its powers to continue dumping the waste to the Plant. However, the resilient villagers stood firm on their grounds and denied permission for further dumping and accordingly put a lock on the entrance gate of the Plant.
    The matter, thus, was referred to the High Court for its further directives on the subject as the garbage produced by the city dwellers of Trivandrum City was getting accumulated without any alternate arrangement for its disposal. The High court of the Kerala gave a verdict in favour of the Corporation and directed the police to assist the corporation to enable it to dump the waste material to the plant at Vilappilsala. However, the determined villagers does not gave in and prevented the attempt by the Corporation with due assistance of the police to take the waste to the plant on 13 February 2012. In effect they defied the Court Order which is something that does not happen ordinarily and takes a hell lot of courage to do so. Here what the courageous people of the village has to say “This revolution is not being made by the people, it is forced upon the people by the men in power.”
    According to reports from the media the Government has now taken initiatives to inform the High Court about the impasse and is seeking a review of its order. What is the fate of the people of the village of Vilappilsala would be known in the days to come.
    Do you think the tolerance level of the villagers of India, whom the city folks fondly or sarcastically address as ‘countries’, towards injustice of any manner is coming to ‘Zero”. Will this serve as an eye opener to the powers that be to review the established system of catering to the welfare of city dwellers more than that of the villagers?

  16. Yes, there is a reason to hate the present day Doctors. As almost everybody agrees, they are clueless about the diseases in general and person whom they treat in particular!. They are treating for the sake of making the patient believe that they are doing some great thing by making him to undergo numerous pathological and other tests and arrving at a 'conclusion' that the hapless patient has a certain disease, which in their opinion though curable, would inolve a long term treatment. The 'patient' is in a classical dilema of whether to smile (for the fact that finally the learned doctor has pinpointed the particular disease) or to cry (for the fact that going by the statitics provided by other 'patients' of the same doctor, it would be a 'looooong' term of treatment, the cost of which would be difficult even for the God Almighty to arrive at!).In accordance with Ayurveda, you would, to a certain extent, be able to be your own doctor provided you keep a strict watch on your 'thoughts, words and deeds' in order to to bring in a symmetry in them. In addition, you are to have firm belief in God and yourself. There are minor disturbances in the body which are caused by unmindful actions of oneself such as pain in the arms, neck, back, etc which are immediately construed as symptoms or harbinger of a major disease such as Heart attack etc. The first thing a ignorant and wealthy person would do in case of such an eventuality is call for an ambulance immediatley and others who have little less money would be rushing towards the family physician or the nearest hosptial. The 'customer friendly' Doctor would only be a willing associate in compounding the misplaced belief of the so called heart patient by announcing that 'the timely arrival of you have just saved you from a possible death!'. The hapeless victim would be made to undergo all the tests - in accordance with the technical capacity of the hosptial concerned - and finally, if he is lucky enrough, would be allowed to go back home along with medicines weighing nearly a kilogram. You cant blame the Doctors. You must blame yourselves. The Doctors have become doctors by spending a lot of money. They are there to retrieve it with compound interest. When you more than a willing victim to 'assist' him in achieving his goal of life, it is you, who is to be held responsible. Of course, there are good ones among the doctors. But the strength of the class is diminishing very fast - in fact near extinction. God save the humanity from the 'Doctor-shylocks'.

  17. I think we have some greats like Subramaniyam Swamy et al who are fearless in exposing the misdeeds of the present day politicians without any fear and prejudices. In fact, it was tireless efforts of Mr.Swamy which led to exposure, arrest and the ongoing trial of Mr.Raja and others in 2G scam in which the exchequer was looted to the tune of an horrendous sum of Rs.1,76,000 crores One must appreciate the sincere effort of Mr.Swamy in unearthing the scam that literally took Indian Politics by storm. Still, there are others like Mr.Shanti Bhushan, Mr.Prasant Bhushan et al, with die hard spirit in fighting the corrupt politicians, even though the powers that be tried all the tricks in their ‘rule’ books to brow beat/intimidate them by even going to the extent of getting manhandled them by hired goons.Therefore, the opinion that no Indians are courageous enough to speak against politicians in India, it seems, may not be logically correct.

  18. Politics And Politicians Of India

    The present state of the politics as a whole and politicians in particular of India, which has stooped into a degenerated level that the independent India has ever witnessed, is a cause of concern for the all Indians.

    The present state of the politics in India, when compared with that was existing during the pre-independence era and also during the period immediately after the acquisition of independence, is rather poor and pathetic. During the pre-independence era we had politicians of the stature of Mahatma Gandhi, Gokhale, Maulana Azad, Sardar Patel, Nehru etc, who all were regarded as politicians with a deep rooted concern for the well being of the Nation and possessed an attitude of putting the Nation before Self. They were ready to sacrifice their lives for the cause of Independence, which was the prime concern for them during that period. They never compromised on anything that would deviate them from achieving their prime goal – the Independence. And, they did achieved it. Of course, the ‘freedom at midnight’, as it is famously known as, was not achieved without its share of blood, tears and sweat. It did took its share of all that. And those politicians, who were sincere to their backbones, paid their due share towards achieving it.

    The present day politicians are nothing but a shadow of those great ones who were once at the helm of the political scenario of this land of pristine purity. Even calling the present day politicians a shadow of the old ones may not even be justified since they don’t qualify even for that. Of course, there are some among the present lot of politicians who would still like to upkeep the standard of the politics on a par with the olden days, but due to the brute majority of the other category of politicians, they are unable to do so.

    Today you have scams and scams and scams. Scams of all categories in the political arena are the norm of the day. The exchequer is fed up of getting up every day and reading in the newspapers or listening to news broadcasts announcing about yet another scam whereby the National has been taken for a ride by the powers that be.

    The politicians of the day are not interested in the time tested watch words of the Indian Politics such as ethics, honesty, upbringing of the poor and the downtrodden etc. Instead they are interested only in adding more to their bank accounts by resorting to any mode to loot the Treasury.

    You have Rajas, Kanmozhis, Kamadis in place of Mahatmas, Nehrus, Azads. And, with them are the invisible multinationals of indigenous and foreign origin who controls these so called politicians. They control the three supposed to be sacred wings of the Government Legislature, Judiciary and Executive. The control is almost complete and has reached a very dangerous level. One may call it a point of no return.

    The so called ‘left’ wing politicians, who were looked upon as the saviours of the downtrodden have also joined this bandwagon of the ‘right’ wingers in the recent times. In fact the policies of the left wing politicians have undergone a sea change and presently agrees with the policies of the right wingers which they used to oppose very vehemently once upon a time.

    Who is to blame? It is the question now-a-days going around in the country without any hope of finding any viable answer to it. According to me, you may blame it on the mindless acceptance of the western culture as the way of living in a land which is the birth place of the civilization of the world. The mindless treading of that rich culture with that of a degenerated culture of the west, where everything is measured in dollars, has dealt a severe blow to the well defined and cultured way of living of our great nation where everything ‘used to be’ measured by divinity, ethics, honesty, purity, etc.

    The deliberate lose of such a rich heritage resulted in degeneration of the politics in India. While we may hold the politicians wholly responsible for it, the fact remains that we the citizens cannot exonerate ourselves from taking a fare share of it, as we too are guilty of being party to bringing the state of affairs in today’s politics to such a stand. We are guilty of being silent or mute spectators to the political dramas that were being enacted by the politicians during the past two decades or so.
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