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Posts posted by far3

  1. i dont know how much you guys are into your stratergies but im going to tell you my expirences of this game anywayI bought this game last year reading the excellent reviews and awards that this game reiceved i had not played a stratergy game for some time and wanted a good game that could get me back into the genrerome total war takes you back to 187bc and ends around 180bc the time of roman expansion aswell as playing rome there is i think 12 other playable factions each with different individual units and ways of fightingsince ive had it ive been hooked on the game you can have huge battles with over 10,000 units at a time and i was amazed with some of the effects such as people being literally hulrled tens of feet in the air by war elephants and being able to zoom into the battle so closely that you could see individual units fighting for life and deaththe AI is intelligant on the higher diffficulty levels as it adapts to different situations for example if i moved a unit of cavalry to my right it would counter this by moving up its spearman and reorginising its battle lineoverall probably the best stratergy i have ever played and fully reccomended to anyone

  2. This game sounds amazing, I'm hoping the developers get it right. Not much on the game but the new issue of Computer Gaming World January edition has a huge write up on it. Includes a lot of pictures and an interview with a dev.You can find the pdf online somewhere....Anyway, the game kinda reminds me of planetside and battlefield 2 mixed without the bugs and lame play. No central servers, you can go up to 64 player maps though, 2 sides (strogg vs human). Each with their owns classes; Engineer, Scout, Stealth etc. Vehicles, Air-strikes, Mobile command centers.They mention what the physics engine can do while ingame (although a lot of games promise many things like this none of them deliver). You can shoot individual tires off of vehicles and the physics engine will react accordingly. Shoot a bunch of boulders and watch them create a rockslide to block a passage.Hope beta is soon

  3. I dont mean to be the bearer of bad news, but if you mess this up your in deep doo doo..if somthing goes wrong she will still live on your street and still be in your classes.Thats the main reason why its good to start slowly and build upon it like my previous posters said.Have fun, golden opportunity here.

  4. Danish websites hit by DoS attacks and defacements
    Humphrey Cheung

    10 Feb 2006 01:23

    In the past week, hundreds of Danish newspapers, blogs and other websites have been hit by hackers. Most of these attacks were Denial of Service attacks, which are easily done by sending a flood of traffic against a website. In other attacks, hackers defaced the websites to show anti-Danish messages including calls for boycotts and violence.

    These attacks come after Muslims denounced newspapers from several European countries, Denmark in particular, for printing cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. Zone-H, an Internet security website, said it has been tracking the affected websites and currently has a list of almost 1000 sites.

    Politically oriented website defacements have been happening for several years. Back in 2003, hundreds of websites were defaced leading up to the Iraq conflict. The ongoing tensions between Pakistan and India have also spawned website attacks by both sides.

    The Jyllands-Posten newspaper site, the newspaper that originally printed the cartoons, has not yet been successfully hacked.

    Full article http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    I found it kind of interesting what about you?

  5. I was searching around online for a pc version of this game and this guy on the gamestop forums made one--pretty sure its the one of the first pc renderings of it. Anyways, so i downloaded it and it works very well on my laptop, great refresh rate and everything. Mind you, it's still in its beta ".5" form so I'm sure he'll make some massive changes before its officially released.

    I have the xbox corded controller, and it works like a charm. It even has vibration--which I don't get on the 360 due to my controller being wireless.

    Direct Download [Current Version]
    Update/Release Notes

    With Xbox Controller:
    Go to the "hgewars.ini" and change the zeroes of the "gamepad=0
    gamepad360=0" to 1s. Controls are exactly like the 360 game.

    WSAD are the movements, Arrow Keys are the fire buttons--or you can use the mouse to fire. Space is the bomb. Enter is full screen (might have to change the hgewars.ini to 1 under fullscreen to toggle Enter as a function button) No pause button.

    Oops forgot the Links hehe

    Direct Download [Current Version]
    Update/Release Notes
    Now remember

    With Xbox Controller:
    Go to the "hgewars.ini" and change the zeroes of the "gamepad=0
    gamepad360=0" to 1s. Controls are exactly like the 360 game.

    WSAD are the movements, Arrow Keys are the fire buttons--or you can use the mouse to fire. Space is the bomb. Enter is full screen (might have to change the hgewars.ini to 1 under fullscreen to toggle Enter as a function button) No pause button.

    It gets fun once your in the 20,000s

  6. Windows Live Messenger is a beta version of MSN Messenger, part of Microsoft's new online service called Windows Live. Windows Live Messenger will reportedly introduce numerous new features and include all of the features from MSN Messenger. Windows Live Messenger 8 is only available to select beta testers.Sounds cool to me huh?

  7. Could be another joke...Google has a tradition of creating April Fool's Day jokes such as Google MentalPlex which featured the use of mental power to search the Web. In 2002 they claimed that pigeons were the secret behind their growing search engine. In 2004 it featured Google Lunar which featured jobs on the moon and in 2005 a fictitious, brain-boosting drink termed Google Gulp was announced. One can find other pranks hidden between Google's pages. In the languages list one can find the Bork! Bork! Bork! version. Bork! is the mock Swedish of the Muppet Show's Swedish Chef. They also offer versions in Pig Latin Elmer Fudd, and Klingon. Some people thought the announcement of Gmail in 2004 around April Fools Day (as well as the doubling of Gmail's storage space to two gigabytes in 2005) was a joke.

  8. Definatley the community!

    Im playing face of mankind currently, 100% player driven.

    Face of Mankind is not a typical RPG: the most important difference is that you are the game. Your actions will affect the next available tactical decision for you and your fellow players. Your actions will affect the economic system. Your actions will determine the balance of power each and every second.
    You have control over an intuitive First Person Shooter style interface. The cutting edge graphics engine will present a world of five huge cities on earth, 20 colonies in outer space and two special places.

    Choose to join one of ten organizations. Be a soldier for the F.D.C. or a law enforcer of the L.E.D.. Fight for right and order, climb to higher ranks! Decide to be a clan member and find your way beyond the law! Or join one of the companies as a trader, miner or producer to control the complex economic system.

    What ever path you chose, Face of Mankind will continue to evolve. You are only one player among many, but you can change the world. Your destiny demands it.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    The quoted portion can be found here Credits should be automatically deducted. Warning issued.

  9. Stealing is wrong, dont do itthe big companies are cracking down on it now.. their sendng out bots that spider out and report the IP of an iilegal copy.Sure you might not hear of it the next day but eventually your turn will come and if you have a buissness Ip oh boy your in deep doo-doo for your buissness..Possibly jail time and definatley a fine, oh and that job forget about i youll probably be blacklisted from the industry or somthing.

  10. Cod is by far not one of the best games ever made... but i love how the restrained but perfected use of particle effects that blow snow or clods of dirt from an artillery round's impact flying in your face, and the distorted vision that overcomes you when one of those goes off too close to your position in the billowy clouds of smoke. It really is amazing in singleplayer,. the graphics and gamplay are superb but its just another ww2 shooter to e and many other people.

  11. Well personally I never buy a card when it first comes out, exspecially when its the flagship card meaning its the top ATI has to offer..I usually go for midrange/high midrange for my graphics cards. even though ive been only through two of them, I found this strategy to work pretty well. But that is because I am a student and as all students have limited money it was my only option, but if you want awesome graphix for a solid 1.5+ years then go for it! as long as you have enough money for your normal ruotines, ummmmmyeah i think thats about all I had to say.oh and when you do buy it be sure to go to 3dmark google it and then run the progrma so you can compare your gfx score with everyone elses. :-D

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