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Posts posted by eri

  1. I was heavily addicted to coke and did not have any desire to stop drinking it. In January I decided I needed to lose weight BAD. I kept reading that I needed to drop the coke and add water. I still did not want to give up my coke (I had at least a 12 pack a day habit). I first gave up 1 coke a day and drank 16 ounces of water instead of that 1 coke. It took me a lot longer to drink that much water. A few days later (after I was kind of used to the water) I gave up another coke and added another 16 ounces of water. I kept doing this until I was drinking all water except for 1 coke that I saved until the evening....and I did so enjoy it. Eventually I noticed that it was time to go to bed and I still had not drank that 1 coke. I would go get one and drink it. After a while I decided that if I was forgetting to drink my 1 coke a day maybe I could do without it....and it worked! I was over to water only after years (over 30 years) of coke only. I did not get that headache from caffene withdrawal headache since I gradually weaned myself off coke. This may not work for all, but it worked for me.The big PLUS was I lost 7 pounds in one week when I finally gave up the coke.

  2. Thanks for sharing the tips, actually, natural eye makeup technique will apply to most women. Follow the steps below for a beautiful basic eye makeup application that works for different eye shapes. If necessary, you may vary your eye makeup application depending on your eye shape. I think two points must be taken care of,1. Apply light eyeshadow from lash to brow to open your eyes. Use neutral colors.2. Apply medium color to your eyelid crease and blend up to the brow bone. This shade should be close to your natural skin color. This will give slight depth to eyes.

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