a very interesting but disturbing thought.....one language would be literally wow...forget those lectures on foreign languages....but it wouldnt be the same i mean admittedly in times of crisis it wud be good to have that ability as an over ride function would make international relations convenient.....but it wud make a lot of peopole jobless....linguists wud be like ducks in a dried up river bed
ahhhhh indian politics.....the beauty of these two words is lost on people.....personally i am askew in my emotioins.....given that our babus are corrupt it seems excusable to wash our hands on their white clothes and then blame them for the mess in our life however at the same point indian politics would not be so interesting an experiment either i feel if not for these politicos
howdy do everyone......heard from a friend about forums had a bit of spare time and since the mind was numb and itching for rejuvenation thought might as well jump in and try something new......abt myself what i can say is i enjoy a hearty laugh like to chill and relax if i can.....complacent and arrogant at times so please bear with me.....before i forget i am in india i am 19 rumoured to act like i am 25 though o.O.......free to any other queries you guys may have.....go easy on me