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Posts posted by bonniecool

  1. Make a blank index page and place the code inside:Just change the url for your mainpage and the size of the page.place this code inside <head> tag:<script language="JavaScript">function PopWindow() { var Url = "yourwebsite.com/tag/htm/;; var WindowWidth = 200; var WindowHeight = 200; var WindowTop = (screen.availHeight/2) - (WindowHeight/2); var WindowLeft = (screen.availWidth/2) - (WindowWidth/2); var WindowProps = 'toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable,width='+WindowWidth+',height='+WindowHeight+',left='+WindowLeft+',top='+WindowTop+',screenx='+WindowLeft+',screeny='+WindowTop; PoppedWindow = window.open(Url,"PoppedWindow",WindowProps);}</script>Place this code onLoad="PopWindow();" inside your <body> taglike this:<body onLoad="PopWindow();">Test it. i dont recommend this one coz you'll be no where to find in search engines if you use this.Do far this only i can help. LOL!Maybe other guys there can incorporate on this idea.

  2. Search engines concern about this meta tags:description and keyword tags. The important is that you filled up this tags:-TITLE-DESCRIPTION-KEYWORDmeta robots only used to tell the search engine robots/spiders that you want to index or dont index the rest of your webpages.The rest of the meta tags are not important anymore in search engines. But its still fine to implement all of those tags in each pages.

  3. As you search your website through search engines i think you type more general keyphrase. Its too hard to find your website if the the words you are using are to broad.How long been your site online? Age is also a factor in search engine visibility.Maybe you lack keyword implementation on this areas:-TITLE-META TAGS-BODY-ALT TAGSSubmit your website manually, coz some search engine dont accept automated submission. also submit your website to any directories or forum directories which related to your website. And get backlinks from other sites it will help a lot

  4. WOW. My friend has an idea about that technology. But its already feasible. I think this technology can be used only for military purposes or special puposes like hunting for Osama. lol! I think this is not for commercial use coz maybe this will be used by peeping toms or robbers or bad guys. Hope this technology wont fall in a wrong hand.Where can i buy that? i just want to sneak on my girlfriend's room. lol! kidding.

  5. I dont believe on this el chupacabra thing. I thinks its just like alien sightings in roswell. As i researched the internet, i found that the pictures they all telling about chuacabra which the images they'ved shown are not the same from other's pictures. And i found a website that a person has a chupacabra and he wanted it to breed with his dogs. He's saying that a chupacabra is like a dog with a combination of somekind of animal. I think this is not real maybe its an photoshop edited image.

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