*BLEEP* what you say i know why im rappin people today dont give af about *BLEEP* smackinim saying *BLEEP* my father i say it proudly hes a drunk *bottom* *BLEEP* that *BLEEP* might be a snitchhwe try to calm him but he just wont give out he *BLEEP*ed me up ,yea *BLEEP* lights out but what could i do i respect i had it was just unfraud this *BLEEP* has to appreciate what he gotjussst made me laugh and say *BLEEP*k you mate.!imma go grabb my shake this *BLEEP* cant hang muthawfawfa you weaklooking like some old chheesse i have love for you but you the one that takes it away smhhhh *BLEEP* a flow this made grow.