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Posts posted by brokenblade

  1. The best thing you can do is walk away and move on. Many of us have this experience when we fall for a girl that is with someone else. It is even painful to see that she is with someone who is not really good to her. The fact of the matter is that it will most likely hurt for a while, but you will move on. You have probably lived long before you met her. You can definitely live without her.

  2. Here's the deal, making money online from your website is going to take a lot of time. If you want to make money from getting traffic to your site, then expect to spend months getting the traffic that you need in order to succeed at that. There are some methods that you can use in order to get the traffic that you need. You can use social networking, guest blogging, forum marketing and some other methods to make money from your website. What you are going to have to do is reach out to people. Now, if you want to submit your site to search engines, you just have to find a link that says submit url, or submit site. You can also submit to multiple websites and web directories. Understand that the traffic will start coming in slow. If you keep at it though, you will eventually get the traffic you need to profit.

  3. I have tried many of the make money online sites and online earning opportunities. The ones that I have had the best success with is paid surveys, paid to complete tasks sites and some sites that pay you to write articles like textbroker. As of right now, I am trying my hand at affiliate marketing for probably the third or fourth time. I have backed off a while and learned that article directory marketing is not as effective anymore due to the changes in Google. However, there is still forum marketing, social networking and guest blogging. What you want to do is to utilize as many tools as you can in order to maximize your success.

  4. The best way to ask a girl out in my opinion would be to build some rapport. If you are meeting her for the first time, then get to know her a little bit. Build a little small talk. You must also read her a little. Observe her body language. If she has sort of a cold air about her, then she probably isn't interested or it just isn't a good time to ask her out. However, if there seems to be a reasonable warmth and chemistry in the interaction, then say something along the lines of:I am very glad to meet you. I am interested in spending some more time with you. Would you like to meet me for... at... You might not want to even call it a date. You could say meet for Coffee (too early) or lunch, or dinner. Of course you do not have to say it like that. You just be yourself, meaning be honest and upfront. Also, this is only my opinion, you can do it any other way. This is pretty much how I do it. Usually, she will say that she has different plans at first. The real secret is not in what you say, but in how you say it. You have to present yourself to be a confident and warm person. You could say the same things a PUA or James Bond says, but if you are giving the air of a desperate and pathetic person, it may backfire on you.

  5. Hey, I know I'm crazy, but why do I need a doctor to tell me I'm crazy? Sounds like a waste of time and money to me. And I like being the way I am, (crazy) so why would I want to change? Besides, if you do have a problem, and you realize you have this particular problem, why can't you figure out a way to either change your ways, or possibly even come to terms with your condition and learn to live with it? Seriously, if your smart enough to recognise the problem, you should be smart enough to figure out how to deal with it.
    Oh, and talking to yourself in the mirror? That seems even crazier than the problem you had to start with. But hey, it it's working for you, more power to ya!

    I sort of feel the same way to an extent. I myself have a ton of mental and emotional problems. The interesting thing is that these types of problems can be symptoms of a physical problem. This doesn't mean that you should see a doctor if you are having mental problems. It could mean that your diet is off balance. A lot of mental and emotional and mental problems are symptoms of a deficiency in a certain nutrient or more.
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