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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. i put it like this anything and everything thats legal in pretty much the world, got the punch already spiked can't wait for the kids to hurl on the floor after taking a few cups of it.
  2. tomarrow is our admin birthday rumors are he is as old as time itself just beating out the current worlds oldest living person by twenty years or something like that. Let see i got the bar for the kids which consist of rootbeer and i got hte 21 and over crowds bar at a exclusive club with some fine dancing so stop on by and enjoy yourself and wish the birthday boy a happy birthday.
  3. whats its opa's birthday i got rootBEER and chips for everyone and for the 21 and over crowd got a club open up as well for some of the best fire wate this side of texas .
  4. why is is that everyone is getting the good stuff, meh well i guess my computer is to smart for them. but again about 90% messages are from bots who would be smart enough to answer them.
  5. well who would you place bets on a animal that ran fast then you with a shotgun or a track star?but yeah i might think of a comical xmas sig as well.
  6. good job bet he results could be even better on photoshop but i would go with 2 and 3 being the better of 3.
  7. that must be a really old computer never even heard it before, but here is a support page to contact them for all your information need http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ let us know if they still support that laptop cuz wow that has to be freakn old.
  8. well in some famous words just check your bios and to see if you missed any steps in connecting them. or just call service support unless this a full customized system built from scratch.
  9. the only xmas i see is the star of david in the middle and thats about it other then that no green no red no white needs more xmas colors. the text is wintery though. (is that even a word?)
  10. yeah boi in da house and all that smack, its mostly filters except for the background aaah snap and busting some made sound.
  11. Since the dawn of mankind the question of exsistance has been in our minds since the laws of rational thought first began when fire was created by accident by the first ancient cilivilation of man, oh so long ago (i think 2 weeks ago ). Many theories have arisen most of them scientific through the use of biology and the first mentioning of molecule in 1811 by Avogadro and put in to practice in 1911 by Perrin. and then later on evolution came in to play in 1858 by darwin which pretty much made alot of relgious fenatics scream and moan for the last 100 years about it as well. Of course we cannot forget the God Theory thats right theory, since no one has yet to proven or it has shown up yet to us. that we have been created by an all powerful being to us as play things. But of the course the history of man has been proven through the ages buy chance encounters and great discoveries of man. one of them being a skeletal remains of 7 million old skull fragment discovered in 2002 meaning man has been in exsistance for a very long time. But which comes into play the whole we came from monkeys, which in fact we are like 95-98% are alike dna wise. But we the people seekinh the truth have broken down our history to ages -Paleolithic is the when the first exsistance of man began with the wheel, the first ancient weapons and tools of survival. and the use of animals and plant life. Also thoeries have been claim that Iraq to be the spark of the first human cilivization to come into exsistance, (many believe africa to be the birthplace of mankind due to the skeletal remains their) -Neolithic Revolution is when the first big civilizations with laws and government started forming, with the great empires like egypt and ancient Mesopotamia, greece, rome, mayan, aztec and more. -Bronze and Iron Ages is when the big advances of creating tools and weapons out of metals like bronze and iron. sadly thought some countries are still in that age or like most tribes in parts of the world are behind that just using stone and wood tools to live on. -The classical empires is during the age that ancient rome was the greatest empire on earth spanning many great leaders of our time and many great thinkers as well. -Age of kingdoms with the fall of the roman empire many european nations arosed, the americas growing stronger as well with the mayans, inca, aztechs, middle eastern countries as well, and many more empires as well. -Rise of Europe i quoted that due to the big question that goes with this age of mankind due to the advances of civilizations and what not. but it does raise several questions which are mention through out that quote about how it came to be. and then the biggest human revolution would come into play with the most extreme ways of rational thought since the first fire was lite oh so long ago with the Age of Discovery When some of the greatest scientits, artistsm writes, would help expand the human mind in thought and word and also when the ancient empires started to fall and central governments begin to form to unify the people of the land as well. and then then the also began the fall of the english empire with the discovery of the Americas by christopher columbus in 1492. 1600-2006 with the landing of the pilgrims of the early 1600s destruction of mankind both ancient and present began to unravel, last 400 years many wars have been fought, rational though not a care when power and money where the way of life, many great nations falling under the collapse of religous trasnformation and the birth of a new nation that in less then 300 years would become a nation of the greatest power since ancient rome and europe. Also comes the age of new technologies and inventions for the world to enjoy. Then the way of life for everyone would change when the atom bomb was dropped to end a war and thus begin the nuclear age. and then the greatest war of human kind would being as well on September 11. 2001, the war of exsistance. 2005-beyond who knows what will happen but hopefully the time of peace can come when everyone is happy, most of us will never see it in our lifetime but hopefully we can set it in motion for our children and grand-children. term to learn- BCE, CE, BC, AD these letters stand for the time of man starting year after jesus was born, but many debates have been with this for awhile but to get a better understanding of this go here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Era
  12. how is this any differnt the the hard drives that carry that kind of space right now at a cheaper price most likly?
  13. make sure on your XP system that its the default computer and then do a communications test with it and the other little tests that come with it, if that don't work get a hold of the epson service through phone it will be quicker to see what could be wrong.
  14. well just to answert your question about hte div tag you would have to ad it within the navagation menu so like this <div>nav menu </div>. but follow up on haslip post before you do the div tag.
  15. did it this morning and for the first time i used the smudge stick on the render and did a better multi colored sig enjoy.
  16. the hit stick genius you just have to master it which i have and is quite effective on boths sides of defense and offense, it help me gain many rushing yards with the use of the hit stick.
  17. closing this topic since several other topics have been made use the search feature next time before posting a new topic, that is your final warning.
  18. well to put it in perspective parents fear change, don't get me wrong some people are just not ment to be caring adults, but when you think they are not listening to you they are, they just have hard to coping with change when they are in conflict of being an adult and want to be a kid as well. Best you can do is keep talking to her about what you are doing just to keep here updated. Of course being a brat to your parents doesn't help either best thing to do is listen what they have to say and then talk about how you feel about the situation at hand.And also in the fantasy world turkeys can talk as well.
  19. Since the dawn of mankind the question of exsistance has been in our minds since the laws of rational thought first began when fire was created by accident by the first ancient cilivilation of man, oh so long ago (i think 2 weeks ago ). Many theories have arisen most of them scientific through the use of biology and the first mentioning of molecule in 1811 by Avogadro and put in to practice in 1911 by Perrin. and then later on evolution came in to play in 1858 by darwin which pretty much made alot of relgious fenatics scream and moan for the last 100 years about it as well. Of course we cannot forget the God Theory thats right theory, since no one has yet to proven or it has shown up yet to us. that we have been created by an all powerful being to us as play things. But of the course the history of man has been proven through the ages buy chance encounters and great discoveries of man. one of them being a skeletal remains of 7 million old skull fragment discovered in 2002 meaning man has been in exsistance for a very long time. But which comes into play the whole we came from monkeys, which in fact we are like 95-98% are alike dna wise. But we the people seekinh the truth have broken down our history to ages -Paleolithic is the when the first exsistance of man began with the wheel, the first ancient weapons and tools of survival. and the use of animals and plant life. Also thoeries have been claim that Iraq to be the spark of the first human cilivization to come into exsistance, (many believe africa to be the birthplace of mankind due to the skeletal remains their) -Neolithic Revolution is when the first big civilizations with laws and government started forming, with the great empires like egypt and ancient Mesopotamia, greece, rome, mayan, aztec and more. -Bronze and Iron Ages is when the big advances of creating tools and weapons out of metals like bronze and iron. sadly thought some countries are still in that age or like most tribes in parts of the world are behind that just using stone and wood tools to live on. -The classical empires is during the age that ancient rome was the greatest empire on earth spanning many great leaders of our time and many great thinkers as well. -Age of kingdoms with the fall of the roman empire many european nations arosed, the americas growing stronger as well with the mayans, inca, aztechs, middle eastern countries as well, and many more empires as well. -Rise of Europe i quoted that due to the big question that goes with this age of mankind due to the advances of civilizations and what not. but it does raise several questions which are mention through out that quote about how it came to be. and then the biggest human revolution would come into play with the most extreme ways of rational thought since the first fire was lite oh so long ago with the Age of Discovery When some of the greatest scientits, artistsm writes, would help expand the human mind in thought and word and also when the ancient empires started to fall and central governments begin to form to unify the people of the land as well. and then then the also began the fall of the english empire with the discovery of the Americas by christopher columbus in 1492. 1600-2006 with the landing of the pilgrims of the early 1600s destruction of mankind both ancient and present began to unravel, last 400 years many wars have been fought, rational though not a care when power and money where the way of life, many great nations falling under the collapse of religous trasnformation and the birth of a new nation that in less then 300 years would become a nation of the greatest power since ancient rome and europe. Also comes the age of new technologies and inventions for the world to enjoy. Then the way of life for everyone would change when the atom bomb was dropped to end a war and thus begin the nuclear age. and then the greatest war of human kind would being as well on September 11. 2001, the war of exsistance. 2005-beyond who knows what will happen but hopefully the time of peace can come when everyone is happy, most of us will never see it in our lifetime but hopefully we can set it in motion for our children and grand-children. term to learn- BCE, CE, BC, AD these letters stand for the time of man starting year after jesus was born, but many debates have been with this for awhile but to get a better understanding of this go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Era
  20. yeah i been hearing alot of about nano tech even some tv shows done some fictional stuff with nano techm but i do believe some devices have been made like little nanobots, bit of course the price tag is no joke either when this stuff is being made like in the billions I think.
  21. also i do believe the closer the moon is to the earth the bigger the waves get as well due to the gravity as well.but still thats some good science info for kids in the grade schools and what not, hopefully they will remember this when its comes up for a big project.
  22. sorry to see you go, well lucky for me i build enough credits for a just in case, plan to hopefully go to school starting next year, so i won't be on as much either. hope to see you around crag.
  23. well you can tell your parents this if im right about netzero its dialup then let them know that they will save more money on broadband due to the fact that 1 your not using a a phone line to tie up the phone 2 that your not spending money on long distance calls and local calls and all that. heck if you need to find a website that compares dial up to broadband and they will eventually get hte picture. I save a ton of money by paying the 1 month fee instead of paying several 1 month fees just to keep the internet at the house.
  24. this would be the example of the the <div> tag absoulte position. <DIV STYLE="position:absolute; top:50px; left:40px; width:400px;"></DIV> but you have to realize that all people don't look at the computer and the same resolution as well, in which then you would have to code in css with resolution in mind.
  25. i wouldn't even attempt trying to walk to that not matter how reinforced that walkway is cuz do to the fact that they will be drilling into the rocks will cause thousands of cracks inside of it and with all the weight going up and down it will just be a matter of time when that thing snaps, of course they could give you parachutes for a just incase as well.
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