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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. yeah the 8 series is alot better that xhtml is fully supported in dreamweaver can't really see any differance in flash 8 but if you can afford the $400 then you either got rich parents or a nice big paycheck.
  2. i like the font used for tank whats the name of it, now with your brushing you got it down pack but oyu need to add depth to it now.
  3. its silent of the lambs black dragon and red dragon, but lecter is is jail in all three well he did escape in the movie.
  4. i use the cars that i get with the pink slips then get the stuff that i need to play the game got 2 challanges left and number 9 on the list.
  5. this is the closest i got to finding what your looking for took about 3 pages worth of googling to find it but it should do the job. mind you i would get rid of the echo part since thats not needed at all. <?php// refresh / redirect to an internal web page// ------------------------------------------header( 'refresh: 5; url=/webdsn/' );echo '<h1>You will be re-directed in 5 seconds...</h1>';// refresh / redirect to an internal web page// ------------------------------------------header( 'refresh: 3; url=/' ); # redirects to our homepageecho '<h1>You will be re-directed in 3 seconds...</h1>';// refresh / redirect to an external web page// ------------------------------------------header( 'refresh: 0; url=http://www.example.net );echo '<h1>You won\'t know what hit you!</h1>';?>
  6. congradulations for winning SOTW #16 you recieve your rab at a later time.
  7. Sig size min: 175x75max: 400x150Brushing: freestyleText: Your nameRender: anyTheme: free styleEntry due date: Entries will be closed for voting on Saturday, December 10.
  8. ok here the rulesSize:min 100x100 Max 400x200Theme:XmasRender: christmas themecolors: any combination of red green whiteVoting will begin on the 15th and will last til january 1 to close out the yearThe winner for this sig will have a special tab done for their win as well.good luck.
  9. enjoy hope to see one of these in the SOTW xmas special.
  10. these are some of the longest words in the world, but not officially reconized by guinness world records and wit that the only would that is the longest with repeated letters is only 16 letters long and that word is Unprosperousness
  11. i wouldn't consider it a joke with the way they describe how they do it and mentioning actual drugs and what not and displaying telephone numbers and other contact info, someone should look into this.
  12. you won't believe this i was playing raw vs smackdown 2006 had a casket match with undertaker and latino heat was controlling him well after i won the match taker turned on him and put eddie in a casket. that was scary moment right there.
  13. this topic will be open again once a suitable topic/post replaces it.
  14. the only thing i don't like is that rotation thing its to mouse sensitive when your try to rotate it.
  15. problems that i am having-cache not refreshing like it should-when making new documents get the offline error-keeps going offline thus shutting down scripts that i am running might have to restart it to solve the problems just let me know when your restart it so i can remember how many credits i have.
  16. well the problem i had was trying to blend the blue and red together without need the purple in the middle and showing solid lines as well. so i picked the white line to blend in the colors just enough.
  17. this was request of me from another site to be use for a wrestling simulator can't wait to see it on the actual software.
  18. basically you have to go cold turkey for the rest of your life, yeah its very hard, the stress will be their, but the best thing you can do is do stuff that doesn't require a puff every 2 seconds.
  19. i don't see that ever happening, unless china somehow saves a few trillion dollars then it iwll be lost cause, but the fact it should be a joint effort from every nation to put someone back on the moon. ti would take billions of dollars and space craft able to travel about 1/2 million miles and able withstand space trash, ice particles and what ever other hazards you can think of and be able to land a space craft since the last apollo mission there.
  20. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this link to a yahoo news report says it all, what the hell are peoples problems really someone please tell why morons are fighting over a name for xmas tree, come one people we have better things to do then fight over names of a tree, you got the religious fanatics saying hersary and its against god blah blah blah, got some people saying don't change the name of the tree or will riot over it. I tell you this christmas religious or not is a time for togetherness, but instead people are killing, stealing, rioting, screaming, and complaining about bad their lives sucks. Guess what people its your problem not ares, you have to fix yourself if you want to get anywhere. So instead of itching and moaning and ruining other peoples lives do something constructive to make this place a bit more pleasant. :P
  21. well i just sent them a angry letter lets just say alot of beeps where used. i can't believe someone would do that they should be reported for animal cruelty for that crap, how about i stuff their @ZZ in a bottle and not feed them and ruin their bodies. thats just sad and what worse people like this.
  22. realthor best thing to do is reapply for you account it will make the process go quicker.
  23. i believe that mod that closely resemables this is the xtreme point system at invisionize.com
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