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Posts posted by AmandaB78

  1. I don't smoke becuase I think its cool thats ridiculous. Have you ever drank alchohol because if you have thats a drug too. Honestly I think alcohol is WAYYY worse than weed. At least when you smoke you don't act like an idiot and blackout. I've seen too many people lose it when they drink and do things they'll regret forever. When people smoke you just laugh and have a good time and forget about ur problems. Now which sounds better?

  2. My school does the same thing. The only thing they don't do is random drug searchs. Almost every year they bring the dogs in and what ever class your in you have to stay in. They pick random rooms to go in and then they make the kids go outside and leave all their stuff in the school. They search the whole campus. Then they go to the parking lot and let the dogs sniff out there. I've known a few too many kids who got caught over the last 3 years because 3 years ago was when they actually started doing this. Some kid I knew threw a bag underneathe some teachers desk when the dogs came in. Then no one owned up to it so he got in trouble when they found out. I don't think they should do random drug searchs, I think they need a reason, just like how they need a reason to search a house or pull you over.

  3. When they really get you going, lock yourself in your room and turn up the music. I 've been there and it sucks but you have to find something to occupy yourself with when your mad. I usually draw or listen to loud , angry music. Try to use reverse phsycology. When your parents yell at you or blame stuff on you, be nice, don't flip out. You can also use a thing called selective hearing. Block stuff out. Choose what you want to hear instead.

  4. I recently just got dumped for absolutley no reason what so ever. I was depressed for like four days. I had been going out with him for a year and two months and then he just up and left me. He lived with me too, then I had to move all of his stuff out. After a few days of being completly depressed I finally text messaged him with a sad face and he actually wrote back. I was all happy that he was talking to me again. Those few days that I wasn't with him, I was so miserable but actually got out more with my friends and so on. He asked me to dinner the other night and now everything is fine. We are going back out and everything is fine. Well besides its sort of weird now. It seems like he was miserbale at first but now hes just starting to act weird again.

  5. Hey don't feel bad. We've all been through this before. I hate going to the dentist. I despise it. One time the assistant forgot to suck out the water she was spraying in my mouth. I started to gag and she still didn't do anything. I just grabbed her arm and got her attention. I need a new dentist!

  6. DespiteThe despite I see Reminds meOf the days when I was once like youAlways doubting thingsNot wanting what tomorrow bringsDoing almost anything I wanted to.Sure it may not be a big deal nowBut over time you'll findThat all the mistakes you've made somehow Will never leave your mind.Follow your heart but make sure you do what's right,This day could be the start to a better lifeTry not to make all the mistakes I've madeI'm sure a few won't hurtBut remember all the advice I gavePlease bury this in your heart.

  7. I like myspace because you can create a simple space for people to see who you are and what you are about. If you want to really be creative thought thats when I suggest getting your own sub domain so you can do more with it. You could use myspace as a basic profile to your actual page. I think its also a good way to see old friends that some how find you on myspace. I've had people I haven't seen for years find me on myspace. I think that is one of the highlights of myspace. One of the problems is when someone gets a hold of your screen name and won't leave you alone. I put my screen name on myspace for a little why because I had to delete the one everyone else knew. Some sketchy kid found it and Im's me everyday asking me stupid question. Thats one of the lows of myspace.

  8. I try my best to avoid this type of situation. I can't stand it. I feel so uncomfortable sitting in the same room as my parents when a sex scene comes on. When I was little I used to freak out and leave the room just because I didn't want to watch it with them. To this day I still avoid this situation but sometimes it just happens. Frankly, I shouldn't care anymore which I sort of don't but still kind of get grossed out. What's even worse is when you over hear your parents talking about their sex life. That creeps me out. I bet I'm certainly not the only one.

  9. There are apparently some things you do in your relationship that make girls ask these types of questions. I know for a fact that my boyfriend acts like a sketchabll so I always ask him questions. It's in our nature to ask questions. If you can't handle the questions don't go out with us. Guys should sign a contract stating that they know the conditions of women and understand and respect them. Every guy should know coming into a relationship how a girl will react in a situation. That's my opinion.

  10. I think ghosts exist. I swear I've seen one. It was the scariest thing I've seen. You can believe me or not but if you saw what I saw you would understand that there might possibly be ghosts. I'll tell you what happened.I have this thing where I have to turn on the hall light before I can shut my door because all the lights are off in my house and the house is one story. From my room I can see straight down the hallway and into the living room that connects to the kitchen. Well I didn't want to go into the kitchen but I needed a drink. As soon as I opened my door I saw (I SWEAR) some short, dark haired women look at me and walk in the kitchen. I totally thought it was my mom so I wasn't afriad to walk down the hallway in the dark anymore. So as I was walking around the corner to the kitchen I was about to ask my mom a question and I said mom do we have any... and then there was no one in the kitchen. I freaked and turned on the light, grabbed a cup and poured me a drink. The whole time I was getting a drink I did not turn my back. I swear I must have seen a ghost because I ran right down the hallway after , flipped on the light and went into my parents room. My mom was in bed. You probably don't believe me but from there on I believed in ghosts For all the "ghost haters" out there, take a look around and see there have been millions on people on this earth, who have "encountered" a ghost or a spirit. I believe that ghosts are around us and they are around us everyday. We obviously can't see them unless they want us to. I think that people who are "close" to God tend to "see" more ghosts than someone who doesn't believe.

  11. so there's this girl that I like at school


    One of her friends... er... I think said that someone in my grade liked me, and I said "is it *****?" and she just goes "uhh...hh Mabie..."


    so how should I ask her out?


    I'm a good gfx designer, I could make her a nice book cover

    I could write a song about her (I play bass guitar in a band)

    what else...


    Don't jump into it too quick you might scare her away. Hang out with her sometime and get to know her a little bit. Find out some things she might like to do sometime and then take her to do it. Buy her a little gift or make her something and put it in her locker. Do something sneaky so she doesn't know it was you but give her hints.

  12. Homecoming is a joke in my school. We all just go with our friends. Freshman year is the only time you take homecoming seriously. They'll figure it out soon that all the older girls could careless and just wear jeans and a cute top and maybe some high heels. Our dances are horrible. No upperclassman guys go to the dances. All the girls go and most of the younger boys. We just think its pointless.

  13. Terrorists could never change a country and its people. We are bigger than them and will just get stronger. If people have faith then there is no taking away our pride. Our armys and etc. are a lot more powerful than any terrorist group. They think they can scare us but they're wrong. With all the technology we have now, its alot harder to get away with things then it was back in the day .

  14. I hope you don't plan on just walking up to this girl and asking her to hook up. I hate when guys just think that you like them. You should probably check and see if she even likes you. If you asked her out before and she said no and your friendship hasn't gotten closer then you have no hope and should turn back. If your on good terms just take her out sometime. Go to dinner or a movie, ya know the typical.

  15. My t.v is nothing special. It's pathetic. The only good thing about is that I hooked it up to my surround sound so now when I watch movies it actually sounds good. The brand of my t.v is Symphonic which is probably not made any more. I think Panasonic bought Symphonic. I don't know though. If anyone knows if this is true let me know.

  16. Usually if a girl asks a guy if they have a girlfriend it could be a few reasons. One could be that they are asking you because their friend wants to know. Another reason could be that they like you and are interested in you. Another could be that they heard a rumor that you had a girlfriend and didn't believe it so they decided to be rude and ask you. It kinda depends on who you are to them. If it's a girl that you hang out with everyday and you guys flirt than she probably likes you. If its a girl you see every now and everytime you see each other you guys flirt, than she might like you. If it's a girl that you never talk to but see on occasion then she might be asking for a friend. If it's a girl that is mean to you or doesn't usually get along with you then shes probably asking just to be rude. It's all kinda confusing. Do you have girlfriend? If you do maybe the girl heard some rumors about you and your girlfriend and she didn't know you had one so she decided to see if you did. I don't know really much more to say. If I knew more information I could help you out a little more. Just let me know if you need any help or if I actually helped you. It would be smart of you to ask the girl why she asked you that.

  17. "when she's flirting with you, she'll play with her hair. She'll move her legs up and down when sitting with her legs over eachother."From my point of view, not all girls do this. I personally have different ways of flirting with guys. I usually joke around with them a lot. Your right when you say that girls look at you when your not looking. I usually look at a guy and try to catch eye contact with him. Thats certainly another way of flirting. When I'm with a guy I like we usually play fight. I'm not one of those girls that can't handle a few punches froma guy, I've been hit more than enough from them. I hit back and I think thats flirting with them too.

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