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Everything posted by REJUVINATOR

  1. I agree with every statement spoken in some way. of course Uni = one . But, like some said , this is the only universe we know of (And, we have not began to experience the outside of our solar system). this universe was created by our creator . Now we most put our heads together to travel through it . mother nature will always be here but you have to evolve with time. but, the place we call earth may not always be here. (to create man . and to watch he/she work together and use the resources to the best of their ability as we keep making history. all of the knowledge comes with a price.) I don't just picture saucers. and war. But we will meet people of mutual intelligence if not greater. (imagine. the "rich and smart" people leave earth . leave us here. go to a new world. take all the extras they want . start a new life, leave us here to die. but wait . we survive. start over and start building technology all over again.) when its time for an invasion as life moves forward . our own people will be our aliens the same as they are now. machines technology and aliens. programmed by humans. this may take 1000's of years. but it's all possible.I've always "assumed" (yeah i said it) that there were more than one universe. I'm not talking galaxy or planet, but actual universe. like a crystal ball. And if this universe never ends and never will. Hopefully we will be able to have more than one sun earth and moon similarity. that makes Mother earth as beautiful as it is today. It's like living out in space. and paying to visit mother earth. Wicked eh? Exotic Vacation Eh? How can we make mother earth better if we don't leave it ? ROFLbetter yet, truth no one is worried about the universe or any other universe. when they speak universe . its in terms of . is there anyone out there with intelligence mutual to us or greater (as of 2011). is there any place out there just like earth. are there anymore living other than earth. Humans want to know . But, are you ready to know the truth? I'd rather not know. for now. because we are not equipped for it. we'd have to quarantine them . and study them as they would do us. because what they are immune to we will not be. what we are immune to they will be not. Its actually a big hot mess. (More like Black people willing to slave another breathing soul) we were never meant to be perfect. but everything has a sacrifice. and to meet new intelligence would be WICKED!.... MORE TRIAL AND ERROR AND TURF WAR. AGENDAS AGENDAS AGENDAS. nothing new. just the cliche of life and turf with us animals. peace faith and happiness with a lil dirt makes mad progress .
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