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Everything posted by Poe

  1. let me help him cheat int input() //request input from user{ int size = 0, size_even = 0; bool bPass = false; do { cout << " Please enter an odd number between 3 and 25: "; cin >> size; // if statement to determine if the number is between 3 and 25 if((size >= 3) && (size <= 25)) { size_even = size % 2; // nested if statement to determine if the number is even or odd if(size_even == 0) { cout << " Invalid Entry! Please enter an ODD number between 3 to 25! "; } else { cout << " This is an odd number. "; bPass = true; } } else cout << " Invalid Entry! Please enter a number BETWEEN 3 and 25!"; }while(!bPass) return 0;}
  2. I have been doing game related programming for almost 2 years now.Learning C++ language is accturlly the easiest part of the process.wait till you get to use directx APIs, mltithreading, networking, designing classes, collisions, etcGood thing in indurstry, they those work are saparated into different jobs, so you could get a job as graphics programmer, who only deal with graphics stuff(IE directx), or network programmer (winsock), etc.if you want to be a game programmer, sooner or later you will have to decide which area you want to focus on.
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