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Posts posted by penny665

  1. This sounds like a simulator game that is for sure. :P Well it sounds like it could be a good game. But the way the website they made it look it does not look that intresting to me. So this does not look like a good game to me in my eyes.


    Dont base the game on how the website looks, please. if you like simulation games and war, country running games, please!!! check this game out! :P

  2. Remember if you like the sounds of this game and plan on signing up, please concider using my certificate, We BOTH get $20 Billion cash for our countries. Just post here your email address and i will send a certificate to you as soon as i see it.I get no more, no less no matter how many people i give these certificates to. its 20 billion 1 time deal for each. so im not trying to get easy referrals, im just trying to get us some extra cash :P

  3. Where can i find the best clan website templates? Free of course, or even something close that i can modify into being a clan website. i basically need a Members listing page, Chatroom (remote hosted doesnt matter) and Message board, the last two im not worried about i can incorporate that into the site later. But i just need a good layout.

    The game is Armynation.net and it puts US vs Russia you pick a side, and create soldiers through leadership points and so on.

    ive looked online for a while now and i cant find anything with a slightly Russian theme, New high-tech looking clan site. or even a base layout that looks good. So any ideas of free templates, and free clan website templates and where to find them would be great! :P thanks

  4. This game i stumbled upon a little while back. its actually a pretty indepth Country simulation. You have your classic wars, over oil, new population, ect.. You can either play as a CEO of a Company, or a President of a country. Their are 3 free worlds to play on, and 1 pay world. which is $5 a month to play on. also unlocks even more features. this game is so in depth you have to literally run EVERYTHING! Budget, Defense,Offense, Strategic forces, Roads, Hospitals, Schools, Corporations in your country, Transportation, Social securtiy, The Local Market, Common Market, and International Market. Even give you a pretty picture of what your country looks like.


    Posted Image


    If you are interested in joining the game, there is a Referal program that gives $20 Billion to each person. Just post your email address and i will sent you the Certificate they provide. Then we will both get $20 Billion for our countries or Companies. :P


    Or you can check the game out Here


    Its an awsome game i play every day. Each day depending on the World you pick your country in runs about 2-4 Game months per day. Please atleast check it out if you like Simulation games.

  5. if she is a friend i highly suggest you keep it that way, until she makes that choice. Because if you guys are friends and she only likes you as a friend, when you do ask her out and if she says no, where you guys go then?Just act like you dont care to a point, MAKE HER FLIRT WITH YOU! that is KEY! trust me its going to kill you, but if you stand even the slightest chance this is your best way to go about it. If shes goes a week or so without flirting, ask her to goto the movies or something. chicks are always suckers for a good movie...anyway thats my 2 cents im not a professional or anything lol :P but i have been around i guess you could say lol.

  6. GTA is most definately the best game almost ever.But i was dissapointed with the last one. after Vice City i was expecting some more "New" things with the new one. its basically the same...minus its a gangsta story, instead of a mafia story. all together i was really dissapointed.... Just seems like they could have added more and done more with it.

  7. i think they should keep the cards, but DONT use the cards to cheating purposes. they use the cards to unlock special older teams, unlock world teams, canada's teams, and possible Arena teams something like that. but the cards being used to pretty much cheat is stupid. im curious ALREADY how 07 is going to look and feel....but i guess overall if you a madden fan it just does that to you.

  8. well you cant put anything illegal like gba roms, filters , warez ect. i would start of by putting some kool games. Then hundreds of downloads, although i would hotlink it since i dont get much space :) (btw is there a way to get more space?) you can also put funny videos :)  look at other websites for more ideas :D




    thanks for the reply. good ideas, but im not sure on the downloads though. what in the world could i offer to download that doesnt take up much space? scripts of course but somethings are just way to big. Games will be on there asfar as i know. but im not sure on what kind ofgames.anyway thanks for the info.

  9. I want to get hosting through this site, the free hosting that is. I was wondering what kind of site to do.I want some kind of Exchange site, but i cant decide if i want to do a Top 10-200 site, or a Banner Exchange, or a Link Site or what. this is going to be the main part of the site. What seems to be popular and working for other people, what do i have a better chance at succeeding with? Alltogether i want to aim for a Website help website. such as keeping scritps on file for download. Tutorials....ect. So some input would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

  10. hey guys, Ive been playing AOE2 for years, im not new to that, but ive Rencently only started playing online with other people, im not new to the game, but im new to the online version. its way different. So if anyone has any tips on how to win, and how to even compete would be great. Cause i get my butt handed to me time after time. poeple are either REALLY good or i just plain suck hardcore lol. so if you guys have any hints or tips and anything for that matter please post, anything will help :)

  11. the superstar mode is a waste of time to me they could have done more features for the franchise mode.


    i agree, ive played Madded pretty steady since 1994. The games get easy after a while, cause if anyone is like me, when they got a new Madden game they just played, and played, and played....So of course everything becomes easy. Therefor when they introduced Franchises, and being able to "Control your favorite team in every aspect of the game." i became hooked...every ear it seemed like they were adding new controls and features to the Franchise part of Madden. Now it seems at a stand still...We KNOW what we want added, the creators however, who knows.... Well thats my 2 cents :)

  12. Final Fantasy 10 took me about 110 Hours to complete. but that is one HELL of a game. alot of thought was put into the game, and it was an actual movie this time, like they WANT to portray the rest of them. Dont bother playing X2 though. its REAL stupid. you only control the chicks, like Yuna, ohhh man i forgot the other ones names. anyway, real dumb game.

  13. Fileplanet.com has JUST released a demo version of the single player game. Age of Empires 3 is now available to download for demo purposes. just thought you guys would like to know :) just came out Yesterday.So im pretty sure if Fileplanet.com is offering it, give it some time, Microsoft if not already will soon enough, along with download.com and all those other ones.

  14. The first RPG I ever played was Earthbound, and it's still my favorite. I also liked Chrono Trigger, and Wild Arms. Earthbound was just so creative, more creative than anything that comes out now. Chrono Trigger was 1-of-a-kind as well. Wild Arms is the only western RPG I've seen, and they mix the themes in it so well. The story was so incredible that I cried at times towards the end when people died.


    My Fav. RPG of all time would definatly have to be Major Mud. its an OLD School BBS dial-up text based game. pretty kewl, REALLY old. if you have never heard or played this before check out some info on it, if you choose.




    it was a pretty kewl game. Would have stayed kewl but they stopped producing new updates a while back. game was broke down in Mods. the produced 9 mods total.

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