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Bariar Guy

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Everything posted by Bariar Guy

  1. Just buy it in store. When you only play it without steam IT SUCKS.You can not even play against bot's ?_?So buy in store for about $20 and be happier as ever before
  2. I go for Super MarioI also could never end that game. Enjoyed it, but could never get futher
  3. I think when something very hard will happen to you. I think if you would servive it, you will believe in A God.I'm also not religious, but if I could be dead, but servive it, I really think there would be a kind of God.
  4. Welcome to the site. Enjoy your stay and good luck with hosting your own website
  5. I think at first that the name Revolution is better as Wii -.-But back on topic.Not many people use HD a said before. So I agree that they should not make it. Most people still got normal tv's not even flatscreen.So I think it is better for the price (and for the selling) that the should not make it HD compatible
  6. Life is just what you imagine yourself.If you feel happy things look different than when you feel angry.I think there is no heaven nor a hell.People just imagine these things. No-one can EVER prove these things really exists..
  7. You could better wait untill the new processors in Intel will come.They will probably have like 5-6 GhzAlso better wait till Windows Vista and buy then the best Computer at the moment
  8. Now I hope that Frence will win the Championships.They already did this before, so they now how to handle the presure. Othersides I like Italy more, because they have never won any Championship since I've been born (1990)So let the game be on and let the best team win the championshipFor the third and forth place I think Portugal will win. They're better as Germany. Also here Let the game be on and let the best team be third. xD xD
  9. It is demi-water. It is filthered..so if it would leak, your computer will not be destroyedA friend of me got watercooling. It's really cool. He also got UV-lamps so it looks like the green water lights up
  10. I'm playing Tennis myself :)Great sport ;)I'm not watching Wimbeldon thought.But I think the best player is the world is still federer.So the last question had also been answered with this
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