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Posts posted by arboc7

  1. I think that there is some way you can use a font that is located on the same server (FTP/upload the font file to a folder of your site), but I do not remember exactly how you include it in your page. Best bet would be an image...Sorry I can't help and hope you get it working!

  2. The only lead I can think of would be JavaScript, but it cannot take screenshots...so I am stuck on ideas. I'm no expert on Flash, but might you be able to do something with that? I just know that it is so widely used that upwards of 95% of computers already have a Flash plug-in installed.Sorry I can't help! Hope you get something working!!

  3. First, Im using a mac, OS  10.3.9, and i need a a way to download PHP on it, so i can preview some of the PHP files on my mac, and have it compile them.  If anyone has a link to a site where i can download it, that would be great.


    Hi, you can download the source code of PHP for use on a mac at http://php.net/. Then you can use the instructions found here: https://developer.apple.com/safari/ to install it on your system. I'm not a mac guy or anything; I just googled it (that should be your first choice for finding help :ph34r: )


    Hope you get everything working!!

  4. Yes, because is so much depended on client machine......


    Very true, but that is also what makes it so powerful, especially since the page that features AJAX does not have to be reloaded--it just sends a "background request" for the new content!


    Simple in concept, yet complex in application...

  5. A better way to do it is to use the <label> tag cos that tag gives a label to each field (good for people with screen readers too). Here's an example of a form I've done:


    <label for="Name"><span>Name:</span><input type="text" name="Name" id="Name" maxlength="100" value="" /></label><label for="Phone"><span>Phone:</span><input type="text" name="Phone" id="Phone" maxlength="15" value="" /></label>label { clear: left; margin-bottom: 5px; }label span { float: left; width: 120px; margin-right: 10px; }input { 	padding: 2px 0; margin-bottom: 5px;	width: 200px;	font-size: 85%;	color: #660000;	vertical-align: middle;	border: 1px solid #660000;}


    I was about to say...why use the excess <span> tags when you can use <label> tags, and besides, using <label> tags makes your script more geared toward semantic markup...

  6. I recently came to know that Gmail works on AJAX and that is the reason behind the quick response to user actions, whether it is opening a mail or composing or email address auto complete.

    First of all, thanks for the link (although it is just the simple, wonderful Wikipedia). Anyway, Google seems to be leading the charge with large-scale AJAX implementations. Not only is Gmail designed using AJAX, but Google Maps and Google Suggest are also top-notch AJAX applications.

    AJAX is wonderful (yet complicated), isn't it??

  7. It looks like your code is valid and should work. On what kind of server are you running this script? (i.e., Linux, Windows, et cetera) You may simply have a permissions problem that either you or the server administrator needs to change. That's all of which I can think!Hope this helps!!

  8. deleting a banner on a free host is usually a big no-no.  Unless ur hosted by trap or someone that doesn't require ads.  don't do it.


    If u still do, can u see if the banner is there through php script? because then u can just do it easily.


    I agree with sangdukseo. Deleting or hiding a banner is a very very big mistake. You will likely lose your hosting very quickly... Switch to Xisto...or...if you are looking for something else, check out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (which is actually how I found Xisto, and everything is great here!)

  9. You need to incorporate javascript - A List Apart has a good article.


    There is no way, to my knowlege, that a user can change to an alternate stylesheet using pure HTML. For the javascript approach, use Tyssen's approach. I also think that some browsers allow the user to change stylesheets and even add personal ones, but I have yet to come across one (that has a resonable user-base) that lets me do that.

  10. I personally think that you need something to tie everything together. It seems as if you just have several "floating blocks" that have no relation to each other. Otherwise your site's content looks like it is functional. Just spruce up the design some. If you're stuck on ideas, check out: http://www.cssbeauty.com/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Those two sites are great for showing off general, good, web standards-conforming sites that are also well-designed.Hope something helps and nothing really hurts, just trying to give constructive criticism!!

  11. My view is that so many people use AOL because AOL markets their product very well, so all these people do not know that anything else exists. Even AOL broadband is terrible; I know several people who have tons of random disconnections using AOL (broadband or otherwise) while I, who use SBC Yahoo! DSL, am rarely disconnected, and if I am, it is likely to be due to a power outage or my own wireless networking equipment. I used AOL for many years because it was the cheapest, but now SBC has increased DSL speed while making it cheaper at the same time, so I firmly believe that everyone should say goodbye to AOL for good!Does anybody else agree with me??

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