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About SriKrishnaOneAndOnly

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  1. Hi Ajmad, 1. After you go to hell or heaven, how will you find allah? how will you recognize him? 2. Never compare prophet mohammed to Kalki. Kalki is lord Vishnu himself. Prophet is just a God man or person a bit higher than a human. 3. In Puranas and Vedas they have mentioned the 3 forms of GOD : i) Satchidanand Brahma (means Ultimate Truth, Highest Consciousness, Unlimited Bliss - God) ii) Nirgun Nirakaar Brahma (means Formless and Without any Property - God) iii) Paramaathma (The God who resides in each and every Creature, and Notes down every intension and thought of that creature and gives the correct fruit to his intension) Here all the three forms of God is the form of ONE GOD Sri Krishna (just like water is in liquid form, gaseous, form and frozen ice form) What you call the Formless God is actually pointing to Nirgun Niraakaar Bhagawan Sri Krishna. 4. Read Bhagawad Geetha and You will understand the truth. 5. Sanathan Dharma or very ancient religion (presently called Hinduism) is the Base of natural principles, science, way of life, way to attain Sri Krishna, a syllabus which is unchangeable, strong and meant forever. Dear F@@@@R, Don't even compare Kalki Avatar to Muhammed. I bet you din't even touch those Books, if you had then you would have understood that Kalki Avatar will take place at the end of Kali Yug. It has been just 5000 years into Kali Yug. Still 427000 years yet to go to complete the Kali Yug. Keep your kuranic philosophy with yourself, do not try to interpret others beliefs into your way of thinking. Why should I bother to educate you??? Raja Bhoj is not the title to pharoahs. He was a 11th century Hindu King. In 16th century F&&&&R Ghori Muhammed and F&&&&R Ghazni Muhammed came to India and looted gold and wealth back to middle east, before that we din't had Muslims here. Muslim religion came into picture in 6th century AD. whereas Hinduism or Sanathan Dharm was here since the from Sathya Yuga.
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