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Posts posted by nelimitat

  1. I think your account will be deleted forever if you don't post for about a month. You should read more about this on the first page of the forum and in the announcements forum.I really like Xisto.com forums. Even if I have to post in here ( I like to write much anyway) I currently have a stable web hosting service with no problems at all.So I recommend you to stick around with Xisto.com forums. And if you don't get along with the posting then ask a friend to do it for you. Maybe he'll help you. You could offer him a reward.

  2. You should tell us what's the error that you have. Did you want to start the Windows from your friend's HDD? Cuz I don't think this is gonna work since is a new motherboard and many other stuff.If you tried a clean installation from the win xp cd please write down the error message and reply in here with it. maybe we'll find a way to help you with that.keep in mind that if you have a sata hdd you have to insert the floppy disk in the A drive of your computer and push F6 several times at setup startup proccess of win xp installation. Please tell us more.

  3. This thing that you want to do with the 'div' stuff can be done enough easy. I use namo webeditor as a html editor and it have this effect too. you can check for this in the effects menu. it actually adds a layer and an effect as a javascript.you could check google for free javascripts or go directly to one of those two great sites:- http://www.dynamicdrive.com/- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ find very useful scripts in there; they are easy to apply in your html page and come with detalied instructions to be easy for you. you can also view a demo of some of the scripts.

  4. I couldn't say I have a favourite sport, but if I think a little... well.... I could say that football is one of those sports. I played a lot of football at school but now very little.Anyway I have tried basketball too and I like that sport very much too. It's really great :ph34r: It keeps you fit... like any sport.. what to say more?? what are your favourite sports???

  5. I am trying now the Internet address supplied above to see if there's a problem. I am using Internet Explorer and I think you are right, because I couldn't access your site neither.It gaves me the following error:"Sorry, no information is available for the URL schizofarm.trap17.com".Maybe you have lost your hosting credits (you didn't have enough) and your account got suspended. Is this right??

  6. Why don't you offer us more method to earn this hosting credits. I saw on another free hosting site that they offered a google ad that you can put everywhere on one or all of your website pages and that way earn a lot of credits. I earned about 90 credits in only one week so it's really useful.This ad will be optional and everyone that wants to increase their hosting credits would put the ad code on their site.What do you think about this? I think it's a good idea and this way you'll earn your money too for the free hosting that you are offering.Best regards from here. :ph34r:

  7. I'm really curious about the new interface of Yahoo Mail. I'm going to visit the link right now and tell impressions about it. There are a lot of nice pictures on the address that is above. Can we test this new interface at yahoo mail. The last beta interface that was used by google could be tested out by enabling an option from the general preferences. I'm going to access my account and see if I have such an option again. The Interface is very clean and I really like it. It looks very similar to the Yahoo Messenger interface. :ph34r:

  8. It's indeed a good offer, but only for Australia and I don't think this is the right place to advertise this company, or maybe I'm wrong....too paranoic about spam :ph34r:. There are some good offers in France too. They are offering for about 20 bucks / month ADSL2 connection (20Mbps :D) at a very good quality. They also have included in this price the TV cable and the fixed phone line.We hope that this offer will be worldwide :(. Personally I'm waiting for it.

  9. Do you know when MYSQL problem should be fixed. My clients & visitors are really pissed off with this time-out. My site is based on MYSQL database and if you try to access the site, you can't do anything for the moment.I really like to know that this problem will be solved fast by the Xisto.com forums' team. Please resolve it asap.

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