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Posts posted by Kim

  1. I have never met a ghost, but people at my school have described strange and inexplicable things happening to them late at night, when they are alone in certain buildings. This girl, while she was practicing the piano in an "empty" auditorium, suddenly looked up to see someone sitting in the room watching her. She went back to practicing, but when she looked up again the girl was gone, and she did not hear anyone entering or leaving. Scared, the girl packed up her stuff and quickly ran out the door. On her way out, as she passed the elevator she heard the door open, but there was no one there...And there are other stories as well. This school is haunted...

  2. Immigration is legal but sneaking across the border isn't. Their are laws in this country. Just because they are a "minority" doesn't exempt them from the law. If the US gov't declares all illegal immigrants as suddenly legal, it will set a precedence for other illegals to just walk across our borders. If we allow anyone to cross our borders anytime they want, do you honestly believe this nation will be secure? We might as well allow anyone and everyone to just walk across our borders. Because of a lack of security at the Mexican border we now have approximately 40 small yield nukes waiting for a certain time to destoy this nation.


    Do you honestly believe that the people who are participating in the march are the ones who want to bomb the United States? I think they are just fighting for their rights as human beings. I don't support making our borders free to everyone to just walk across, because that would obviously make the US too vulnerable to people sneaking nukes, drugs, etc...I agree with you that there are many people who hate America, and many more if the US invades Iran (which I hope won't happen, by the way), but is that the case with the Mexican immigrants? They come here to make money for their families, not to destroy the US. By giving them rights, we are just treating them as fellow human beings, and not any better than a US citizen, like you said.

    About your article, I think I need to do more research on this news site. It seems a little biased.

  3. They're human beings. They deserve rights?? Umm, has anyone forgotten that their ancestors were immigrants at one point? Read your history books. At some point in time your ancestors weren't looked upon favorably by those who were already here. There is no way America can stop illegal immigration. The more illegal they make it the harder people will try, because money is a always a strong factor. I'd like to see it try. It is better to make immigration legal and make it harder for immigrants to leave the country.

  4. Some teacher at my school was telling our class that everyone will think stereotypically of everyone else, always, just that it will have different levels depending on what exactly is triggering the stereotype. I can see how this is conceivable, but it is sort of similar to saying that humans will always treat each other badly... just not necessarely at the same levels of bad-ness. Racism is an interesting topic, and if you asked almost anyone today (actually maybe not... I live in a pretty liberal part of the United States, it may or may not be completely different if you were to go to another city or state) they would say that racism is still in this world at a very high level.
    So if what the teacher-lady at my school said is true, then I suppose racism will always be present, just not necessarely as little (or as much) is it is (or was, or will be) today.

    Everyone is a racist to some degree, but this is not an excuse to not treat every person with the respect that they deserve as a human being.
    How many times have we looked at a black person and underestimate their intelligence? How many times have we looked at an Asian guy in glasses and assume that he is good at math? Then we start talking to them and realize that they are not that different from us. The Asian kid may not even be that good at math.
    It's hard not to think stereotypically of another person at times, because sometimes what we hear from stereotypes is the only thing we know. What is important is that we must be flexible with our opinions and must change them when they are wrong.
    I think that just as it is wrong for a white person to assume that a black person is inferior in any way, it is wrong for a black person to assume that a white person thinks the black person is inferior. It is also wrong to assume that either side is taking advantage of each other.

  5. Good for you. High school, like college, is not for everyone. No one has to follow the path that everyone else takes in life, such as 4 years of high school, college, job/grad school, etc...Bill Gates dropped out of college and now makes more money than every other Harvard grad.But life is not about getting a good job that pays a lot of money. It's about finding what makes you happy, and that usually includes interactions with the rest of the world, because no man is really a deserted island. I think that is why school is so important for people. But if you manage to be happy without school, then that's great.

  6. Come on. We live in the 21st century. Can we not figure out something better than gas which also ruins our world? We're supposed to be the smart ones of the future and we don't seem to be doing anything about this but raising gas prices. Keep prices the same and work on better technology is what I say...

    I agree that we need to find more efficient fuels for our vehicles, and I'm sure there are really intelligent people working on it. Actually, there are alternative fuels, like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    the problem is making the transition from gasoline to these alternative fuels.
    I know all about driving below 60 mph to increase fuel efficiency, carpooling, and all that. I think more people will do that as gas prices increase. But the thing is, as gas prices rise, the people who are hardest hit are the ones in the low and middle income brackets, because they have less money and they have to pay the same as everyone else for gas. Also, it's estimated that we will be paying $1000 more per year for gas if this gas price continues to rise. $1000 is a lot of money, no matter how you look at it.

  7. I was watching the news a while back and i couldnt help but keep my eyes peeled when i saw something about cloning animals to get a nutrient that reduces the fat production in youre body.. It turns out that a chromosone in your DNA regulates the fat production in youre digestive system. The chromosone i believe was Omega 5 or something along those lines.. I cant really remember, But anyway... They tested it out by injecting the nutrient into an egg of a rat, and when the rat was born, it contained the nutrient. This shocked me.. "We are going to start eating cloned animals now!?" It really got me thinking.. What the HELL is this world coming too...

    No...I don't think you have to eat cloned rats. And Omega 5 is probably not a chromosome, but a gene. I think what the researchers are doing was to get the rats to produce the gene product and to see if this product does what it's supposed to do in the rat. If it works they might turn it into a pill later. This makes more sense because if we have to eat something that contains the nutrient to get it inside our body, we might as well just take a pill.
    Who knows, maybe you're already eating cloned animals. :-P

  8. So gas prices cost at least $2.80/gallon where I live. Is this ridiculous or what? I know supply is running short, but aren't we supposed to have at least 10 more years left? Does anyone know why gas prices are so high now? Is it the situation in Iran? Does price gouging have anything to do with it? I'm sure it does...and I think all oil executives should rot in their own piles of cash. What does everyone think about boycotting gas for a day? Or not buying gas from certain companies? Would this help the problem any? I live in Atlanta, GA, and it's impossible to go anywhere without a car.

  9. I like country music. Most people I know, hate it, though. I've always liked it. I don't know why. It's just about all I listen to. Although, I do listen to J-Pop occasionally. I listen to other types sometimes, but it's mostly country for me. I figured I'd be the first to vote for it...and I was.

    I like country too! I can't figure out why people hate it so much, especially so-called liberal and educated people

  10. The one thing I do like about school, however, is the fun that we can have when we have a push-over teacher. Take for instance my Civics class back in the ninth grade. We were pratically having a homerun derby in the classroom with paper wads while the teacher was reading a book. It was the funniest thing ever when one smacked her in the face.

    It's amazing how creative kids can be when they get bored.

    You call throwing paper around the room creative? You've got to be more creative than that!
    The worst things that I've seen in high school is lazy teachers. I've had teachers that don't expect much from me, so I learn basically nothing in their class. All teachers should make their lessons fun, interactive, and challenging.
    I've been in classrooms where students do worksheets for half of the period, then play cards for the last half when they're done with their worksheets. What a waste of time...

  11. Hi Brandice!Good luck with your goal. I think you can do it, even though it will take time. My suggestions aren't very different from the others. This is because there are no magical formula to losing weight. Some of the diets may work, but it's not easy to follow a regimen of food that you don't like. I suggest you eat healthy food that you like, in moderation, and exercise more. If you feel like you're eating too much, or that you're eating but you're not hungry, just stop. You also have to make a conscious effort to exercise everyday. That means setting aside 30-60 minutes a day doing an activity that increases your heart rate. Power walking and biking worked well for me.One of the most important thing about losing weight though is that you have to love your body. By loving your body, you will learn to recognize what is healthy for your body and do what is best for it.

  12. Did you know a piece of cigarette contains arsenic (rat poison!) among other things, including nicotine of course? What's worse is that tobacco companies executives knew that nicotine was addictive, long before the public figured it out, but they kept it to themselves. As much as 50% of smokers eventually develop lung cancer. It's like flipping a coin. Why take that chance with your life?What's especially repugnant is that the tobacco industries target young people to be long term consumers to replace those that die from lung cancer from smoking. Ever since the state and federal government in the US starts warning people about smoking, these companies have marketed their ads abroad, especially to developing countries, robbing them of what little money they make and killing them gradually. How do these executives sleep at night? How many charities do they donate to to wash away their sins?Each person who is of age has the right to smoke, to hold a cigarette, because it's her liberty, and she is entitled to do whatever she wants as long as she doesn't harm anybody. From that perspective, I can understand why some people oppose smoking bans. "It's my body. I'll do whatever I want with it, as long as I'm not hurting anyone." But from the public health perspective, smoking causes lung cancer, and smoking is preventable, so the government has the ethical responsibility to stop its citizens from killing themselves. This must be their rationale for banning drugs like marijuana, cocaine, etc...So why not tobacco? Why not nicotine? I know..well, I guess I don't, that it's very very hard to quit smoking. I have several friends who tried, and it took a lot of determination. As hard as it may be though, it's possible, and it's worth it. There should be better things in life besides smoking. People should have other interactions besides those made in pubs. I don't believe that quitting smoking will cause depression. If anything, it should add to one's quality of life.

  13. The key is to practice everyday. That is why people who take test prep courses can be so successful. There is a way to improve your score, because it's not an IQ test. So just set out a "SAT studying period" and sit down and practice. To get better on the verbal part I recommend getting your hands on scholarly articles and classics. Reading definitely improves your grade on the verbal part. For math, just practicing the problem and reviewing key concepts is extremely helpful. And remember, the SAT is coachable. That's why test prep companies are successful. But you don't have to pay if you just practice on your own.EDIT: if you have followed the news lately, ETS has been making a bunch of mistakes on students' SAT scores, making most of the score 100 points lower. They're trying to fix it, but in some cases it is probably too late. So I think you should be scared.

  14. In North America and Europe, we have a higher standard of living and different cultures all around us which makes everyone more tolerant to other peoples views, as well as a thriving democracy where no one has to be scared to go to jail for what they believe in, or choose to live their lives.

    Your environment ultimately justifies how the general populace will react to situations that may arise, which in the Middle East is extremely hostile towards foreigners. While in North America and Europe there's nothing to worry about.

    That's interesting. So you think that tolerance has something to do with the standard of living? Maybe in better living condition people tend to be less fearful and competitive? What about racism in North America? There is plenty of intolerance, but it's more subtle, not as violent.
    Has anyone's opinion changed with the news of Tom Fox, an American activist whose body was found in the dumpster in Iraq today? It made me really sad. He didn't even believe that America should be fighting Iraq.

  15. Negative Perception Of Islam



    This is not exactly hot news, but it is news and I think it's worth thinking about. According to a recent poll by the Washington Post, more Americans (46%) are having an unfavorable view of Islam, in particular that it encourages violence (33%).

    I think this increase is due to the negative information put forth by the media and the politicians, especially recently. Islam, from what I have heard, encourages peace and acceptance, not violence. The media chooses to pay more attention to the extremists instead of Muslims who oppose violence caused by these extremists.

    If Islam really encourages violence, then why do we not hear more about the violence caused by Muslims in Indonesia, the country with the largest number of Islams?

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