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Posts posted by q9c9p

  1. Chini, what he is talking about is the sudden mass-death of birds and fish dying for no apparent reason recently, not gradual extinction of species.
    Anyway, my thoughts on this are confusing. I'm no conspiracy theorist or anything. The birds (in states) seem to have died because they were scared of fireworks (or maybe Katy Perry) and went to fly at night, which resulted in mass-death. At least that's the explanation they gave, and I'm not sure if you can scare off 5000 birds so that they bump into each other... in one place. Those birds weren't sea birds so it was not like they were all gathered at a shore and then something freaked them all out. I guess I would have to speculate that killing the birds (or scaring the crap out of them) was the purpose. Or it's the aliens... Talking about freaky, hasn't there been some freaky "alien stuff" going on too lately? :lol:

    As for the fish... I have no idea. But then again... whales commit suicide sometimes and I have no idea why that happens either. So who cares. If this is new military equipment that the US is trying to test out (just like they just had to test their nuclear bombs on real cities), I hope it comes in mosquito edition too. :D ...or aliens!

    Well, I did not hear anything about "alien stuff" lately, and I'm also very skeptic about aliens...I have my own "theories" on that matter.
    The birds in sweeden and italy have been falling of the sky after new year...so how about that, and how comes that there is always close by a monsanto center or a monsanto field close by...really weird...

    By the way, Baniboy, whales are not fishes ehheheh :D;) and that's probably why they are committing suicide, I was reading some articles on the internet about if dolphins and whales should get same rights as humans because they show personality and sense of conscious, they can even figure them self into a mirror....I mean...I'm for rights to everyone but this goes a bit off chart...

    I'm loosing the topic so for I salute you all, I'll get back as soon as I have some more news and "investigation" done :D.


  2. Yes,

    that is true, and actually there is a huge number of Live distributions, maybe I should have named the topic differently, something like "wanna try linux for web developing", my bad.

    Some live distro to be mentioned:

    damn small linux - dsl : very small, with most of software one should need and with a desktop;dynebolic 2 - db2 : also kind of small, made for multimedia;backtrack : made for security testing and penetration testing, for advanced administrators;systemrescuecd : as the name might suggest, a system that run from cd for rescuing broken systems and broken hard drives;FreeSBIE : for those who are into old school unix and know the difference between GPL and BSD;

    There are many many more, but I suppose this are the few that are worth mentioning, please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Actually I'm part of the crew who is making dynebolic version 3 and I'm the bug fixer of dynebolic version 2 that will be abandoned little wile after we will release db version 3.

    Lately because of lacking of time I have not been updating db version 2 but I count on getting back on track asap.



  3. Thanks for the suggestions provided, but neither worked. Truefusion, using your command it returns that I'm not allowed to do it. With q9c9p's stuff, it just doesn't work.

    Hello Baniboy,

    excuse me if I ask, what does not work? could you explain more in detail?

    Did you manage to edit the fstab file? Do sudo mount -a return some output? If yes, could you paste it here in the forum?

    Thanks a lot and I hope I can still help you.



  4. Hello to all the people in the forum and apologies if this post might sound wrong...I've been in this Xisto since a day because I thought it was a good idea to earn a free hosting space, so i started opening couple of topic and to answer couple of questions and dialogs...but I see there is little activity and a lot of users...what is going on? can somebody enlighten me?I read a bit that before it was called Xisto...can somebody tell me a bit of the history of this place?thanks lot.Ciaoq9c9p

  5. Hello to all the people in the forum,

    aren't you annoyed by filling in registration forms every time a you find a nice web service you want to be part of? Wouldn't you like to have to use the same account you always had without filling gazillion forms?

    People who have facebook are used to this by using their facebook credential to log around websites, but for those who don't have a facebook?

    And here it comes: OpenID

    From their website ( hope is ok to quote a line from their website, I apologize in case I'm doing wrong ):

    Accelerate Sign Up Process at Your Favorite Websites
    Most websites ask for an extended, repetitive amount of information in order to use their application. OpenID accelerates that process by allowing you to sign in to websites with a single click. Basic profile information (such as your name, birth date and location) can be stored through your OpenID and used to pre-populate registration forms, so you spend more time engaging with a website and less time filling out registration pages.
    Reduce Frustration Associated with Maintaining Multiple Usernames and Passwords

    Most web users struggle to remember the multiple username and password combinations required to sign in to each of their favorite websites, and the password recovery process can be tedious. But using the same password at each of your favorite websites poses a security risk. With OpenID, you can use a single, existing account (from providers like Google, Yahoo, AOL or your own blog) to sign in to thousands of websites without ever needing to create another username and password. OpenID is the safer and easier method to joining new sites.
    Gain Greater Control Over Your Online Identity

    OpenID is a decentralized standard, meaning it is not controlled by any one website or service provider. You control how much personal information you choose to share with websites that accept OpenIDs, and multiple OpenIDs can be used for different websites or purposes. If your email (Google, Yahoo, AOL), photo stream (Flickr) or blog (Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal) serves as your primary online presence, OpenID allows you to use that portable identity across the web.
    Minimize Password Security Risks

    Many web users deploy the same password across multiple websites. And since traditional passwords are not centrally administered, if a security compromise occurs at any website you use, a hacker could gain access to your password across multiple sites. With OpenID, passwords are never shared with any websites, and if a compromise does occur, you can simply change the password for your OpenID, thus immediately preventing a hacker from gaining access to your accounts at any websites you visit.

    Because the focus of most OpenID providers (such as Google, Yahoo and AOL) is in identity management, they can be more thorough about protecting your online identity. Most website operators are less likely to be as dedicated to protecting your identity as the OpenID providers, whose focus is on securely hosting user identities.

    Reference: http://openid.net/get-an-openid/individuals/

    So...how to get started?!

    First visit this link to see if you already use any of this services:


    and if you do then look into your account ( of those services ) to get your OpenID credential, otherwise if you want to roll a fresh new OpenID credential go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and follow the instructions to apply for a new OpenID, hopefully this will save you lots of time from now on for login into different services.

    Oh, but...my favorite new web service site does not implement OpenID, what should I do?!?

    Well just ask the owners or the technicians to add it as a feature, a lot of people will be happy to see it, and I suppose also denotes technological awareness for who is doing the service/site.

    http://openid.net/add-openid/ Add OpenID to your website.

    Hoping you all enjoyed this brief presentation of OpenID, and hoping it might be helpful to someone, I salute you.



  6. Hello,if you want to run asp web applications on linux there is an apache module to do that called mod_mono, if you want to run .net application on a linux desktop then there is mono which is a set of libraries and utilities to run .net applications on linux and the apache mod_mono is part of it.Hope I helped you out.Ciao,q9c9p

  7. Hello to all people around the forums,did you hear the news that large numbers of animals are dying around the globe? In states, in sweeden, in italy and other countries too!I've been investigating a little and for a few places where this things are happening it seems to be a connection with Monsanto laboratories and chemical warfare laboratories.Some people say its the will of god trying to give a sign for people to "wake up". Sorry folks but I'm skeptic about that.What are your thoughts? Can it be something that have run out of hand? If so, shouldn't somebody say something? Is it really worth to keep such a secret even if the truth could lead to mass world panic?Ciao,q9c9p

  8. Hello,

    permit me to do a little introduction:

    many people talk about it, Linux!

    But what really is: Linux is the main program ( kernel ) that make the operating system start, even windows has a kernel! but it's named different, it's named Explorer ( also the browser is named like that but they are different things ).
    Then around this program ( the Linux Kernel ) we have a huge number of different operating systems based on it ( the Linux Kernel ), there is Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, OpenSuse, Gentoo and a gazilion more and we call them distributions...is a bit like a car, the engine of a car is always more or less the same, but the machine around it can be different, it can be a chevy or a wolkswagen, but at basics the engine is more or less the same.

    Some people who are into website designing and internet services soon or late get interested on Linux because its server capabilities, some try to install it on their desktops in dual boot just to try firing up a LAMP ( Linux Apache Mysql Php ) and then find them selfs almost instantly missing drivers, sometimes is the graphics, sometimes is the wireless and loosing hours and will power just to get the internet working missing the real power of linux...

    For those who are into web developing there is a new distribution called TurnKey Linux, you don't need to abandon your windows or macos to use it, you can just use a virtualization program like vmware or virtualbox from your favorite operating system; TurnKey Linux comes as an appliance, just like the one in your kitchen, there is the LAMP with all the equipment to set up a full fledged website, there is the drupal appliance with a drupal already installed, there is even a torrent server appliance!
    Take a look over the appliances list:


    And of course there is not just appliances for web developers, also for instant messaging, for fileservers, for revision control systems and more appliances are created every day!

    I hope TurnKey Linux can help you out "do more with less" and make you save some times while still learning new stuff.
    As soon I will make some tutorials about some of the appliances, I currently use the fileserver, the lamp and the drupal.



  9. Hello I'm new,I also heard this news...so sad, and yet yes very cruel. I'm really against death penalty but I believe this person should be sentenced for life imprisonment in isolation cell, he killed the baby because the ex did not want to stay with him...ok be alone for the rest of your life now.I also have a little baby ( almost 2 years now ) and me and his mama don't get along and stopped seeing each others since about a half a year now, but hell...I could never ever hurt my little one to make a wrong to her, that does completely make no sense at all!!!This guy might have been really really brain sick. I hope he gets life sentence in isolation.I hope his ex will forget the baby and get a new life, I know its impossible to do forget a little life coming from your own especially ( I think ) when you are the mother, but life goes on, and for sure if the baby would have been grown up would have wanted his/her mama to go on with life, life goes on, and for the sake of the little lost life she should go on and find somebody special to make a new life ( I think ).Ciao.q9c9p

  10. Hello Webdesigner,


    its such a pity that still drivers are trouble some on ubuntu, let me try to help you out but I tell you is gonna be a little long task.


    To start you should get on a wired network, so first you can connect a lan cable to your laptop, after that go to in the main menu and look for System->Administration->Update Manager ( my system is in italian so names might be translated wrong, I'll try to explain at best ), once the update manager is installed do Verify updates and in case do also the updates, once this operation is finished look in the left bottom corner of the update manager for something called Settings and click it, type in your password and a new window should open, there should be 5 tabs, Ubuntu Software, Other software, Updates, Authentication and Statistics.


    First check (click) Proprietary drivers for devices - restricted and Software with copyright restrictions and legal restrictions - multiverse, main universe restricted and multiverse should be all checked in, then go to the Other Software tab and check whatever is in there, it should be Canonical Software.

    Once you have done that you should be ready to go, click close and click Reload at the next window, just wait a bit while the software list is being refreshed and when the first window reappear ( the update manager window ) do all the upgrades.

    Once the upgrades are done go again in the main menu, go in System, Administration, Driver manager ( has an icon looking like a sound card or a peripheral internal card ) and look if the driver for your wireless card ( and graphic card ) are there, if yes then enable it by clicking the checkbox, it will do an automatic procedure to install and configure the driver, when finish restart the computer and redo this last procedure for the graphics drivers, if your wireless driver don't show then there is another procedure using a software called ndiswrapper which make use of the windows driver but you're gonna have to fire up a terminal, so lets keep it for later.

    Hope this helps you out, and I hope you won't have to use ndiswrapper after all.


    Keep in touch and let me know, ciao




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  11. I installed Mountmanager as you suggested and I modified the mount points. I set the partition I wanted to be mounted in "/windows" and applied the new settings. What has happened now is that it's now owned by root. The whole partition. I can't modify and/or delete things unless I launch software with the sudo command. I tried to set that anyone can use the partition in Mountmanager but it didn't work. Also tried to change the owner through folder options using sudo nautilus but it couldn't change the user or user group. Any help in that?


    I think I'm going to reinstall Ubuntu if I can't find a solution and set the mount point in the installer since there is a lot of bugs in here anyways, maybe I'll downgrade to 10.04.




    I hope you did not had to reinstall your system, but in case you did not the open up a terminal ( I know, I'm sorry you have to do this, please don't compare it to the clicketiclick way of windows...) and do:


    gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

    and in there add at the end



    /dev/sdaX(where X is your partition number like sda3 or sda5)      /windows    vfat    defaults,dmask=007,fmask=117,uid=user,gid=user     0    0
    and then do:


    gksudo mount -a
    or restart your computer.


    I'm sorry you had to use a terminal, I know there is a way to do it with nautilus or the partition manager but I don't have a fat partition that is not an external drive that I hotplug and I usually do most of everything with the terminal because for me personally is faster since I type very fast...


    Hope this helps you.




  12. Hello everybody, I'm new :).


    This thread would like to be a tutorial, but before making it into one I'd like to discuss it with more people.


    I'm a kind of paranoid person, I hate advertisement and website that run lots of javascript and whats not on my computer so I usually install in my firefox adblockplus, noscripts, flashblock.


    Adblockplus uses a remote list of ads providers that you have to subscribe when you install it ( I usually choose a French list provided since I live in EU ), once installed it will remove a lot of advertisement from you WorldWideWeb experience;


    NoScript can seem a little intrusive at first, practically it blocks every website to run any script on your machine, then it gives you a menu where you can white-list a domain or a website or permit temporarily anything on a single web page, usually the first couple of days after installation are a bit annoying because you need to create the white-list of the usual website you visit, but after a while it can save bandwidth and headaches especially if you are using windows...and for people who are paranoid about whats running on their computer this add-on give a lot of control and of clue about the Internet jungle;


    FlashBlock simply block any animated flash web application and give you a <play> button to play it in case you really want, usually after noscript there is not the need for flashblock, but personally I don't like youtube "autoplay once open" sort of things;


    I'd like to make a nice tutorial with links to the add-ons and screen-shots about the usage, anyone interested? is it a good idea for a tutorial-guide? where could I post it? in tutorials? in The Internet-Web browsers section ( here )?


    Thanks a lot,



  13. Hello everyone,I was looking on the internet for a free hosting space where to put some of my works, demos and documentations and that could meet my requirements ( the usual lamp, custom scripts, ssl ), after testing a couple of them I found this place and I really think is an awesome idea to share knowledge in exchange of internet services.I'm a linux user ( or power user as someone would say ), I've been using linux for over 13 years now and I've been working in a hosting provider and for a non profit technology art group ( somebody would say artistic hackers :) or media artists, but I prefer the first term :D ), I'm also active in a couple of LUG's and hacklabs ( that are not the place where cyber criminal meets but are autonomous laboratories for volunteers who are interested in technologies, don't get the hacker term wrong ).I do audio and video streaming, I'm also into virtualization and tuning of linux servers...hope to be useful to others with my advices and I hope I get to understand how this "mycents" things works asap :)Cheers!q9c9p <-- thats my face after the normal day coffe dosage :D

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