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Everything posted by buciaer

  1. Check this out: http://www.deathclock.com/ is a site where you can calculate when you gonna die, and how many seconds you have got left. I will die on Thursday, July 23, 2065 and have 1,890,563,865 seconds to live Notice from BuffaloHELP: Moving from What Is...? to Internet. Read carefully what each section's post criteria.
  2. looool... that`s cool. My name is oscar, and it looks like this
  3. most of the time the logic board dies, but chances are, that the pins were disconected due to some shock. But beware that it is nearly impossible to open it and then repair it, because small particles of dust stick on the disks, and the disks cannot be readed anymore
  4. I had until a year ago a very slow computer, that just made me crazy. It had holes on the sides, because everytime it jammed, i made a hole with a screwdriver in it. I once threw it on the floor, and it died. Since then i have a faster computer and this one`s cover is harder than the last, so when it jamms, i can only scrach it. And belive me, it is very scrached
  5. he is mister crazy frog: and he sings something like "zdrep zdrep" on a techno negative. And this whole thing started with a ringertone, now you can buy T-Shirts, Hats, Dolls, Posters, Pictures, Ringertones, Mobile Skins, music album, tatoos, etc. etc. etc. As for me, i ain`t the typical crazy frog fan, it is quite annoying to hear "zdrep zdrep" and then "Crazy frog, by Axel F, buy it now", and stuff like that
  6. buciaer


    man, i have the flash editing program, swishmax. I damn hate it, but it is the only one. I just changed the version, and my site didn`t work anymore, i had to change all buttons, all text, and modify the sprites. It took me ages, an that`s all because some soopuh doopuh programmers didn`t have what to do, so they made an update. I worked on the site 1 month, and now i had to work another week for changing that stuff. They could just left it as it was, cause they didn`t change anything, only the version. But noooo, they needed to change that damn version, so i had to make the site again. If they make such an update once more, i will work in microsoft frontpage, even if it is the worst program that was ever made for site building...That`s better, now i can go back to work
  7. I download alot of things, but still don`t get many spyware. I guess it is because i am using a router and a hardware firewall. But i am still getting very many attacks, so i decided to make an email adress only for the attack logs on my ip. Now i have 3628 messages that say that my ip was attacked by brazilians but the attacker didn`t go trough the firewall.
  8. world of warcraft!!! this game is the best and the most complex game i ever played. It`s better than MU, because there are only 2 quests, but i don`t know about the others, because i didn`t played them. Anyway, i have a lvl 15 Human warrior
  9. No, there isn`t nothing special at the end, just that the game ends at 60% of it.The game is really boring, because the feeling from NFSU1 isn`t there anymore, and the opponents are too easy even on hard.
  10. The worst game ever... Well, the worst game i ever played was mortal kombat for sega console. Every player was four times on the screen, and if you played with Shao Khan, you were invincible, because if you pressed a button, the other player took very much damage and shao khan became invincible.
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