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Posts posted by Splendid

  1. Well, I can't say that I'm afraid of dying. Death is completely out of our control.I have accepted that.I always treat each day as if it were my last. I do not believe in any form of afterlife. I believe once we die, that is it. It is definitely harder to accept and live with, but if you view it in a positive manner, it can influence you to love and cherish this life much more. So, simply we should all do our best while we live and try to get everything we can from life and respect all people around us, also to be happy as much we can. That isn't hard I think.

  2. Hello to everyone...I'm a girl from Serbia, 27 years old, a medicine worker. I'm here because I would like to create a website, which will give aditional information about mobbing or bullying in Serbia. We had a bad legislation, but however this changed since a month or less. People are still affraid to say anything about this and I hope that my site will help them to fight the mobbers.Also, I like forums and I hope that my contribution will be excepted too.Chears... :)

  3. I often see a dream that I am running all ends up for the search of job and even rejected by my juniors on demanding the job.
    All persons, to whom with I have worked for or my subordinates make mockery of me and suddenly I find myself helpless.

    It takes a few seconds to recover in the morning.

    Why it is so with me?

    Dear AKLEKHI,

    Should we take seriosly our work related dreams are still a continuing debate between experts. You can decode your dream in many way, for example you are telling that colleagues are making mockery of you and you find yourself helpless. This kind of dream usually dramatizes a feeling of vulnerability and exposure in waking life, and you should deal with that very soon. The dreams we are having is our subconscious letting us know that we are more preoccupied with a given issue than our conscious mind is letting us to believe, but try to remember the whole dream because maybe it will show you how to deal with your problem. Often the solution comes in the form of a picture or situation you have created in the dream. You can see things more clearly in your sleep.

  4. Hello all, I have a million questions as I am a newbie, but I will start with one.Has anyone who is Indigo ever been diagnosed with having Bi-Polar Disorder?
    I have been, but i refuse to take medication. I am what I am....

    The "Indigo Childrens" are called "Children of the Light" or "Millennium Childrens" also. These childrens are very creative, not just in an artistic sense. They have a need to express their energy in many ways. Some therapist use the Ritalin medicine like treatment, but there are some personal therapist which use other methods for these children like letting them to express their energy through music, painting, poetry, etc. The Ritalin is a poor equivalent for a personal therapist.

    Maggie, I can understand your reaction, because like an Indigo, you are also a rebbel and everything what is comforting to other people for you is not, but sometimes we should try to look the both side of the penny. Yes, maybe the medicine you've got will be bad for you and your decision is right, but what if that helps you? My two cents would be: talk to your family, try to observe the both side of the medal and bring a decision together or maybe with your family doctor, who could explain to you the negative and positive side of that therapy you've got.

    I wish you, good luck...
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