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Posts posted by MyEternalVengence

  1. First I'm not married but some days I feel as if i might as well be, and if a couple doesn't quarrel in my opinion its unhealthy for the relationship because then your holding it all in.Heres a perfect example: This morning she didn't answer my text or calls like she always has. So I begin to worry and of course my mind doesn't come up with the best reasons of why she isn't answering... So when we finally talk I get mad at her unjustifually so. And well to say the least I regret it.

  2. I have to admit looks have started plenty of my relationships, attitudes or personalities have too. As i have found you can have udly girls with good and bad personalities and you can have pretty girls with good and bad personalities. I use to be everything but a player only difference was i actually cared if i hurt a girls feelings... I have to say I'm not proud of it but it built me to who I am today. Now I'm currently in love and she's my total opposit. Just goes to show you never truely know where you'll find love.

  3. this is too simple. you have to be in agony right now keeping this subject inside yourself without informing her in how you feel. it's better to be open and rejected than to keep that crap to yourself as it creates it's own pain.
    be upfront and honest with her. if she has a boyfriend or husband, you will have to suck it up and respect her situation. but openess and honesty will at least allow you to communicate your feeling and get to know her own thoughts on the subject.

    be carefull though. if she doesn't feel the same way you do, she just might avoid you even further because she doesn't want to lead you on

    i would have a talk with her and open up to her. see how it goes, then came back here and post the results.

    long term friendships where someone wants more is tricky though because after time, a woman will feel comfortable and relaxed in the friendship. she may not want to ruin that with a relationship.....especially if she's been hurt in the past

    but as long as she isn't already involved with someone where you are not disrespecting that relationship, i would come clean and ask her her thoughts. also, no matter how it goes, i might want to suggest doing something romantic a couple times to show her how much you care about her(not just through words). this is all you can do for now. suggestions? ecard? flowers? poem? even on the phone together when watching a movie you both would enjoy so you can feel eachothers emotions during the movie. be creative.

    good luck with it....don't forget to post any new circumstances :)

    I have to agree with you there come out in the open. Hurt emotions are like wounds they have to air out or they fester and get infected and thats never good

    and thats interesting about the movie and on the fone....

  4. This is an interesting topic but I'm wondering how to tell if you are lusting, infatuating, of loving someone. All of them show levels of attractiveness to some degree. The thing about infatuation and love is that both have strong feelings of affection for the other person.

    I think that with infatuation you really care about them but you don't push to the same goals. With love you stive for the same things and are willing to give up everything to make the other happy.

  5. In my opinion, Christians don't accept skulls because it is too closely connected with evil, death, and destruction. Its all symbolism, and symbols have strong undertones for many people. Just look at the U.S. flag, and you can see how strong symbols are. I would have to ask you why do you like skulls? What is it about skulls that you like? Is there some kind of symbolization going on there? A skull is the head of someone or something that is dead and has deteriorated. What is so amusing about that? Also, as the person state above, skulls are closely affiliated with witch craft. If you watch a witch movie, or any movie that is associated with darkness and evil, you are likely to see a skull. I will admit that I am currently stereotyping witches. I am not sure if Wiccans use skulls as symbols or within their worshiping process. However, I have a better example. Look at Satanist. They certainly use skulls within their worst, along with blood and in some cases animal sacrifices.
    I can only think of one case where Christians actually view skulls as acceptable, and that is for a hunting trophy. Like the head or skull of a deer or some other animal that was killed during the hunting season. Any kind of skull outside of that of a deer or other large animal that is typically hunted, is out of the question. This is primarily true for human skulls. They are really out of the question. Then again, we may also be stereotyping Christians. You stated that you are a Christian and that you like skulls. Perhaps you are simply in the wrong church and need to find a different group of people to worship with.

    I have to agree with you there and can understand. The thing is i like skulls but it's not like i hang out with people that do. At least not the ones in the bad crowd so to speak. As for why i like them I don't honestly know. I just always have its something that just developed over the years.
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