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Posts posted by webo

  1. Making money online is easy, and those who say different are out of touch with the internet marketing world. There are so many different ways that people can make money online, the number is countless. Many people use the net every single day and access to internet is now a norm is society. You can make a lot of money online and there are many ways. But there are some ideas to keep in mind.
    Making money online is like an investment. It is an investment of your time, and on the other end is a load of money. The more time you invest the load of money gets bigger and bigger, as a passive source of income. In order to be successful online, you must be willing to work hard and consistently. Achieving great success on an online business requires a lot of patience, determination, and faith. At times, you may feel overwhelmed, but never give up. Learn from your mistakes and take one idea at a time. Implement changes as you learn and keep those changes.

    One of the best ways to progress online is to keep track of your progress. I usually have a word document of what I have accomplished, and what I need to do. This helps me keep motivated all the time. When you can see your progress it will tell you where you are and how much have got done. If you can see it, you can believe it. So just dream it!

    There is no product out there, that will magically get you rich instantly. I personally wouldnt bother with any get rich quick schemes because I know that it takes hard work and patience to make money online. Good Luck Everyone!

    I agree, alot of time, effort, commitment, dedication and so on are needed in order to become a success online.

    You can make money in any way possible, adsense is a common way of making some extra money. Affiliation programs are available on alot of websites too.

    Google AdSense could be an idea,
    Writing online for money,
    Joining affiliation projects,
    Making designs for cash,
    Design of any sort; logo's/banners and so on.

    The list is endless.

  2. Definately, you should not give the dog human food, dog food is meant for dogs, and that's that.Giving the dogs the remains of your sunday roast however, is not.It will be ill because it has eaten something it's stomach doesn't cater for, just like if we eat grass/soil/dogfood -- won't taste pleasant, and we'll probably fall ill as a result of it.I think if this continues, you should definately consider taking your dog to the vet.. it isn't normal if it carries on, I mean a puke here and there, once a week would be seen as 'normal', but more than that, then visit your vet!

  3. Suicides are where you the following:
    1)Stand up straight

    2)Drop down onto your hands and feet(you kind of bounce backwards on your way down), kind of like in the push-up position(up)

    3)Pull your knees and legs down under your chest area to stand up

    4)Stand straight up

    5)Repeat it

    At least that's how I remember it from in school.

    A very effective technique to stay fit, and improve endurance / stamina. It really does test you, however I believe a similar called 'Squats', or otherwise known as 'SquatThrusts'.

    But I have my own unique method of squats, which will potentially add muscle definition to your calfs, hamstrings and all of the other muscles involved.

    You may need a mark of some kind, that should preferably be between your hands and feet at a equidistant length.

    1) Stand up straight

    2) Get into squat position, like a push up position but with your bum at a slight 80 degree angle

    3) With your feet together, step forwards and backwards over the line/mark

    4) Do this at a steady speed, increase at times - for a sensible ammount of reps (i.e. I would personally do 20-30, depending on your fitness/stamina level.

    5) Repeat at your own pace/ ammount of reps -- (I would reccomend doing about 3-5 reps to start off with/ a day.

    Hope this is an addition to the method that rpgsearcherz had introduced.

  4. The matter of death is a very important notion, indeed.


    One cannot quite put into words what will happen when he dies, unless you have religous beliefs like myself. Personally I believe that when my time does come, I will be judged for and my good/bad deeds accounted for, and with Gods will when I do pass the judgement, forever frolic within the realms of paradise.


    I think it is more fear of the unknown. As much as people believe there is or isn't anything after, no one can be 100% sure. Also the fear of leaving loved ones is also a huge factor. But ultimately, I don't think people are scared of dying, they are scared of the part that comes after, the unknown.

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