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Posts posted by Nybb

  1. "opaque's city's in a real bad shape. They're suffering from incessant rains and massive flooding for past one week continuously. His city, mumbai's in a complete mess.. utter havoc everywhere.. flood relief going in from everywhere.. hundreds of people washed away to the sea I believe..Sad.. very sad.. "

    I'm very sorry to hear that. Hopefully, OpaQue's all right.

    But on a brighter note, the layout is actually really done well, for a layout that uses no images. I'm quite impressed actually.

  2. Where as Xisto says, "you contribute, we will help ya out with a 'realistic' amount of webspace and bandwidth given you follow some 'realistic' rules and have fun."

    On the contrary, the bandwidth is quite a realistic amount. But the problem I have with this FAQ is that it sounds too easy and makes people think that they can get hosting, no sweat. It's actually more harder than making 5,000 perfect posts on Xisto than to get hosting on this network.
    At least here, you get no ads and can badger your visitors for Paypal donations and flood them with Adsense.

  3. If it's by the works of the old, dead composers (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, etc.) it isn't illegal because it's public domain. (That's why you hear a lot of classical music in movies, IS FREE!) But if it's from a punk rock band (much of which you can find on the radio), you have to bribe them by shoving stacks of cash onto their faces and they'll write on paper that you can use their music for your work.

    Your question has been answered. This includes background music on recordings.
    I find it interesting that everything has to be on paper. To me, that means words don't matter; if you wrote it you have a documented contract that can be shoved to your face. My mom uses this method when making deals with me... :D

  4. I've been to many sites and I find a lot of sad, stupid and appallingly phony ones. Here's my list:


    http://www.yuku.com - The most appalling message board host on the face of the earth.


    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Forums infested with board trolls.


    http://www.something.com/ - waste of a domain. I think it's gone now. All that was on it is "Something."


    http://www.zombo.com/ - Quite fun actually.

  5. I wasn't mentioning about his credits, my point was that Xisto isn't that bad compared to other people. When Rodneylay mentioned the answer, "too f%$$ing bad. CASE CLOSED!" I found that strangely similar to the appalling things I've heard in ezboard.Ezboard had given the answer of "too f%$$ing bad. CASE CLOSED!" to their members and brought everyone into the idea of "them and us."You won't find that here in Xisto...

  6. One of the things rodneylay mentioned but everyone was trying to avoid and look past was:

    Funny thing about this message is that they just do not want to give me an explanation as to the loss of credits, or they cannot give me one, and they just don't give a crap whether it irritates me or not.
    So, I get a nice little re-inforcement of how true that statement above is. If it is too good to be true .......

    The only problem with that is that Xisto promoted this site a certain way and claim to be the best, and they do not back it up. They don't even make excuses or lie about it. Their answer is simply "too f%$$ing bad. CASE CLOSED!

    In my opinion, this is a justified and legitimate view. It doesn't just apply to Xisto only, I see this kind of crap everywhere, even in really big companies like ezboard dot com. Here's what some people had to say about ezboard:

    Did you see them?

    Topic: Community Chest Update - 08/15/05

    Registered User
    Posts: 7631
    Posted: 8/15/05 18:14

    New Post Community Chest Update - 08/15/05

    We wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the final stages of work around restoring Community Chest, and the remaining issues resulting from the attack. Hereâs where we are:

    1. At this time all Community Chests have been restored, and all communities who had problems with Chest balances have had their tickets addressed by the Customer Service staff.

    2. All Gold communities have been given six additional weeks of service credit.

    3. We have addressed a large number of the emails that came through the appeals process, and expect to have responded at least once to every email by the end of this week.

    4. We are in the final steps of correcting subscription dates and credits for boards whose subscriptions expired or were purchased in the first weeks after the attack. Our plan is to complete this work within the week as well.

    After a long process, Iâm proud and happy to say that we are fully back in business. We deeply appreciate your patience and support through what has been a very difficult time for all of us. The company remains strong, the site vibrant and active, and we look forward to serving you better in the future. For those of you who have been holding back on renewals, you can now renew with confidence.

    In closing, we want to be your community platform, now and in the future. We are glad to discuss your future with us, and assist in any way we can.

    Thanks again for your patience and support.

    Rob Labatt

    Edited by: ezCkerr at: 8/15/05 18:14




    Registered User
    Posts: 7632
    Posted: 8/16/05 13:59

    New Post

    Schedule Maintenance Alert Schedule Maintenance Alert: Wednesday 8/17/05 10:00 PM - Thursday 4:00 AM (-8GMT)

    We will be upgrading existing networking equipment and replacing some broken servers during this scheduled maintenance window.

    Edited by: ezCkerr at: 8/16/05 14:06

    Ok...first of all, I guess this means they finally figured out how to USE GLOBAL UPDATES again at last. Secondly...they obviously are going to do that Maintenance thing that they "announced" earlier in the updates that nobody really knew about.


    After a long process, Iâm proud and happy to say that we are fully back in business. We deeply appreciate your patience and support through what has been a very difficult time for all of us. The company remains strong, the site vibrant and active, and we look forward to serving you better in the future. For those of you who have been holding back on renewals, you can now renew with confidence.

    Fully back in business? Oh, you mean like when you had all services available within hours of the "attack" kind of back in business, right?

    Long process? Oh, you mean the two+ months of hell you and your mods in the hopeless forums put users through. You deeply appreciate our patience and support? Sure didn't sound like it when you threw the TOU in our face.

    The company is strong? Right...to me this is an OBVIOUS smokescreen to try and obfuscate the losses you've had...and the last sentence comes across as an obvious PLEA for members to renew. Renew with "confidence"? How would people do so when the help forums still have vanishing posts, virus/trojan issues, payment problems, and still no worthwhile backup system in place?

    What a joke, ezboard. What a joke.

    Oh, and in case anyone's memory has dimished as to what ezboard really thinks of you:

    money first

    And not only that, an ezboard Moderator once refused restoral upon Survivor Sucks because of what someone said.

    Xisto is not so bad, compared to what I've seen...


  7. My favorite character is Tidus from Final Fantasy. I like the character because when the game make it, it has alot of good imagination, good looking clothes, magics (I love magic stuff), weapons (sure swords are look good), The role of Tidus in the game, The way he is in the game (looks more cool) and of course the game itself.

    In my opinion, Final Fantasy X is the crappiest Final Fantasy game on the face of the Earth. FFX is solely based on graphics, there isn't a lot of actual gameplay. In addition, there are too many characters in FFX - you can't use them all at the same time. And nodes? I still don't understand how it works.
    Tidus is a Jesse McCartney wannabe...

  8. From: classicgaming dot com

    ClassicGaming Hosting
    Have a gaming site related to the topic of this Planet? Want to be associated with one of the best gaming networks around? You've come to the right place! A few of our benefits are:
    Virtually unlimited FTP space and lots of bandwidth
    Forums and other pre-built systems
    Planet e-mail accounts
    Effective, timely technical support
    Promotion across the GameSpy Network
    We sat down and thought up every question you could possibly ask about getting hosted on the GameSpy Network and its answer. So if you have a question about hosting, check the list.

    Think your site meets our requirements?
    Fill out a Hosting Application for hosting at ClassicGaming. Once we receive a completed application, we will review your site and get back to you.

    General Hosting Questions
    Do I have to pay for hosting on the GameSpy Network?
    What kind of sites do you host?
    What types of sites don't you host?
    How do you determine if a site will be hosted?
    I run a site I think you should host. How do I ask for hosting?
    Will you guys help me make a site?
    My site's going to be great, but I don't want to go to the trouble of making it if you guys aren't going to host it. So why should I make one?
    Can I host other sites on my own hosted site?
    I'm going to make a mod for Game X, but I have to get coders, modelers, and mappers. We haven't worked on it yet. Can I get hosting?
    I have a general gaming news Web site. Can I get it hosted?
    You already have a site dedicated to the same game my site is. Can I still get hosted?
    I want to make a site and I want you to host it, but I don't have any Web space to put it up so you guys can look at it. Help!
    Can I just zip up my entire site and e-mail it to you?
    Once my site is hosted, can I get any exposure on the network to increase my hits?
    Technical Questions
    How much Web/FTP space will I have?
    Will I get an e-mail account, too?
    I want to do ASP/PHP/CGI scripts, etc. on my site -- can I do that?
    Can I put forums on my site?
    Can I have a domain name for my site?
    Does GameSpy use Windows or Linux servers?
    Ad Banners and Affliations
    Do I have to run your ad banners?
    Will you pay me for running your ads on my Web site?
    Other networks pay their hosted sites for running ad banners, but you guys don't. So why should I get hosted by you?
    I'm trying to make some money running my site. Can I put non-GameSpy banners on it?
    Can we sell ads or be part of paid affiliation program on our site?
    Can I have people pay me through PayPal?
    PlanetGameName Questions
    I want to run PlanetGameName. How can I do that?
    I want my site to be PlanetGameName. Can I do that?
    I notice you have PlanetGameName.com reserved. Are you planning on making a site for it? Can I help?
    What's the difference between a hosted site and a Planet site?
    Can a hosted site ever "get promoted" to a Planet site?
    More Questions?

    This FAQ didn't answer ANY of my questions. What do I do now?!
    I applied for hosting a few days ago and haven't heard back from you. Are you ignoring me?

    General Hosting Questions

    1. Do I have to pay for hosting on the GameSpy Network?

    Nope - hosting is completely free! We have only a few rules we ask that you abide by, such as running our ads on your site. [back to top]

    2. What kind of sites do you host?

    Mainly, we look for two types of Web sites: sites devoted to specific games, and sites devoted to projects and creative content for games. We don't host clan or guild sites. Some examples of the kind of sites we look for can be found by looking at any of our big Planet sites, like PlanetQuake, or our genre sites, like RPGPlanet and 3DActionPlanet. [back to top]

    3. What types of sites don't you host?

    As already mentioned, if we already cover a topic well on our Network, we are not likely to host sites that provide the same function, such as general news sites. We do not provide hosting to clan or guild sites. We also do not host tools, trainers, or programs that could be used to cheat in games online. Warez sites are also not welcome on our Network. [back to top]

    4. How do you determine if a site will be hosted?

    We want a certain measure of quality among sites that we host because, after all, they're associated with the GameSpy name. We look at every site that comes into our hosting requests carefully to see if they meet a few criteria:

    1. The site has to look nice. Yeah, we know that's kind of subjective, but we're pretty sure that everyone thinks lime green background colors with red 20-point blinking fonts are just annoying.

    2. The site must fit into our network appropriately. That means that it should be focused on a particular game that we don't have a planet site for already, or it should be focused on mods, maps, or other add-ons for a particular game. It can also be something totally unique -- maybe your site is dedicated to fan fiction based on TRIBES.

    To get an idea of what we're looking for, cruise around our network and take a look at our hosted sites. What we're not interested in are general gaming news sites, general mod or level download sites, or sites that already do what our Planet or genre sites do -- we've got all that covered. If that's what interests you, we're always looking for more staff; contact the site director for the particular site you're interested in working for.

    3. The site must have a lot of content. We understand that it's a lot of work to create a site for something, and you don't want to put in all that work if there's a chance you won't be hosted. However, too many times people will have what they think is a great idea for a site and then never follow through. Therefore, you must have a fully developed site that we can look at. Having lots of "coming soon" sections is probably going to get a "no" on hosting.

    4. The site must be updated regularly. One of the qualities of a good Web site is that it be updated regularly so that visitors always see something new.

    5. The site must be in English. No, that's not because we're nationalistic, isolationist American pigs, though that we may be. It's because those of us working on the Network speak English primarily, and we need to be able to understand what's on our hosted sites.
    If you applied for hosting and were turned down, don't worry -- work on your site and make it the best site you can make it, and then reapply. Some of our hosted sites were turned down the first time, but that only made them work harder on their site until it qualified for hosting. We're always willing to look at a site a second time if you've put a lot of work into improving it. [back to top]

    5. I run a site I think you should host. How do I ask for hosting?

    It depends on the focus of your site. If your site is devoted to one specific game that we don't have a Planet site for already, you would want to check with the appropriate genre site. If your site is devoted to things like maps, mods, fan fiction, or content like that for a game that we have a Planet site for, then you should apply for hosting at that particular Planet site. [back to top]

    A good place to look for the right area of our network to apply would be the Network listing at GameSpy.com. There you'll find a listing of all the genre and Planet sites on our network. Pick the one applicable to your game and you'll find a link to hosting information on the front page of that site.

    6. Will you guys help me make a site?

    GameSpy has a pretty kick-*bottom* team of Web designers and developers that make the great sites on our network. However, our hosted sites are all designed and run by the people who made them and applied for hosting. Our team is already pretty busy with GameSpy's network sites, so unfortunately we can't spare them to make hosted sites except in very special situations. [back to top]

    7. My site's going to be great, but I don't want to go to the trouble of making it if you guys aren't going to host it. So why should I make one?

    Like Question 4 says, too many times we've been told that someone has a terrific idea for a site and they know it's going to be really cool. But many times, they don't follow through on their idea, and we're left with an empty directory. To prevent that, we need to see a fully developed site before we can consider hosting. [back to top]

    8. Can I host other sites on my own hosted site?

    Yes, you can -- within certain limits (for instance, we don't want a hosted site hosting Quake mods when we do that on PlanetQuake). However, all new sites must conform to the same hosted site guidelines, and new sites must also be approved by GameSpy. You should submit potential subhosted sites to the hosting address for the Planet that houses your site. [back to top]

    9. I'm going to make a mod for Game X, but I have to get coders, modelers, and mappers. We haven't worked on it yet. Can I get hosting?

    The answer to this question is a lot like the answer to some previous questions: we need to see some work before we can host you. Lots of people have great ideas for mods, but getting the mod done is usually the hard part. We recommend that you get a team and at least get a small working beta with some screenshots that we can see. [back to top]

    10. I have a general gaming news Web site. Can I get it hosted?

    There are already many general gaming news Web sites, such as our very own GameSpyDaily.com, Blue's News and The Shugashack. So no, we're not looking to host any. We're also not looking to host sites that try to cover games in a similar way to our planet sites. For instance, if your Web site covers Quake mods, mapping, mod news, files, skins, models, and more, we aren't looking to host it -- we already do that at PlanetQuake. [back to top]

    11. You already have a site dedicated to the same game my site is. Can I still get hosted?

    It is not likely that we will host more than one informational site for a given game. But if our hosted site is old and outdated, give us a shout -- we might be willing to take yours on as a replacement. [back to top]

    12. I want to make a site and I want you to host it, but I don't have any Web space to put it up so you guys can look at it. Help!

    There are a few free Web-space providers that you should check out -- GeoCities, 50megs, and ProHosting are just a couple we can name right off the bat. You should get your complete site uploaded to one of these free Web hosts so that you can include a URL in your hosting e-mail for us to check out. [back to top]

    13. Can I just zip up my entire site and e-mail it to you?

    For the love of all that is holy, NO. Please don't. That will strain our e-mail clients, our resources, and our patience. Please put your site on a free Web host and then give us a URL to look at. [back to top]

    14. Once my site is hosted, can I get any exposure on the network to increase my hits?

    Absolutely! In fact, we specialize in that. One of the greatest features of our network is the tight structure and community. There are several ways to get exposure across the GameSpy Network. First, you need to be sure and let your parent site know whenever you've got something cool -- they'll post news about it on the site. That news filters up through the other sites in the Network and gets posted on the genre sites as well as GameSpy.com, and GameSpyDaily.com.

    And then there are "Spotlights", full page Network news items, promotion in the Flash area of each genre site, "of the Week" items...the list is almost endless. There's also plenty of opportunity for you to get exposure for your site using GameSpy Arcade, our free multiplayer gaming service. Your site will also be linked anywhere there's an opportunity for it -- from game profiles on our sites to FilePlanet and GameSpy.com.

    It boils down to this: the more work you put into your site, the more promotion and exposure we give you. [back to top]

    Technical Questions

    1. How much Web and FTP space will I have?

    You get virtually unlimited Web space and FTP space. That's one of the cool advantages you get for being hosted by the GameSpy Network. [back to top]

    2. Will I get an e-mail account, too?

    Yes, you'll get e-mail addresses for you and anyone else working on your site. The e-mail address depends on where you get hosted -- if you're hosted at 3DActionPlanet, you'll have an @3dactionplanet.com address. If you're at PlanetQuake, you'll have an @planetquake.com address. [back to top]

    3. I want to do ASP/PHP/CGI scripts, etc. on my site. Can I do that?

    Yes, you can! We have full support for ASP/SQL/Access in a Win2K environment, and PHP3/4, MySQL, and Perl on our Linux systems. [back to top]

    4. Can I put forums on my site?

    Yes, you can! We have just finished developing our new forum system, ForumPlanet, and are currently rolling it out to selected sites. [back to top]

    5. Can I have a domain name for my site?

    One of the things we're proud of at GameSpy is the fact that we have a recognizable name and quality hosted sites that we give a lot of promotion to. Unlike many other networks, when you come to a GameSpy site you know you're on the GameSpy Network -- we don't just ask that our sites slap an ad banner up and call it good.

    This is why we ask that our hosted sites not use a separate domain. One of the "branding" goodies you get is the fact that you have a GameSpy site URL -- it tells your visitors that you're on the GameSpy Network (so you MUST have a cool site, right?). This helps to reinforce something we're proud to have built up here: community.

    If you're a site that already has a domain name, that doesn't preclude you from hosting. We simply ask that to get all the cool benefits of being hosted on our network, you forward the domain to your GameSpy URL. You're still welcome to use that URL when you tell your friends about your site, so you can still get the glamour of having your own domain name! [back to top]

    6. Does GameSpy use Windows or Linux servers?

    We use the Windows 2000 environment to run our servers. However, we do have some Linux resources for those sites that require it. [back to top]

    Ad Banners

    1. Do I have to run your ad banners?

    Yes, running our ad banners is one of the few unbendable rules in being hosted on the GameSpy Network. Banners must appear near the top of every page and not be in a static frame. [back to top]

    2. Will you pay me for running your ads on my Web site?

    GameSpy does not pay its hosted sites for running ads.


    Hang on, the answer is in the next question. [back to top]

    3. Other networks pay their hosted sites for running ad banners, but you guys don't. So why should I get hosted by you?

    You might have heard that other networks will pay you a CPM, or cost per thousand, for how many ads are served to your visitors per month. You might also have noticed that a lot of networks doing this are either out of business or well on their way toward it.

    This is why GameSpy doesn't do that. Instead, we offer you free hosting, unlimited Web and FTP space, and lots of exposure on our network, as well as the security of knowing you'll have a home for a long time (PlanetQuake has been around since 1996). For doing something you love to do for fun, you can't beat that. [back to top]

    4. I'm trying to make some money running my site. Can I put non-GameSpy banners on it?

    We don't allow our sites to run non-GameSpy banners. We know that some people want to make money with their sites, but running someone else's banners would compete with our own business commitments. [back to top]

    5. Can we sell ads or be part of paid affiliation program on our site?

    No. GameSpy handles all the advertising for the Network and, thus, you can't run other ads or paid affiliations (such as Amazon.com or AllAdvantage). If another company is interested on advertising on our network, have them contact ads@gamespy.com. [back to top]

    6. Can I have people pay me through PayPal?

    No. We are picking up the cost of hosting your site so you don't have to. Asking for donations in light of that is inappropriate. [back to top]

    PlanetGameName Questions

    1. I want to run PlanetGameName. How can I do that?

    If we have a Planet site you're interested in working on, you should e-mail that Planet site's site director and let him or her know you'd like to help out. Many of our Planet sites have volunteers, just doing it because they love the game and want to run a site on a respected network and get exposure for it. They're usually very happy to get interested people to help out with the site.

    If you're interested in running a Planet site we don't have yet, e-mail hosting@gamespy.com and let us know you're interested and why you think you'd be a good candidate. We don't make Planet sites for every game, but if we've got one on our radar, we might be on the lookout for people who would be good candidates to run it. [back to top]

    2. I want my site to be PlanetGameName. Can I do that?

    Some of our hosted sites have become some of the best Planet sites on our network. An example is PlanetAvP, which used to be AvP World, a hosted fan site on 3DActionPlanet. The game had become so popular and the staff had done such great work on the site that we worked with them to turn it into PlanetAvP. This was also true of AoE Atrium, which became PlanetAgeofEmpires, and of Deus Ex Incarnate, which became PlanetDeusEx.

    We almost never take a new hosted site and immediately make it a Planet site. A lot of thought, work, and planning goes into the making of our Planet sites because they're our star sites. So the short answer you're looking for is probably no, at least not right away. [back to top]

    3. Can a hosted site ever "get promoted" to a Planet site?

    Yep -- see the previous question. Whether or not your site is promoted to a Planet site is completely dependent on how much work you do, how popular the game is, what kind of community surrounds it, and what we decide we would like to see. [back to top]

    4. I notice you have PlanetGameName.com reserved. Are you planning on making a site for it? Can I help?

    We don't make Planet sites for every game, even if we've reserved the URL. But you're welcome to e-mail us and let us know you're interested in working on one if we do for a game you're interested in. Tell us why you think you should work on the site and we'll give you a shout if we do make a Planet site for the game. [back to top]

    5. What's the difference between a hosted site and a Planet site?

    Planet sites are GameSpy-created, GameSpy-owned, and GameSpy-operated. Hosted sites, on the other hand, are completely owned and operated by the people who create and run them -- GameSpy will never own any of the design, content, or anything else on your hosted site. You're free to do what you like with it, provided you stick to the hosting agreement rules. [back to top]

    And Finally...

    1. This FAQ didn't answer my questions. What do I do now?!

    If you're still in the dark about something, have no fear - we're here to help you. Send your question to hosting@classicgaming.com and we'll get it answered right away. [back to top]

    2. I applied for hosting a few days ago and haven't heard back from you. Are you ignoring me?

    We get many hosting requests every day. A slow response might mean that we are so swamped with work that we haven't had a chance to look at it yet. Alternatively, if the site clearly does not meet our requirements as outlined above (eg. a clan site), we may not reply. [back to top]

    Whew! After all that, if you think you've got a site that rocks, fill out a Hosting Application and we'll get the ball rolling!

    Seems easy, right? WRONG! First of all, you can't run a game site, you run a game shrine which means your site has to be dedicated to a videogame. Content just got flushed down the toilet.

    And your site has to look professional. And by professional, it needs to look like it was done by a professional web designer. You have to make an appointment with a hotshot in http://www.dotster.com/dotster/sites/fortune-city.bml and pay them hundreds of dollars.

    In the end, you end up with a crappy fan shrine, losing hundreds of dollars on appointments, and selling your soul to update your site every day. And they're benefiting from the revenue of the feisty banners they force to put. You do get a site, but you can't write about anything besides a single videogame.

    In conclusion, I find that the best way to go in free hosting is Xisto. At least you can write about what you want on your site, given that you post in the forums once every two days.

  9. I just gotta figure out how to do a signature / avatar and i'm rolling =)

    Go to My Controls. There, under Personal Profile, you will find Edit Signature and Edit Avatar. For your Avatar, save the picture into My Pictures under My Documents. Then upload that picture in Edit Avatar. But for a Signature, you need an image host. Make your own sig (you will find a tutorial here) and save it in My Pictures. Go to http://www.imageshack.us/ and upload your picture there. Copy the URL for your image and past it in Edit Signature. Hope that'll help.
    One thing I've noticed about the layout is that it has no images. If you want to use an image hosted by this board, you can upload them as Pips. Find the URLs of your images and use them as your layout. It works for invisionfree (trust me, I've tried it) and I'm sure it'll work for invisionboard.

  10. A copyright lasts until 50 years after the death of the original author.

    Actually, a copyrighted work lasts 70 years after the author's death. By 70 years, the copyrighted work becomes public domain, free to use as is.


    First off, registering a copyright isn't that expensive, and you can add as many items as you want under the flat rate fee (something like $25 I believe).

    No, it's $30 as of now. Mail your work with $30 to the Library of Congress and they'll make your work copyrighted.


    Now, for the kicker, if you register your copyright, you are eligible for far greater compensation against copyright infringers than if you simply use a postmarked pouch.

    In fact, if your copyrighted work got stolen, you could sue.


    Pretty much anything you make available online is subject to being "stolen" and used by other people.

    It's called "ripping." Honestly, some people who don't feel like copyrighting their work just slaps down a phony copyright just so people will think twice before doing anything. They're all lies, LIES!! Well, at least most of them are.


    Not all songs/music are copywrited eg, classical music by the great masters (Bach, Mozart. Beethoven, etc).

    Their works are public domain, which means you can use them, provided you give them credit.


    If a personal video recording contains background music as played from a stereo, is it illegal?

    If it's by the works of the old, dead composers (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, etc.) it isn't illegal because it's public domain. (That's why you hear a lot of classical music in movies, IS FREE!) But if it's from a punk rock band (much of which you can find on the radio), you have to bribe them by shoving stacks of cash onto their faces and they'll write on paper that you can use their music for your work.


    I hope my information has helped mend the confusion. If not, visit



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