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Posts posted by Nybb

  1. Also, everywhere on the net I see people put Copyright to whoever, is it alright to do that, I mean, it isn't legally copyrighted, but it is the respected owner's material of that website, so I guess in a way, it is alright, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Nobody wants their works stolen, therefore they all lie and say they copyrighted it. It's okay, in my opinion but there are better ways to prevent rippers.

    Strange as this can sound I dont agree with some copy right laws say a photgrapher takes a picture of a tree with a name on it. Days pass and someone else takes a picture of the same tree. Now you saying the first owns the rights to take the picture and sells it as his when did he have permission to take the picture from the owner of the tree? You can only write code so many ways before you start looking like everyone else. And backgrounds come into light who reall owns that background you reall like seeing on joes page did joe make it or did joe take it from sams page or was it given to him. even if you ask joe for permission does he own the rights to it???

    Good question. You can take a picture of the same tree as long as you aren't on the exact same position as "Joe." At least that's what I think. But I could be wrong, Joe doesn't own the tree.

  2. Who have been violation victims can undergo pregnancies nonwished, infection by HIV/ADIS and the rejection of the community.

    The rejection of the community is called "social stigma." That also happens when women choose to have an abortion; look what a certain.. someone had to say:

    If you want to be known as the retard who had an abortion, go ahead.

    This is the kind of hypocrisy that makes pro-life advocates look like Hitler. What right do you have to tell women what to do?

    The violence or the threats of violence creates a fear atmosphere that limits the life of the women in all the scopes.

    No, not really here in the US. In school, if someone insulted a women, they are likely to get beaten up. But in places like India, I heard that if a man dies, a women has to die with him. Is that true, OpaQue?

  3. Hold it guuys - lets not make this thread a repetition of the one on Xisto .. this was on Xisto and lets keep it to that. No more flaming please - or else, I'll be forced to close down this thread.

    I'm sorry about what I said. It's just that chivalry isn't dead (as we all know) and I tend to be a little angry when someone says something bad about a girl.
    But about Xisto, it's really funny what Rodney said. I think he was a bit touchy about not getting a response. But in my opinion, someone owed it to Rodney to just tell him, "You lost credits because you copied and pasted someone elses work onto your post in Computer Talk." Only that would be enough, I think.

    But when someone puts their soul into developing their ezboard forum (and believe me, it's SO not "easy") the staff bans him for spamming IN HIS OWN FORUM! This guy deserved reasons ezboard wasn't going to give.

    Service, helpfulness and kindness of staff members are all that separate the exact same plan on the same server of which one plan is free and one that is paid. Xisto wouldn't mean ANYTHING, with the service plans and all if the staff calls their members a little @#$% in their faces. Because people have better things to do than put up with these kinds of staff members you find in places like ezboard.

    But enough about ezboard, look at AOL. I mean they give you a so-called "free trial for 1538 hours" and they keep charging you. And when you ask them why, you honestly will end up treated like dirt. I mean, have you tried talking to them on the hotline, man?

    And by the way, Miamihost isn't new. They have been here but closed down and reopened. Miamihost.net used to be miamihost.com.

  4. Miamihost is, undoubtably, the worst image hosting you can find in the world. Here's how it works:


    > You sign up for a free account. They require your email.

    > You get image hosting. Yes.

    > You check your email. There's spam sent from Miamihost.

    > You block them from sending you spam.


    Next thing you know, your account vanishes into thin air! And then your images show a picture that gives the URL to miamihost.


    This is so appalling, I can't even find the words to describe their despicable, fradulent business!


    And they are affiliated with ezboard! Bah, great minds think alike. So do shoddy businesses that deal with spam.


    If you want image hosting, I recommend these two sites ONLY:




  5. Wow, that's a tiring job. And all that for people to post? The staff must really care about the community a lot.

    I have a question - are the servers in India? I know that's where OpaQue lives but I'm concerned about the security of servers in third world countries.

    There are many free programs out there with instant hosting, such as tripod.com, but they all pale in comparison to the services Xisto offers.

    Yeah, they free instant programs are all terrible and unreliable. I have tried payed hosting before, they're really good and all - don't get me wrong, but Xisto is better in my opinion. It's just that the File Manager design looks amateur-ish. I blame Xisto.
    It's just sad that people these services for granted. Like the homie, rodneylay. He threatened to switch to payed hosting to try in an attempt to take advantage of the hard working staff members. Well go ahead and try payed hosting. Xisto is a service (or favor if you may) and it doesn't matter at all to us if you use it. In my opinion, the people who run Xisto all deserve medals.

    Now excuse me while I go knock on Xisto Corporation's door and demand more bandwidth... :D

  6. After reading some poorly formatted articles, I felt the need to start a list of ways you should format your writing. If you have a different method, please show us here.


    This is the best way to format an article, in my opinion:


    Name Your Article Here

    Provide a short description of your work.


    By: [your real / psudo name]

    Created: [the date you posted your article (ex. August 12, 2005)]


    Your lead should be here. Leads are the first paragraph, drawing your readers into reading the rest of your article. They are important because people have better things to do than to read what you have to say, so leads are why people should read your article. Be sure to tell people what your article is about here and why it matters in your lead. Remember, a good lead will draw anyone who reads the first sentence of your lead into reading the whole article.


    [Title of First Paragraph]

    This is the most important of the paragraphs. People will judge how the rest of your works are based on this paragraph. If you sound stupid or uninteresting here, your readers might just press the back button, abandoning the rest of your writing. Make sure this paragraph is the most interesting, fun and witty one.


    [Title of Second Paragraph]

    This paragraph matters but not as much.


    [Title of Third Paragraph]

    Put the boringest part here.


    [Title of Fourth Paragraph]

    This is where it starts to get interesting.


    [Final Paragraph]

    Make sure this is more interesting, fun and witty than the first paragraph. People will remember your whole article most depending on your final paragraph.



    - Use simple and direct language. People will understand it more if you lay off those flowery words you include in college essays.

    - Make your article enjoyable to read. It should be more than merely a "how-to" or a "tutorial."


    So anyway, this is my way of writing articles. You may list your methods here.

  7. I have been on Xisto for quite a while and decided to make an honest review on my thoughts about this host.


    Xisto is a really nice web host. I found that the product itself is comparable to paid hosting such as http://www.rydia.net/. But the neatest aspect of Xisto, in my opinion, is the kindness and flexibility of the staff members. Honestly, if you go to support in ANY other free web hoster, they just say "too f&$$ing bad, CASE CLOSED!" But the staff members here work hard for you. And as though the bandwidth isn't enough in Xisto (which it is, by the way), you can go badger people like OpaQue for more bandwidth and they'll give thoughtlessly, lifelessly and without consent of their own feelings. Yip!


    And the product is fantasic, by the way. The Control Panel is nothing like you've ever seen before, filled with pre-installed scripts like blogging and stuff. Simply amazing!


    But about getting hosting, here's where I nitpick. Somewhere in the forums, I heard the ear-aching words of:


    Patience, young grasshopper.

    I mean, come on! You have to pay for these services by proving you can wait for it.


    That's pretty much all I have to say about Xisto. I'd like to hear what you think.

  8. Free speech is always good. Even when it's jerks speaking.

    Yes, in Xisto, you will find Moderators and Administrators warning and banning upon criticism, even when they deserve it. I'm glad that the staff members here are unbiased, or at the very least, can control themselves when feeling the need to be biased.
    Speaking of free speech, the First Amendment, where I live (i.e. USA), has been chopped off to it's knees. Here, you can hate the gays, muslims, asians, and in the case of the French, encouraged. But you can get sued if you hate black people. What kind of values do we have here anyway. If you want to know racism, look at the leaders you allowed to lead you.

    I'm glad it's different and better here, comparing Countries upon Communities.

  9. Discussing what we see is onething but totally disrespecting those that are giving of their own free time, and at the end of the day their own Finances so that we may have a full blown Webhost with some very expensive extras, they might decide that it isn't worth their time and shut it down. For me that would be very bad concidering that I can't afford to pay for this kind of service, and I don't think that I'm mistaken that other here can't.

    That's my point exactly. The staff are really nice people from what I've seen by just offering their services. And they aren't the people who tell you "too f&$$ing bad, CASE CLOSED," if you want to know people who actually do so, check out ezboard.
    When customers from companies cause trouble, then they deserve to be cut from the system. You will rarely come across such customers deserving of such extent. Honestly, I don't think Rodney Lay deserved a banning but a warning perhaps. But Rodney definitely deserved to have his credits fined and so, Rodney received such punishment.

    However, when that happened, Rodney sounded like he received treatment as though he was from ezboard. Sure, there are a bunch of angry customers who complained and criticized the ezboard staff but all of them were justified in their intent. Every single person. But still, ezboard closed the door from them in the Help forums.

    So far, I haven't seen an answer like that from Xisto.

  10. well anyways, i'm gonna be opening a website about Poker.

    Sounds like those feisty websites you find in those google ads that infect your computer with spyware. Just kidding, I've never been to a Poker site. What's it about? I'm interested to know since my imagination of a Poker site is of one that teaches you how to obtain a good poker face.
    After you finish mounting the content onto your site, let me know the URL and I'll visit it sometimes!

  11. Honestly, if you want to be screwed over time and again, ezboard is the way to go. The site got hacked, bugs are walking all over the place and the staff are a bunch of lazy people. If you ask the ezboard Staff a question, they'll be like "too F&$$ing bad, CASE CLOSED." They really do give such answers, and if you don't believe me then look at what some people had to say:




    If you wanted a true testimony of how fradulent ezboard is, you're too late. Visit:




    In conclusion, do you want to know what ezboard really thinks of you as?


    Money first...

  12. So, you've decided to jump on the bandwagon and create your own website, good for you! Here's a list of what to add in your website throughout your site endeavors.


    1. Add a background midi music. Be sure to NOT add a button to turn it off. People will believe you are really good with HTML and will NOT be annoyed after listening to the music played over again every 15 seconds when they switch pages!


    2. Use a black page background and white text. Oh, come one. Black and white are what people use to make tuxedos, your site too will be as professional!


    3. Make sure to constantly insult your members and treat them like your God or something. They will idolize you!


    4. Just use "[ x ]" as navigation links. Oh, come on, people don't care anyway!


    5. Make the text on your site GLOW by stealing CSS scripts from other people. Come one, people buy lava lamps, people enjoy glowing text that hurts their eyes.


    6. If you don't like black and white, disregard idea #2 and make the text blend in with the background. Oh, come on! You did the work, they should at least highlight it!


    7. Cover your page with Google ads. You deserve it!


    9. Take advantage of the Marquee tag to scroll your text. It makes you look like you know what you're doing.


    10. Plagiarize the content from another site. No one cares, anyway.


    11. To make sure no one steals anything, add a tag that says "This site is copyrighted © by me! If you steal anything, I'll call the cops on you." No one's going to care or leave.


    12. Disable right-click and make a pop-up that says "DONT STEAL ANYTHIGN!!!!! [correct spelling]" every time they right-click.


    13. Make a desperate sign that says "VOTE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111." People will think you are really professional.


    14. Get a counter that starts off with 12,782 clicks. People will actually care about this and think your site is "DUH BOMB!"


    15. Be sure to add a sign that says "under construction."


    16. In your guestbook, think up fake names and say, "This site is the greatest site I've ever been to!" No one will ever know...


    17. Every time someone visits the main page, make sure they see a pop-up that says "WELCOME TO [NAME HERE]!!!1"


    18. Make sure to use "complementary colors" like green and red, blue and orange, and yellow and purple. The colors will look attractive to them.


    19. Make sure some pages don't work. Come on, everybody does that.


    20. The site should always be about YOU!!! You're all that matters, and everyone else cares about your life.



    -----This is a parody. Does not belong in the Tutorials section-----szupie

  13. So, Logan Deathbringer, let me tell you something I have told the people who decided to jump on the bandwagon and make a website:NO WEBSITE IS EVER FINISHED!!! Never. Ever. Period.Your site is always under construction. The sites that isn't aren't really websites. Rather, they're just bandwidth-waste.In addition, don't put those annoying "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" signs most sites put up. If you aren't finished with the page, say it's "Coming Soon."You should never stop pursuing the creation of your site. Otherwise, it'll just be known as just another amateur site...

  14. what's really the problem ? Does the_offbeat need help for iproving his computer behaviour ? Or does he simple want to express his hate of the need of posting ? I mean, does he really need to hear us, or does he simply want us to hear him ? I know, this starts being phylosophy or psychology, but such is life.

    I'm starting to understand his problem. This guy is sick of letting the things he own end up owning him. He has a life, he wants to start living it. I'm proud of him, actually. That's the way to go! *Salutes*
    Finally, someone realizes the pains of addiction and decides to quit! Way to go!

  15. The banner looks like it was done by an amateur (the text blends in too much). A black background is a sure sign of crappiness on any site (use an image). And navigation, WTH? If you want returning visitors, keep them updated and have interesting content (no one likes guild sites). The forum design is nicer but as I have said, use a background. Your site looks like an amateur shrine, just with a domain name. Don't join the bandwagon.

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