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Unbelievers are true blinded.They do not think that there is God.They are blinded by Satan for not knowing God.
Have you read much Bible in a day or night?Have you learn from what you read?Bible is very important to read and to know and what being said of God .It is the no one Book that you can learn from physical or Spiritual.It is the Book that God is the author,and the owner of its Word written,Its inspired and pure,eternal and perfect Word.Wonderful Book that will helps our feature,and specially God,for knowing Him through His Word reading,and believing to what He said.
To believe God is better or you will be damned.Why people not believe God even they know there is heaven and earth that who made all things still not believe Jesus.They blinde and Satan did working on their life.
We are born to live,and live and to die.When a baby alive hath already alive.Death can happen at any time and it will happen to any one no exception!
Yes Jesus did exist.He is God became human nature,or putting a human nature and to die for all sinners.Jesus did exist before the world was He is already did exist.cOLSSIANS1:17,18.And he is before all things,and by him John1:l1,14.
Being a christian,i did trusted my God as my Lord and savior of my life ,because i can do nothing to save my self or to solve any problems.Jesus is my only one i trusted or believe because Jesus said whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.John3:16.I do nothing to save my self but only the person of Jesus.I based my belief on the Word of God because it said to believe or have faith in God will justified me.Eph2:8,9.For by grace are ye save through faith and not of your self,it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast.I m not not justified by works,but by the faith of Jesus Christ.Our works,or being good will save us ,or pay our sin,but through our Lord Jesus.God need for sinners is to believe Him or trusting Him only to save.There is no other way to heaven but only Jesus.
The Bible is give us to know and to search the truth.Many are to blinded about it,and they are teaching in many different knowledge that come not from God.The Bible is give to know that Jesus died for them and the Bible says God condemned those who do not believe Him.God did not say in his word to threatening people or to make believe him.There is a reason why God wants people to believe Him. One is He is God who made us life,who created all things ho give souls,and who sent Jesus to die and to pay for our sin.We need to believe him because he is the one will save us ,the only way to Heaven.John14:6,acts4:12. God will not force you to believe him,but he wanted you to trust him for salvation,and if not God will caste you out in hell. it is you choice!
Okay good response.We cannot control it,and that will happen at any time.God is the only one who own our life,and just to live on this earth for a while and then He will take again.But the Question where we go that time after death?There is hell?and heaven?Do you assured your life to live in heaven or in hell?Heaven is the best and perfect place to live in. than hell.Choose heaven to live,by having accepted Jesus now and believing him only to save.John1:12
Every one have choices,But i talk about what the Bible says ,and encourage us to know the truth.What happen if we believe not Jesus?John3:18He that believeth on him shall not condemned:but he that beleieveth not condemned is condemned already,because he hath not believed in the only begotten son of God.God condemned those who beleiev not Jesus the only way to heaven who pay sin.They are under God's wrath because not believing Jesus who came to save.
Heaven is a wonderful place God made,prepared for those accept Christ a savior for their life,and the God who is truly in in their own heart.Heaven is a place of no pain,no crying,no suffering,no hear ache,no famine,no death ,a perfect place to live with God.Heaven is a place of God,all saved child of God will leave with God eternally,and will worship the true living God.John14:6Let not your heart be trouble.......Heaven is a place of many mansions prepared for the saved,become Go's child,sin cannot live in heaven,in order a person will go to heaven ,need Jesus in their own heart to accept and believing Him only to save because Jesus the only way to heaven.John1:12;John14:6.Jesus paid the sins so we need to accept Him as our Lord and savior.Where your second life to live heaven or earth?
Are you afraid of death?The Bible talks about death,the payment of sin is death.Romans6:23For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.Sin must be punish through death.Every one is sin and no one's perfect,no one righteous in God's sight.Romans 3:10As it is written there is none righteous no not one.Because of sin we cannot go to heaven and need to be punish through death penalty.But what is the good news?God loves us so much He is not willing that we perish in hell,John3:16For God so love the world the he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,but have everlasting life.What Jesus did for you?He is the one who payed your sin at the cross he died,shed blood for your sin Heb9:10,11,12 .Jesus become the substitute for you to pay sin.Because you cannot pay your sin,through your own works, or etc.God make a way so we can escape from that sin penalty the second death in hell.Jesus came to seek you to escape from going to hell.Whoso believe him(Jesus)should not perish but have everlasting life.Whoso believe not is condemned already and that person who believe not will be cast into hell once he or she died.Jesus already make that salvation to us it' free and who is willing to accept will have this eternal salvation through Jesus.John1:12;John10:28.