If you want something really basic but extremely helpful then take a look at this site. On just one page it tells you the most basic information that you need to start off learning html. The best way to learn it is to type what you see for yourself. Just open a notepad, type what you see and then save it as whatever you want to call it.html Usually when you are setting up your own website, the main document will either be called home.html or index.html. There is soooo much to learn but there is loads of information out there. As per the previous suggestions w3schools.com is also very good however try not to get too overwhelmed by the amount of information. Learn some html first until you become comfortable setting up a basic page, once you have that under your belt then you can look towards css. CSS makes life a lot easier! But it really helps to understand the basics first. As you learn, if you get stuck or don't understand something, then I am sure there would be someone here who could help you out! Good luck to you! I am also learning myself, there's something new every second in web design!