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Everything posted by Wazam

  1. Hello, Well I'm new to the community, and want to get around. I helped a mate with a problem he had(he's a beginner), he wanted to add a picture for his shops. I coded it for him, I don't know if it works so post any errors. Secured Quick Performance Selects what's needed Clean Coding <? include_once(DIRNAME(__FILE__) . '/globals.php');// Not tested! $_GET['shop'] = abs(@intval($_GET['shop'])); if(!$_GET['shop']) { echo 'You begin looking through town and you see a few shops.<br />'; $Query = $db->query("SELECT `shopID` , `shopNAME` , `shopDESCRIPTION` FROM `shops` WHERE `shopLOCATION` = ".$ir['location'].""); echo '<table width = "75% cellspacing = "1" class = "table"><tr style = "background: gray;"> <th>Shop</th> <th>Description</th </tr>'; while($Info = mysql_fetch_row($Query)) { echo '<tr> <td><img scr = "/?????/????" width = "150" hight = "150"/></td> <td><a href = "'.basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).'?shop=".$Info['shopID']}."">".$Info['shopNAME']."</a></td> <td>".$Info['shopDESCRIPTION']."</td> </tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } else { $Query_2 = $db->query("SELECT `shopLOCATION` , `shopNAME` FROM `shops` WHERE `shopID` = ".$_GET['shop'].""); if (mysql_num_rows($Query_2)) { $Info_2 = mysql_fetch_row($Query_2); if ($Info_2['shopLOCATION'] == $ir['location']) { echo 'Browsing items at <span style = "font-wight: bold;">'.$Info_2['shopNAME'].'</span><br /> // <B> is Deprecated <table width = "75%" cellspacing = "1" class = "table"><tr style = "background: gray;"> <th>Item</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Sell Price</th> <th>Buy?</th> <th>Buy with Credit Card</th> </tr>'; $Query_3 = $db->query("SELECT `itmtypename` , `itmbuyprice` , `itmsellprice` , `itmbuyprice` , `itmname` ,`itmdesc` , `itmid` FROM `shopitems` si LEFT JOIN `items` i ON si.sitemITEMID=i.itmid LEFT JOIN `itemtypes` it ON i.itmtype=it.itmtypeid WHERE si.sitemSHOP = ".$_GET['shop']." ORDER BY i.itmtype ASC, i.itmbuyprice ASC, i.itmname ASC") or die(mysql_error()); $Info_3 = ''; while ($Reciver = mysql_fetch_row($Query_3)) { if($info_3 != $Reciver['itmtypename']) { $Info_3 = $Reciver['itmtypename']; echo '\n <tr style = "background: gray;"> <th colspan = "6">'.$Info_3.'</th> </tr>'; } $Buy_Price = money_formatter($Reciver['itmbuyprice']); $Sell_Price = money_formatter($Reciver['itmsellprice']); $Credit_Card_Buy_Price=money_formatter($Reciver['itmbuyprice']); echo '<tr> <td><'.$Reciver['itmname'].'></td> <td><'.$Reciver['itmdesc'].'></td> <td><'.$Buy_Price.'></td> <td><'.$Aell_Price.'></td> <td><form action = "'.basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).'?ID='.$Reciver['itmid'].'" name = "shopbuy" method = "post"> <strong>Qty:</strong> <input type = "text" name = "qty" value = "1" onkeyup = "tot('.$Reciver['itmid'].' || '.$Reciver['itmbuyprice'].',this.value);" onfocus="clearText(this);" onblur = "returnText(this);" /> <input type = "submit" value = "Buy" /></form> <div id = "res'.$Reciver['itmid'].'" align = "center"> </div> </td> <td><form action = "'.basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).'?ID='.$Reciver['itmid'].'" name = "shopbuy" method = "post"> <strong>Qty:</strong> <input type = "text" name = "qty" value = "1" onkeyup = "tot('.$Reciver['itmid'].' || '.$Reciver['itmbuyprice'].',this.value);" onfocus = "clearText(this);" onblur="returnText(this);" /> <input type = "submit" value = "Buy" /> </form> <div id = "res'.$Reciver['itmid'].'" align = "center"> </div> </td> </tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } else { echo 'You are trying to access a shop in another city!'; exit($h->endpage()); } } else { echo 'You are trying to access an invalid shop!'; exit($h->endpage()); } } exit($h->endpage()); ?> Feedback is welcome. Hope this helps, and see you around!
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