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Posts posted by darkranger

  1. Wow that's pretty impressive on just using pure CSS, that shows the potential of it. I liked the one you have currently on number #1, but you said you are gonna change it to the final layout in number #4 which is pretty good too. I personally like #1 cause its original and you made it, while #4 it feels more blog-like style. Choose whichever you want, both are just fine. Talking about CSS how long have you been learning it, cause I have read a little about it and i'm interested in it. Can you tell me if its easy to learn or anything else you want to comment about it?. Thanks! and congratulations on your layouts.

  2. You need to submit it to a directory, like it says on Google's FAQ: "If you would like to submit a web page to be included in future versions of the directory, you may submit the web page directly to the Open Directory by following the instructions here."

    Basically they explain how much they care about their open directory project(ODP). Afterwards they explain with lots of riddles the step, but basically they summarize in the following:
    STEP 1: Consider if your website is ideal for its submission.(that its legal, no pornography, etc)
    STEP 2: Check that your site is not already listed(you already did)
    STEP 3: Identify the single best category for your site.
    STEP 4: Go to http://www.dmoz.org/ click on suggest URL and follow the instructions on the submission form carefully. Just submit it once, they can ban you from the site, blocking your submission.
    STEP 5: Your submission will be reviewed, it can take weeks, have patience.

    And finally after after you wait you will be submitted to AOL Search, Google, Netscape Search, Yahoo Search, and hundreds of other sites.
    That's about it, just follow the steps and you will be listed as soon as possible. Good luck.

  3. Oh my god, I was wandering around the net where I decided to search for some math websites, you know study some advanced stuff, use maple etc. You guys all know that a guy posted some days ago a website with the largest single word domain name, which was pretty interesting in my opinion. Finally 10 minutes ago I found something that I really liked, its simple, its math, but its original.
    It is a valid Link/Website, where you can see Pi to a million places, ITS CRAZY your browser will refresh for eternity, but you can wait for the answer!! :D so go ahead.
    270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749567351885... it JUST GOES ON AND ON(energizer commercial)
    Well enjoy it, I'll go surf some more, see what awaits me.

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