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Everything posted by darkranger

  1. Hey guys check this out, Paint, your well known quick graphic formatting program for .NET framework. This application looks just like GIMP(open source photoshop-like application). It is basically a image and photo manipulation program, it is meant to substitute your original Paint program, so get it!(remember that you need the .NET framework installed to use it.(It is made in C#). It has a lot of features: (I'm quoting here) ---Graphics Design--- Layers Near unlimited history (limited by disk space) Various Brushes Many special effects and adjustments ---Photography--- Auto-Levels and manual Levels adjustments High quality bicubic and super sampling image resizing Magic Wand selection tool Clone Stamp tool Red Eye Removal Ability to acquire pictures from a scanner or camera directly into Paint.NET (Windows XP/2003 only) ---Web Design--- Up to 3200% zoom, or as low as 1%. Grid mode is available for 400% and larger zoom modes. Control over JPEG quality along with preview of resultant file size PNG transparency support ---Developer--- Extensively optimized for multiple threads: systems with multiple CPU's or cores will exhibit dramatic performance gains Full source code provided Extensible effect plugin system Try it out guys, I tried it and its a whole new powerful Paint, I hope you give it a chance just like I did. Enjoy! Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. Hey guys, check this out, currently in Japan woman are using "see-through" skirts. They are actually prints on the skirts to make it look as if the panties are visible and are apparently very popular in Japan. Check it out some are even funny haha. Link: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/
  3. Wow guys seriously, found this video where a guy is playing a game, Stepmania, sort of a Dance Dance Revolution game for the PC, you play with the arrow keys instead of dancing. This video is just amazing, a guy completes the Quasar event in insane difficulty, 16 keys a second, now that is fast!!! Good game. Here's the link: http://www.collegehumor.com/user/80314
  4. These guy performed a cunning stunt in the street, check it out at the end you'll be surprised at what happens O_O. Check it out. Link: http://mrandmrswheatley.blogspot.de/
  5. Hey guys, MIT is constructing this babies, they are intended for 3rd world countries where a laptop or a desktop computer are not accessible. Basically these $100 machines will be a Linux-based, full-color, full-screen and they will use innovative power (including wind-up) and will be able to do most everything except store huge amounts of data. These rugged laptops will be WiFi- and cell phone-enabled, and have USB ports galore. Its current specifications are: 500MHz, 1GB, 1 Megapixel.(The hard drive will prolly be 1 GB probably are what people are expecting.) Check it out, I think its a nice approach for people and children especially who aren't related to technology and want to learn more, also you have to consider that laptops can be used as notebooks and calculators, so I think these will help a lot. Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. We live in a world where everything you want, you pay it for. Open source is an idea of distributing software free of charge, that is, you can pay for support if you like, but the application is free in most cases. With that said, there is a list of the 46 best EVER freeware programs, I have used many of this(microsoft anti-spyware, FireFox, EditPadLite). Seriously I know many people like to pay for software, others steal it, but try out the freeware programs, there are a lot that are Top Quality Applications, you'll love them. Enjoy! http://www.techsupportalert.com/
  7. Wow...seriously on the Internet there's some crazy stuff, this is a really weird site, it started with a couple of guys drinking and making this stuff for fun. Slowly it began to grow and now they have a lot of visitors.. Surprised? I am. Why? Well because they show tampons...and they dress them up into different characters/things/people. Wow that's some weird freaky stuff. Check out the site, the link is at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Enjoy, I guess..
  8. Ha, I guess I found a game that's pretty fun. It basically consists of a guy jumping around a woman's breasts you get extra points for things you capture and there's some ways to loose. Its all in the instructions that are given to you prior to the start. Here's the link, remember its probably not safe for work. With that said: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. Hey guys what's up?, I was wandering around the web and check out what I've found. It seems that MIT Labs has been busy, they recently presented I/O Brush, a new drawing tool to explore colors, textures, and movements found in everyday materials by picking them up and drawing with them. Don't think it looks bad, I/O Brush looks like a real brush, but it differs in which it has a small video camera with touch sensors and leds. On the canvas,(huge touch screen)artists can draw with the special âinkâ they just picked up from their immediate environment. For all you people that don't know what are sensors, they basically gather information from what they see or touch, in this case they are of touch, afterwards they send that information to a processor where it can change the binary bits into an image. It is very interesting and I hope you found it too. Here's the link so you can read some more and watch the videos of it performing. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Enjoy!
  10. Oh I forgot to give the link to the site its this one: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Enjoy!
  11. Hey guys how are you doing, you know I been learning a lot lately and reading up, and if you noticed in the world of computer science, AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) a technology pioneered by Google(Mail) is currently the most popular way to develop webpages and applications. In short, these are applications/webpages that can be refreshed without refreshing the web browser, that is they can accept HTTP requests(XML) instantaneously.What I am going with this? well the future is this, a web application called Meebo, you can log into your ICQ, Yahoo, Hotmail(messenger) or Aim account and chat online!. Its great and its so fast. Don't worry about your passwords, they are encrypted in 1024-bit RSA keys so hackers won't catch them up.Try it out, and enjoy the future, AJAX driven technologies that will innovate the market for the next years.
  12. Hey guys, here are some pick up lines some friends and I were discussing, some are real funny others aren't, check them out!1)Want to see my log?2) You fascinate me hello more than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. 3) Since x= vt(distance equals velocity times time), then let's let velocity or time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you. 4) My love for you is like a concave up function because it is always increasing. 5) Let's convert our potential energy to kinetic energy baby.6)Wanna come back to my room....and see my 733mhz Pentium? I can even overclock it, oh yeah. 7)You and I would add up better than a Riemann sum. 8) Your body has the nicest arc length I've ever seen. 9) Why don't you come up to my place to see my slide rule collection? 10) I hope you know set theory because I want to intersect you and union you.11)Pappus is history, you are my future.12)My love for you is exponential.13)If you ever calculate the directional derivative for my love, it points straight to your heart.I personally liked a lot number 1, number 4 and number 13. Which ones did you guys liked? Enjoy!
  13. Hey guys how are you doing, here are some popular excuses and others some friends told me. Enjoy!!Math Homework1) There wasn't enough room to write it in the margin.2) I have a solar calculator and it was cloudy.3) Someone already published it, so I didn't bother to write it up.4) A four-dimensional dog ate it.5) Maple Crashed.6) I had too much pi and got sick.7) I could only get arbitrarily close to my textbook.8) It's stuck inside a Klein bottle.9) I couldn't decide whether i is the square root of -1 or i are the square root of -1.10) It's Isaac Newton's birthday11) I found out Pappus isn't my father!12) I was thinking of imaginary numbers instead.13) I suffered from a aneurism while trying to think of graphing 5 variable 3d plots.I hope you liked them, the best one is number 6!! Number 13 it must be crazy..I have tought about that..I'm planning on trying that graph on Maple. Any others you remember for math homeworks post them up.!
  14. Well they are not for free, but I found a site where the owner makes promotion of the one and only Maine Lobster Vending Machine!. This is remarkable and unique and I have ever seen one in person.. I hope soon. Basically you play like the normal vending machines, which you use a claw to catch and if you get it, well a lobster for 2 dollars is not bad! The website with all the data and specs about the machine is at: http://www.lobstergame.com/ They basically claim that this machine earns 2000 dollars per week, that is, if 2 dollars each try, that's 1000 tries, if only 1 person tries 1 time, thats 500 costumers!, not bad.. If anyone has seen this in person and maybe played with it, please say so, and also share your experiences!
  15. Hey guys, what's up, I found this video of a fat guy that begins to dance shirt less on the street, basically it's like an ad for "hair of the dog" website, where you can chat online, flirt, meet people online. This is common but the cool thing about it is that you chat with the people that you go out with, you can go to parties or clubs that are posted there and then chat afterwards with the people that assisted, kinda neat idea. Anyways here's the video: http://www.hairofthedogviral.co.uk/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t I personally liked the part where the girl dances with the fat guy and he scares her hahaha. Enjoy!
  16. Hey guys how you doing, I found this game on the web, it basically consists of convicing a guy named Sanjeev to give you 5 cans of pringles. At start you are like how? but using the visual things that are around him and asking him about that or telling him some commands might help you get the 5 pringle cans, which is your goal. The game is at : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Enjoy! ***NOTE:*** if you don't want to know how to get the 5 pringle cans, stop reading now.. Ok you can get pringle cans by asking about: 1)books 2)girlfriend, after asking about girlfriend, tell him to call her 3)moustache 4)beach(the other photos paris, rome, europe, won't get you a pringle can, but it will make him go to that place. 5)dance 6)sing 7)jump won't get you pringle can but it's pretty funny Those are some ways, if you know any other to get them or a funny one feel free to post them up.
  17. Hey guys, found some interesting and strange facts, some are just facts I have known a long time ago(school, wandering around websites), others are ones that I have found, I apply the source if available. Any others you may want to add up feel free to do so. Enjoy! 1) Coca-cola was once green. From Wikipedia.org: It was green because it was accidentally carbonated when a clerk squirted syrup into the wrong glass. 2)Barbie doll measurements if she were life size: 39-23-33. Wow... she's cut from the team. 3)Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. *Checks... Woot! 4)You blink about 84 million times a year. O_O -.- O_O yup... 5)The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910. EW.. 6)Hershey's Kisses are called like that cause of the sound the chocolate makes while being extruded in the manufacturing process. http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.cdf.org&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2904958933469382 7)Bullet proof vests, fire escapes, laser printers and windshields all have been invented by women. 8)There are more collect calls on Father's Day than any other day of the year. 9)Approximately 200,000,000 M & M's are sold each day in the United States 10)Every single citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a bath at least once a year. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 11)There's more printed money in Monopoly than real money in a year. 12)In Canada, if a debt is higher than 25 cents, it is illegal to pay it with pennies. http://www.dribbleglass.com/subpages/laws2.htm 13)The longest word that can be typed with the left hand only is stewardess. Wow that's an actually interesting one! 14)Cleveland spelled backwards is DNA level C. O_O 15)Humans and dolphins are the only animal species that have sex for pleasure.
  18. Wow, guess what I found, this is pretty impressive. A japanese company(Panchira Corp) makes panties with a GPS system, temperature(heat) and heart rate sensors. Wow, suspecting someone cheating on you? give her some panties for the win . The strange thing about this is... how do you make her wear them all week?. Maybe you have buy 1000 dollars worth of these panties. They are as low as 99 dollars but can be more expensive if you buy them with all the sensors. Read the testimonials you will be like wow... I personally liked the one that says: "Sarah several pairs so we can watch her around the clock, and if we see her temperature rising too high, we intervene by calling her cellphone or just picking her up wherever she is." What if she takes them off before going in the room haha.. Well check out more info at : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Hey guys, I been lurking around checking out some forums, Unix/Linux pages, and I found some funny signatures that I want to share with you guys. Videogame forums are also good places to find such signatures. If you have any others you want to add up that are good ones feel free to do so.Take in mind that the following signatures are Tech-related, cause I like tech stuff.Signatures:1) One picture is worth 128K words.2)The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope tohang yourself. And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.3)The difference between Microsoft and 'Jurassic Park':In one, a crazy businessman makes a lot of money with beasts that should beextinct. The other one is a film.4)The gates in my computer are AND, OR and NOT; they are not Bill.5)Windows 98: Not Plug & Play, but Bug & Pay!6)Windows 98: Use for 98 days and throw it away!7)import xmlrpclibsrv = xmlrpclib.Server('http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;)for employee in srv.MainDepartment.personnel(): srv.fireEmployee(employee)8)Question:What's tiny and yellow and very, very, dangerous? Answer: A canary with the super-user password.9)Linux doesn't need no viruses. The users **** up the system by themselves.10)Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.11)Lost packet, 42 bytes, last seen on a saturated OC3, reward $$$.12)Why do geeks think Halloween and Christmas occur on the same day?Because 31oct = 25dec!13)There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binaryand those who don't.14)This is an object-oriented system. If we change anything, the users object.15)C++ is a loaded machine gun pointed at your feet with the safety off.
  20. Wow imagine yourself walking down the street, enjoying the day, suddenly there's a crazy guy yelling at you, you first think that he's like mad at someone, but he's yelling constantly to everyone, wow... if it was me I grab a piece of bread and put it in his mouth to shut him up. I laughed at some parts where he had the voice like Smeagol in lord of the rings..., at least he is human ad has to drink water to continue yelling haha. If someone knows what he is saying please say so, cause I couldn't understand any of it, I am pretty sure he is pissed off at something... wonder what.. Enjoy http://kodu.neti.ee/~nedi/babka/
  21. Well I haven't posted anything lately, but I found something that's worth looking at. A CNN weatherman loses his cool while covering Hurricane Katrina, this is taken from live footage, so they couldn't edit it. This teaches you the lesson to keep it cool, be under control, imagine people from New Orleans watching that video, they are gonna be like wow, that guy is cut from the team. Seriously you have to be professional and don't be like LET ME TALK LET ME TALK whining... Wait a bit on the loading its in .mov extension so you need quicktime. Enjoy. http://retrospection.net/videofiles/hurricanekat.php
  22. Wow this guy is crazy to the max, Beatbox is so easy to do, I can do it too, but combine it while playing a harmonica for so long like him(So much air), WOW thats like impossible for me. If any of you can can do it say so cause I sure as hell can't. I had to dig for that video so much so please appreciate it and don't say that you can hear that at a local club. URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And for anyone who doesn't know what a harmonica is, here's a quick definition: a small, hand-held wind instrument on which tones are produced by exhaling and inhaling into recessed air slots.
  23. Well well well, now you have to make a decision based upon your ability to formulate a person's profile just by his looks. Is he a famous inventor, lets say a programmer founder of the eiffel method, or a serial killer?. Or maybe he invented the scheme programming language or maybe not, maybe he murdered 8 women in London. Have a good look at this persons and take a wise decision, don't just randomly click, this way the next time you are on the streets, you can spot the not!. Good luck. My score: 9/10 Who ever thought that (omitted) was a famous killer -.-. URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Hey, I was navigating and I found something that really amazed me, it will surely amaze you too if you are into programming/webdesign. This is a windows desktop made entirely in CSS by a guy named Trovster. Most of the positioning was done with unordered and definition lists. The CSS code used in this could make an excellent case study for any developer. Here have a look: http://desktop.trovster.com/desktop/?name=YOURNAME Change the yourname so you can personalize the start-menu name to your input. NOTE*: You will need FireFox for full functionality, because Internet Explorer doesn't render .PNG files correctly, has javascript problems and CSS support. Enjoy!.
  25. I was searching for IRC conversations on the web, wandering around I have found some that people have posted online because they are so funny. Here are 10 I liked and can actually post:*Note the following quotes are not written by me nor modified, doing so breaks the originality of them. I simply found them and I am sharing them to you. #1<MasterG> ..................................................................... ..................................<judas> where's pacman when you need him?#2<tag> Ouroboros: lets play Pong<Ouroboros> Ok.<tag> | .<Ouroboros> . |<tag> | .<Ouroboros> . |<tag> | .<Ouroboros> | .<Ouroboros> Whoops#3<i8b4uUnderground> d-_-b<BonyNoMore> how u make that inverted b?<BonyNoMore> wait<BonyNoMore> never mind#4<Zanthis(ALE)> AFK, tornado#5<Sui88> 67% of girls are stupid<V-girl> i belong with the other 13%#6<frank> can you help me install GTA3?<knightmare> first, shut down all programs you aren't usingfrank has quit IRC. (Quit)<knightmare> ...#7<Sonium> someone speak python here?<lucky> HHHHHSSSSSHSSS<lucky> SSSSS<Sonium> the programming language#8<Mendo> lmao there's a wicked lookign spider on my monitor and if i move the mouse around he chases after it <spitfire> haha mendo <spitfire> take a screen shot <spitfire> wait <spitfire> that made no sense#9<DigiGnome> Real life should have a !"#$ search function, or something.<DigiGnome> I need my socks.#10<mage> what should I give sister for unzipping?<Kevyn> Um. Ten bucks?<mage> no I mean like, WinZip?
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