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Posts posted by darkranger

  1. Check this out, the cover for the magazine parents but this magazine with the woman blocking 2 letters and the sticker blocking partially the t, results in an unpleasant funny word hahaha, you gotta admit that its funny, imagine in the store your kids(if you have) telling you, daddy can you buy me this magazine:"penis" hahaahahahhaahhah. Good stuff.
    Here's the link and I can't imagine how they missed that, or was it on purpose by the magazine distributors?

  2. Check this out, an open source commercial, interesting! This open source software are so popular nowadays that a commercial makes them even more, here's one.
    You'll know the product that they are advertising after seeing it. Any of you guys haven seen any other open source commercials? If so which ones?
    Here's the link:

  3. Seth MacFarlane, the genious that created family guy and american dad, once published 2 short films, these are VERY similar to what is now family guy. Most people don't know about this films, they are the early concept of the current series, where there's a talking dog, there's louis and also the fat son, the voice of Peter is almost the same, while the others change a bit especially the one of louis. The character of Peter is very different, in this one he's older.
    Ok so now lets watch them, there are 2 parts, here they go:

    The Life of Larry Part 1(Seth MacFarlane's student film)

    The Life of Larry Part 2(Seth MacFarlane's student film)

    This guy seriously he's a God among many and he will continue to be cause all his shows crack me up, Good game.

  4. Hey guys, check this out, a guy named George Vlosich made some impressive etch a sketches, the most popular ones are the ones he made about bill clinton /algore and Muhammed Ali. He has a lot, you better check them out cause these require some skills.
    Here's the link to the site:
    Check them all out, enjoy!

  5. Yea just as the title says, from PC Magazine a compiled list of top 101 websites. From blogs, computing, entertainment to traveling, shopping and career websites, its all here. Check it out you can click on each category to bring up the links or you can download directly the 101 favorite file so you can have them ready to go on your browser.Enjoy!Link:http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2474716,00.asp

  6. I found some funny phrases for geeks and coders. Here are a few examples of them:

    Why geeks like computers: unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes,fsck,fsck,fsck,umount, sleep

    A computer scientist is someone who, when told to 'Go to Hell', sees the 'go to', rather than the destination, as harmful.

    Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...

    C Programmers do it recursively.

    File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)

    Haha I love the last 2. Well enjoy them and I'll give you guys a link with more:

  7. I found this website where they are making a research, they made a totally non clickable website, you can just navigate by moving your mouse, its pretty original and at the same time concerning, for starters I by reflex wanted to click on the navigation buttons...It was hard not to, but I abstained myself from doing so, navigated the website and its pretty cool, check it out guys, imagine having websites like that?.
    Try it out here's the link:

  8. Wow, wow wow, check this out if you are just like me you always dreamt with some see through sunglasses so you could see the inside of chicks :). Well its now possible, technology at its finest, this company called Kaya invented the see through lens, it also shows you how it works on a separate section. Basically they tested with a mannequin they placed a printed card behind the cloth and with the KAYA PF4 they could see it through the cloth. OMG. Awesome. Period.

    Here's the link so you can check it out and long live innovation:

    Here's the how it works section:

  9. Hey guys check this game out, if you are into Physics or just to plain games this is a great game for you. Basically you get to move an atom, you start by sending it on a direction, the atom will move through the planets which will affect it, you pass the level if the red bar empties before the atom collides with the planet. Its pretty dumb at start but later its challenging. Try it out:

  10. Hey guys I found a "Joke" Conversation Thread in which the :-) Was Invented.
    Period. Microsoft research provided this thread that led to Scott Fahlman's invention of the smiley. This thread was retrieved from the spice vax oct-82 backup tape by Jeff Baird on September 10, 2002.
    Basically they were talking about a joke and they proposed that such smiley will represent a joke/happy, the same one inverted will represent a frown, and so on. This conversation is proven to be where it was invented.
    Check it out if you wanna see it completely.

  11. Wow..Being a Blizzard fan(Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft) I am actually pissed at this. A guy at the well known site rootkit.com made some tests on World of Warcraft. It seems that the "warden" client they use every 15 seconds runs on your computer. It was made to verify the compliance with the EULA/TOS. Ok here's the thing this client using GetWindowTextA function and some DLL dumping can see any window you have opened, and supposely also the information on them. Basically this guy proved that it is gathering mails, information from any application you have opened. I know it was made to prevent cheaters from running ULTRAMAPHACK.exe for example but wow spying on us its no good. I hope authorities can do something to prevent this cause having a game without cheating but being spyed on its not worth it in my opinion.
    Good game.
    You can read more in here:

  12. Wow, this is just simply beautiful, I mean you have to admit Ipods are beautiful, and if you add a fine piece of wood as a case, its total domination. This guys sell this fine cases which you can choose between maple, walnut, mahogany, cherry and oak as the material used. Its 90 dollars.. quite expensive, but if you wanna have the pimpest looking Ipod you have to check them out.
    Yea you still have access to the headphone plug while plugged, I double checked it :).
    Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  13. Nice link I have found here, remember pole position? it was a great game for the ATARI in which you controlled a car racing through the desert, city, to las Vegas, it was fun, it looked like crap though.
    Well here's the commercial which ATARI used to promo it in the 1980's:
    It is pretty funny, I like the exagerration in the explosions and then when they change from real life to the crappy graphics haha.
    Anyways it was an awesome game.

  14. Hey guys check this out. CNET posted a story about 10 real PC games for download. This are all free and you can download them completely, I know many of you knew about 2 or 3 but there's more there. The thing that I liked is that people posted in comments about more games that are free like Gunbound or other open source ones. You must try some of these games, there are a lot to choose from so the only thing stopping you is the download.
    Here's the link with the list:

  15. Haha guys look at this, seriously the Internet has everything. Do you wish you could be a bathroom cleaner and you were responsible for picking up the crap of someone else? Now in this website you can create a virtual turd, which can be made by an animal or different people, in the ground or in the toilet. WOW!...Seriously people do too many websites nowadays and specially pointless ones. Good Game.
    Heres the link:

    Yey for new innovative websites...:/

  16. I tend to be weary of these things, so needles to say I did a whois. What strikes me as odd, is microsoft owns all servers related to MSN, Microsoft services, even in the whois. But the URL you gave us... has this.


    Yea I mean if anybody has its doubts its fine, I did too, but here's a news that covers it: http://www.informationweek.com/default.asp

    Look for the link where it says MSN, click on it and it will take you to the site that I gave you. You have to consider that Microsoft doesn't want EVERYONE to know that you can sign up, they are just testing it with "few people".

  17. Hey guys if you been reading the news, you heard that Microsoft is testing Kahuna, its new AJAX web based mail application. It's sort of an Outlook on the browser with a lot of cool features and a whole lot of improvement. So yea, Microsoft is testing it right now and you want to be part of it? Here's the link I found, not many people know it and others didn't even knew it existed, but you sign up here:
    I already did, I hope they contact me soon so I can test Kahuna and be one of the "chosen ones" to do it.
    Good luck!

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