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Posts posted by kritya

  1. Hi,
    As many of us are not aware of a wonderful Wonderful game Named : Urban Terror(UrT).

    Its a FPS(First Person Shooter) game with its main moto as fun over realism.

    I dont think so you can find a more funnier game than this.
    Promoted by frozed sand this game is an open source unlike many good games which charge you for the game.

    I hope You guys will grow the Urban terror community more The website is : http://www.urbanterror.info/home/
    Its main mode is Multi player but u can play it with bots as single player as well.
    With its server mostly spread in all parts of the world.

    There are Many players playing this game.

    Thanks :D :D

  2. it really looks delicious chini, even i won't take risks and try to make it because it really looks hard to be done. also i don't think i can find all the ingredient here. but i still say thanks for sharing a traditional dish with us chini :) .


    Lolz chini kadhi.... Lolz


    Web_designer that only looks good but tastes not that good(i would say only that noting else) i hate kadhi.

    IF u love kadhi sorry chini dont fell it i have to say what i think

  3. Following from web_designer's code, rather than comparing against NULL, the function isset() should be used instead. PHP will not set a variable (or key in this case) unless data was sent using the POST method, therefore the if statament will evaluate to false if either of them is not set. If it still doesn't work, you should check the HTML form element to see if you set the method to "post". By default, the method for forms is "get", and so your code would never show the desired effect in such a case.

    the function is post only i checked that i know that things isset function.
    But the isset again only worked with direct post variable only what the problem is there idk with variable declarations but it looks fine i still want some ajax script for form validation but could not find a good one for checking email is of correct format and it does not post's the data untill everything is fine and i dont want any pop box. with yes or no things

    If any one could find that for me or write that for one that would be great that is the only problem in my site.

  4. This is a simple code but idk y it is not working i want to return a error if user has left any field empty. and a code to execute if everything is.
    If any one can give me ajax form validation script it would be better.

    <?phpinclude("global.php");$username = $_POST["username"];$dsiplayName = $_POST["displayName"];$pass = $_POST["password"];$pass2 = $_POST["password2"];$age = $_POST["age"];if($username==NULL || $diplayName==NULL || $pass==NULL || $pass2==NULL || $age==NULL){	echo "Fine";}else{	echo "Username not entered";}?>

  5. Can no one help me with this problem? I need to fix this problem so that I don't have to worry about people. I'd rather not have to remove the rank.

    I can help u i have created many clan websites including mine but i need to see that script returns error and want all the information about the basic ranking system.

    If u would be able to tell me the whole problem and the the function you want and that u have .
    I would be more likely than not be able to solve that problem.
    I dont guarantee that still.

  6. I read all the posts send by the users and found the reason php is more popular and familiar(as far as i think).One of us said that php is like c , c++ and more oop languages (This is a very good reason)2nd which i think is php offers simple type of codding and advanced as advance as any language.That was the only reason i started to work in php because i got to understand the basics of the language pretty easily and got to know everything.And slowly slowly progresses and currently i can create most of the things as any one can do.U say u like phpMyBB i can create more advanced forums in php in minutes at the moment and u wont believe that i started using it around a month or so and before that i hated c++ but know i love it alsoIt offers basic as well as advanced functionality that is the best thing of any language.I am a fan of phpI love it.I love it.I love it.

  7. lolz u want a team named USA firstly and other countries like japan china . Lolz :P Can these countries beat my country team (india).If yes then tell me .If you want these teams then you can download a patch should be available somewhere.Search for it.And as far as the game is considered it is too easy i can hit 6 sixes can score more than 100000000.. runs.

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