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About PortraitofkarmaX

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    The Lonesome, Crowded West.
  1. yeah, the undersides of feet/toes/heel areas are horrible places for them. one of my best friends has three hearts on each heel and she had them re-done last year (for the third time) and I looked at them the other day and they are almost completely gone. So it would be more then touching up, it would be getting tattooed completely all over again. but I guess if you decided you didn't like it then that would be a good choice for where to put it.
  2. I have 10 tattoos. and I love every one of them.I think I am just a tattoo sort of girl.I put a lot of thought and time into mine before I got them though, and being a girl I made sure that they were attractive enough (except 1 or 2) to never hinder my appearance. that probably sounds extremely superficial- but a tattoo is a superficial thing to get. mine all mean different things to me, but to other people they just make me more ugly or more pretty.
  3. I have to admit.. phoenix has made me weak in the knees since it was first introduced. And what is even more strange is that I have not ever gotten sick of it, no matter how many ex-lovers or enemies have worn it or how many times it has happened to be in the same place at the time a horrible stomach flu, which ALWAYS makes me sick of anything.
  4. awesome. I was hoping someone wouldn't ruin it right away, but I guess things like that always happen.
  5. A young woman goes to the funeral of her mother. There she meets a man whomshe has never met before. She identifies him as the man of her dreams andimmediately falls in love. Two days later she kills her sister. Why?
  6. It frustrates me endlessly these days that a lot of adults do not consider the effect their actions have on children. I work at a pottery painting studio and if you ever wanted to see examples of BAD parenting that would be the perfect place to visit, which is not what you would first assume considering that it is expensive and time consuming and it makes people say "You took your kid to the pottery studio? I would NEVER have the patience for that. You are such an amazing mother" . You should see some of the gems that I see everyday. I suppose I am most bent out of shape about this currently because at work the other day, a grown woman dropped a display piece that I had spent WEEKS painting and making perfect (you are NOT supposed to pick up displays- there are signs everywhere.) and broke it into a million pieces and then simply left the store without taking any sort of responsibility for her actions. I was not working that day, or believe me, she would not have gotten far. We always have these mothers who are so high strung and so rude and if you are THAT stressed out about being here- why on earth do you come in the first place? hire a babysitter, make her take the children. There are much better ways to do things then teaching your children bad manners and the wrong way to deal with situations. It is not even YOUR children, it is any child who is around you. I think everyone just needs to start thinking more about their actions and words around children who have not quite learned how to act or what to say quite yet. I love my job but seeing this every day is making me hate it.
  7. I'm Danielle. I just found this forum today and decided to go ahead and join. I am a recovered Message Board junkie but I might not be as recovered as I once thought I was. I have never been on a forum like this though so I hope everything goes well.
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