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Posts posted by ArcticCode

  1. This is what I was able to create with your tutorial. I am pretty amazed at the results. When I follow tutorials, I usually finish with a product looking completely different than that of the tutorial so I must compliment you. Thank you for the tutorial, it was very easy. Your voice was clear and easy to understand. :)I have a feeling that I am probably gonna use this later someday for something. By the way, the effect looks exactly like the Vista Aero effect. :Ppost-104375-083700100 1279673893_thumb.png

  2. xDDDD, since I made this a loading screen to a game two days ago, I thought that I would put it onto a computer screen. Maybe the next person can edit the vista taskbar at the bottom. It also looks like whoever is playing the game seems to be getting cheating with CE. Hopefully this will provide more room for photoshop tennis since the loading screen was getting a bit packed. Now, you have the entire desktop in your hands :)post-104375-050269900 1279667814_thumb.jpg

  3. I personally really like the Shiny theme. It is not too complicated and not too boring. The main reason why I probably like it is the way the tabs look. I also like the choice of gradients in the background and the Google logo. The logo looks really awesome with the reflection and the shine. Other than that, I like the Ninja theme. I had it for a while until I got bored of it.

  4. CPALead based offers are quite cheating cause many times affiliate marketer offers something for free or gives free access to something but those offers are limited to some countries. and this is what happens with CPAlead most of time. If you take a look at the sites which are offering cpalead based offers are restricting their services to take offers of cpalead. For example, feedvault is the one which started to offer feed submission on that basis. But it didn't worked out that way and many people from around the world failed to get offers of CPALead and that way they got restricted to the services. And this is why i prefer not to have CPAlead offers.

    CPALead is one of the most annoying things I have ever encountered on the web. When I think that I have found something that I have been searching for, one of those CPALead thingies pop up out of nowhere asking me to fill out a survey. My guess is that CPALead became popular after people starting abusing it on facebook with all of these fan pages that require you to fill out a survey befor you can see something that was not worth your time.

  5. Real instruments will be the best kind of instruments for a really long time. In my opinion, I can't stand the sound of the MIDI virtual instruments like in Finale Notepad, Noteworthy Composer, etc. I have to give some virtual instruments credit like some VST synthesizers, pianos, and drums but it there is no emotion when listening to the music. Sure that you can add dynamics into the software but it is not exactly like hearing an instrument live. For example, I once had the breathy flute VST for FL Studio. It sounded great, but it lacked properties of a real instrument. No matter what kind of advanced software there is, you cannot simulate real instruments.In my eyes, I prefer real instruments but there are many uses for virtual instruments as well. For example, I think that they could be used for practice beats, composition (being able to listen to the score), and for video game OSTs like Mario, Kingdom Hearts, etc. Also, if you pay attention to some albums, you can notice that some drums are produced by the computer. Still, nothing beats hearing drums in real life.

  6. Yeah you can verify your paypal account with a bank account once you have done a bank transfer. First you have to go to the bank and ask for information about your needs related to link your bank account with an internet bank like paypal. Most of banks for example in my country don´t accept or don´t support this types of linked accounts. But there is always one or two banks that allow you to make this and transfer between your paypal account and your bank account without problem. So I recommend you to visit all the banks you can and ask for this type of information and get all the information possible including the fees and all the taxis that are implied so later you will can choose what is the best bank to make your bank transfer and operate with your paypal account.
    This is my recomendation. Good luck.

    I believe that one point in time around 2 years ago, it was possible to create a bank account online at Netspend or ING to verify your paypal account. If you attempt this method now, paypal will just bounce the deposit from these banks. I was able to do this once with my paypal account then but I forgot the account information.

  7. That feeling of wanting to make a game was the spark of my motivation to start learning C++ a few months ago. I researched a ton of game engines and Panda3D caught my eye. When I become proficient in writing C++, I might integrate Panda3D in my code along with some Cinema4D (CAD program) models I have created to make a single level game. I had my eyes set on that goal. :)It's too bad that I found out later that it takes lots of skill and dedication to even create the foundation of the game. That is why I put in a lot more time into reading my C++ book.

  8. Would the primer books not be more geared towards people who already fully understand the material? I thought it would skip a lot of steps and just go over random basics to help reinforce a few important things.
    I've actually ran into a few books like that before and all they did is leave me more confused than before.

    Not at all. I started reading the book with absolutely no programming experience whatsoever. I had no idea what a compiler was, source code, etc. As long as you don't tend to skim books like I do sometimes (accidentally), you should have no problem picking up the concepts. I recommend that you should manually enter each and every one of the examples into your compiler and compile it yourself. After that, you should try changing some lines and see what it does.

    You brought up the C++ vs Visual C++ thing and I'm a little lost on it. Wouldn't all books be more geared towards Windows programming by default? I've heard most things will work cross-platform (such as both Windows and Linux) but there are a lot of commands that won't (for example, system("pause"); won't work on Linux).

    C++ and Visual C++ is no different from each other. Visual C++ is referring to the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler. Books shouldn't be all geared towards Windows programming because it would be harder to teach C++ like that. Instead, the books teach you concepts through console programs (the little programs that run under the command prompt). Windows programs are large and complex by nature (few hundred lines of code) so it would be difficult to teach C++ with 80% of the book containing code. After mastering all the basics of C++ through console programming, you can move on to Win32 (Windows) programming which you could easily adapt to by putting it all together.

    Some code is cross-platform. If your code can be compiled on different operating systems and machines without error, your code is considered "portable". You may want to put some research into which headers and functions are portable and which aren't. As for system("pause"); or system("ANYTHING"), you should avoid this line because it isn't portable and it sometimes triggers the antivirus. It is also a heavy function. What it does is halt the program for a bit, go to the operating system, do all this stuff, exit OS, and return to program. I would assume that you use this line to keep the console window open. You should use cin.get(); at the end of your code (once or twice depending how the compiler you are using compiles code). All this does is wait for you to press the RETURN key.

    I agree that this is a lot of knowledge but if you can use it in your program, it can be really fun. Also, the reason a lot of games are programmed and compiled in Visual C++ is because the compiler is amazing. There are many options on the compilation, linking, etc.

    I forgot to mention another book that is free for download from the MSDN website called C++ Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt. He is a pretty well known programmer author who writes books on Java, C#, and other languages. I thought that the book was a much less intimidating book to read. It is an ebook and can be found here: https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/visual-studio-express/

    I wish you luck in your programming. Maybe you'll come up with something promising in the future :P

  9. Congratz to Spain. Andres Iniesta must have been feeling pretty awesome when he scored. I watched some of the match at my friends house. They were pretty crazy about FIFA so they made me watch some. I pretty much popped in and out of the room every few minutes to watch for a little bit. The only thing that bothers me about FIFA is that it takes forever for one team to score a goal. It was 0-0 when the game went overtime.

  10. Get a prepaid credit card. They cost like 25 dollars from Wal-Mart and you can connect it to your paypal account and verify it :)

    Yes. This method does prove working but the only thing about it is that it only works in some countries. I believe that you could so that in the US in an earlier time period but paypal changed the US method of account verification. These two methods include successfully applying for the Paypal Debit Card or verifying your bank account. Linking a visa/mastercard debit card will, however, increase your spending limit from $0 to $2000 USD. The only problem is that your paypal account will remain unverified. This means that you can spend your money to any individual/business that accepts payment from unverified paypal accounts.

  11. I would highly recommend C++ Primer Plus (not C Primer Plus) 5th Edition by Stephen Prata for around 30-40 USD. The book consists of around 1200 pages. It assumes that you know nothing about programming. By the time you finish reading the book, you are an accomplished C++ programmer (taken that you completed all of the programming exercises at the end of the chapters to demonstrate that you understand the concepts). You say that you are reading Principles and Practice using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup so I guess you can sort of skim through the C++ Primer Plus book looking for new concepts. C++ Primer Plus teaches you Object-Oriented Programming more advanced features of the C++ language.If you want to learn how to program games, I would recommend reading C++ Primer Plus 5th Edition and continuing your education with Windows Programming and DirectX 9 or 10 depending on your OS at http://www.directxtutorial.com/

  12. I like the soundtracks from:Kingdom Hearts: I like this soundtrack. It reminds me of the times me and my friends played Kingdom Hearts back then. What a wonderful game.Final Fantasy: This was one of the best series I have ever played in my entire life. I started on FF7 and went from there. Again, the soundtracks remind myself of the old days.Chrono Cross: "Scars of Time", I haven't really played the game before but I really like that song from the soundtrack.Maplestory: Hehe, The soundtracks got stuck in my head when I played this MMORPG back then when it came out in 2005. I ended up playing this MMORPG until 2007 and then again in the in middle of 2009. I will never forget the soundtracks from this game.Super Mario: Everyone knows these songs. I can also play the theme and the overworld theme on the piano. It was also one of my favorite games.

  13. I doubt that it is possible that computers will ever be able to take over the Earth. They do strictly what the programmer programs into the computer. It is not like computers can program themselves. In today's world, it would be a very difficult task to program something to recognize pictures so how would a computer have enough intelligence to take over the world? Even if the computer malfunctioned, I do not think that it could do much damage. Something like this would require a huge technology advance.

  14. Meh, I guess they were pretty good, Did you actually figure out all the trajectory of the throwing knife with the distance and stuff or do you kinda guess every time.
    I would knife a lot more if I didn't have to go pick up my knife every time; haha.

    Good job though

    I'm guessing that after some experience, he is able to just know where the knife is going to hit. I agree that it would be easier if we did not have to pick up our knives up again. Modern Warfare 2 should change the number of knives you can hold to three.

  15. I tried this game a while ago. ?I played it for a few days and then I just got bored of it. ?Later, I tried other games similar to this like Restaurant City and it turns out that most games on facebook at like that. ?I ended not playing any games on facebook again.?

  16. I am just going to list a few of my hobbies. My hobbies include transcribing and playing music, playing different MMOs, 3D modeling on Cinema4D (I'm a bit new at it but I'm getting there), Texas Hold'm Poker, Listening to Music, drawing, playing football with friends, sleeping, tetris, watching videos on youtube, watching animes, watching movies, and working out.

  17. I used to go on Neobux to make money online. There is a reason why Neobux is known as the best PTC on the web at the moment and that is because of the ingenious referral system. You should check out the PTC and look up some guides on the internet to completely grasp the concept of the referral system. There is also a forum with many testimonials of all sorts of payments.

    CPALead is surefire way of losing visitors and loyal reader or clients. think about it. do you want to capture your visitors and ask them to go through offers of cpalead just for the sake of your visit ? just for the sake of some wanna-be rich ebook ? or some forum access ? sorry, if i found any cpalead ad on any website i prefer not to return to that website. i don't like affiliate programs that traps people into some offer in order to grant access. so i'll never prefer that at all.
    the reason you're not earning is because user don't find those offers appealing and you're going to lose visitors or members as well. if i were you i might have removed that code of cpalead by now.

    I agree that CPALead could be a gold mine but it should only be used if you are offering something good. If you have CPALead on many pages, it will repel visitors. Also, I have noticed on facebook that people had taken advantage of fan pages to gain a large sum of money on CPALead.
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