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Everything posted by Mcsweeting

  1. Forcing people to pay something ie. health care isnt right and is stated in our rights that the government cannot force a commodity onto us. yes health care is useful but people with little money being force to pay or getting fined because they arent or cant pay will screw alot of people over. Making people wait to get an appoint for something that could be potentially dangerous when most of the people in front dont need the appointment is really nice. i just dont agree with obama on alot of stuff and how he is good guy promised alot seems to be not so good a president. probably reelected next term >_>
  2. use to play and love it but lost interst after lvling my warden past 40 and figuring out it was obsolete and now they have the balls to give everyone else pets which was our niche. that will probably end up better than the wardens pet. think the devs turned there backs on the wardens :/
  3. LOVE THIS GAME.On my (unknown number) playthrough and i love the different choice and plot changes you can do with make the game more desirable to playthrough(though i usually play the good guy and am doing somewhat the same thing hahaha) Its not overly hard just at a few parts when i didn't have enough poultices or wasnt lvled up enough.The opening race stories are nice and enjoyable. Like playing the city elf and dwarf noble.I prefer the sword and shield and berserker/champion setup. like to tank and deal some damage.i like to build allister weird lol he is suppose to be a tank but i make him duel wield.on of my fav things is the party banters when you walking around like morrigan making fun of allister and what not.the thing is about this game i bout the expansion like 5 days ago beat the game and started over havnt even touch the expansion yet lmao well ill get to it eventually.first game ive been addicted to in a awhile
  4. Runes of Magic is a pretty good mmorpg ive never played wow but people say its a good free version of wow with unique aspects of its own. its made quite well and the gameplay is very nice. There are a few things that im alittle disappointed in like pvp being unbalanced and the developers dont really give much feedback and kinda suck lol go to the forums http://us.runesofmagic.gameforge.com/news/index youll see where people complain about other stuff overall a fun and satisfying game and the only mmo i leveled past 30 in hahahah
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