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Posts posted by LarryTuck

  1. 1. Yoga exercises can help you to reduce your weight. Practicing the yoga asanas like suryanamaskar, pavan muktasana, and sarvangasana on daily basis would help you to get rid of the unwanted fats in the body. 2. Bicycling is the simplest weight loss tip. If not feasible to go out for bicycling then get the stand bicycle at home that will induce the weight loss within few weeks. 3. Use the steps to reach the house rather than using the elevators. If possible, take a walk to office rather than taking a vehicle. Otherwise during the lunch time in office, it would be good if you go for a stroll for 10 minutes after taking the lunch. This will increase the physical activity that would promote the weight loss.4. Water is a weight loss tonic. Drinking just a liter of water more would help you to lose weight. Best would be to drink a glass of water in the morning. This will help to improve your digestive system and would digest the fats and throw out the unnecessary fats and carbohydrates in the body.5. Burgers are healthy but would increase the size of your belly. So, stay away from them if you want to control the weight. Eating one burger in a week is okay, but more than that is not recommended.

  2. After a heavy work out it is highly needed to get in something that can act as a supplement from within your body and also help your body to cooperate and help the work out to show its results efficiently. It is suggested that we must have to intake stuffs rich in protein.


    Protein Rich Foods

    I think that one of the reasons that parents don't think that their kids get enough protein in their diets is that they simply aren't aware that protein is in so many different foods! Many foods besides red meat are high in protein, which means that your kids are likely getting much more protein in their diet than you think.


    Common protein rich foods can include:



    Soy Milk




    Peanut Butter

    Lean Meats, Fish, and Poultry

    Beans, Tofu, Lentils, and other Legumes

    Grains, including bread and pasta

    Nuts and Seeds

    It can also be easy to find high protein foods by reading food labels and looking for foods with a higher protein number than other foods, such as from 6 to 10g or more.



    Protein Fortified Foods

    In addition to foods that naturally have a lot of protein in them, parents can also buy protein supplements, such as:


    Protein fortified drink mixes, including Pediasure or Carnation Instant Breakfast

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