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    Hurt4love got a reaction from dfrost in What The %#@! Is Goig On With My Site? Answers. NOW.   
    I am sorry but I find this post funny and I will tell you why.First, I find it funny how shadowx was expressing his frustration with technical things and how towards the end, the last post was talking about a competitor site bashing it and expressing satisfaction and gratitude for KS. Sorry but this is the funniest I have yet to come across. How is it exactly that bashing AL and talking positively about KS going to solve shadowx's problem? Shadowx, here's a question for you, did this solve your problem and feelings of frustration? NO, it did not ...How hilarious?Second, I find it funny because Velma's statement shows that she is here for the public image of the company but not to help people. Is this what you are telling us Velma? That you are here to defend KS even if it means discrediting the members who are the actual MARKETING key because they are the CUSTOMERS! Basically Velma you really made me laugh in this post because you are even ready to yell at the top of your lungs at the customers to shut up and stop complaining and even call them liars just to save your image. Let me just say, you wanna save your company as a loyal employee, then you get on and start finding solutions for your customers instead of telling them they are lying and they don't know what they are talking about. Obviously if they are posting here, then it means they are having problems and if they have problems then your job that you are passionate about is about helping the customers with problems not trying to shut them up!!!! But I guess you are yet another xisto member who is more concerned with the image of xisto then with the customer satisfaction. Do you guys even know anything about quality assurance? Do you even know anything about marketing? Because it seems to me everyone in xisto is ignorant with marketing and you guys really make me laugh at the way you do your jobs!!!Third, I had a blast laughing at how a new member in KS who allows her personal issues to make her be truthful to the billions of people out there. Because she had personal issues with one person at AL she is now angry at everyone in that community and she would rather mislead the billions who surf the net everyday and tell them lies rather than be truthful to herself and to them. I am laughing. So let me get this straight!...KS is awesome and great when you had only been here recently and you don't find any problem with the KS service? What about the 100's of members who had been expressing their frustrations with KS for months now, are they all liars and you are the only person who knows what you are talking about? I have been a member of KS for a year now and many members who are not even members of AL have been expressing the terrible place this has become over the months and I too have expressed it countless times. So basically nanna, people should just take your word about KS just because you said so? First, let me say you have not been here for a long time. Second, let me say that you allow your emotions and personal problems cloud your judgment that you are even replying to this post with lies about how good this place is? So is that supposed to make you credible to everyone reading this post? This really made me laugh. To see how people react to things and jump at the first reaction without thinking things through is just so hilarious. Velma, Let me tell you, a moderator who personally takes part in the gossip that happens between members about each other does not deserve to be a moderator or a person in position. You are supposed to stop people from bashing each other and stop people talking about each other behind each others back and yet you decide to sit and listen and even give your own input on things. Don't you dare deny it because I was there. I was there in the chat room when you took part in the gossip that was taking place behind my back because my computer got stuck while logging out and I was still logged in while you thought I was not. I was there when you said that no one touched my posts or statuses and that is why it is funny how I am going around blaming KS. I was there when you sat there and listened to the gossip going on about AL. How professional Velma? VERY professional indeed. You are not able to say this in my face because you know I will prove you wrong so you say it behind my back. Again you try to just sweep things under the rug to save the image of xisto instead of acknowledging the problem and looking for solutions. Hiding things was never the solution! Opaque deleted my posts and I have proof with the dates and times of when Opaque logged in, deleted the messages in my profile and then logged out again. I have proof because I know I did not do it. So what member's statuses just disappear? Oh how weird, especially that the only ones that disappear are the ones expressing the frustrations against xisto? Oh strange all the other silly messages stay but just the ones telling truths about xisto get deleted by some hidden force!!! Before you Velma or any other xisto representative decide to treat the members as idiots just remember we are not stupid and it is so offensive of you to treat us like we have no brains. So don't you dare spread more lies to us. Face us with the truth no matter how harsh it was but don't lie to us. You owe us that because we are members here. Also nanna, AL does not allow any posts against KS by the way. Any post against KS gets deleted and any status against KS gets deleted. I assure you though that members still express freely if they have any problems with their sites or with anything else and unlike Velma, the admins and mods actually reply back with solutions to the problems and never deny the members their right to their voice. AL never replies to a member with a problem by saying to him or her it is your problem because you did not take the right actions and because the site seems to be working on our end. So what does that tell you?I won't do what you did and bash one on the account of the other but not only for that reason, I won't do it because the truth speaks for itself and AL speaks for itself. It does not need your words or mine because people who are members of both sites can tell the difference from experience and because unfortunately for you nanna, Velma and Opaque and KS are proving you wrong when all they are doing is hurting their own business by not acknowledging the problems that the members are facing. You wanna know what I also find funny nanna? It is funny how you copied and pasted a part of the PM you sent to me in your response to this post! Let me say again to you and to Velma and everyone else, if you have a personal problem with one person in a forum you do not judge the whole community and bash it for people or you would not be credible enough. Just like in Journalism if you allow yourself to take sides in your article you will no longer be a journalist of that publication because you have to be objective. Now, firstly, in AL the chat is open for all to see so people can defend themselves and there is no bashing one another behind each others backs, whereas in KS you have a chat room where people talk and gossip and speak ill of others then when they leave the chat is deleted. So tell me, what action is KS taking to stop the members from gossiping about one another or from hurting each other? A lot of other communities are doing a better job than KS right now because they have a choice to become better and they are rejecting that choice by focusing on the wrong elements of marketing. This is what happens when a community places more importance to money than its members. I am not here to advertise Astro Loco because I know for a fact that even if it is not Astro Loco, there are many other communities that are twice as better right now than KS. So instead of hopping at shadowx's words and denying his problems or jumping to defend KS and bash AL why not acknowledge that there are several glitches in xisto and get the technical guys to work on it and fix it? Why not bring those problems to Opaque's attention and ask him to deal with them? Why not stop the negativity in this place and stop the members from bashing other forums on KS? You know what I find interesting? In advertising when you want to compare a product with another product and you show it on television you either blur the label or you choose to have a label saying no name so you would not bash competitive products. Yet even though this is a similar situation here on KS, KS chooses to allow the bashing against another hosting site like AL thinking it would help save KS's name!!! Well anyone who has read a book called ``Marketing for dummies`` would tell you how wrong you are in this unprofessional attitude! Be it AL or any other hosting website, the right attitude is to not allow the community to take stands against other forums and hosting websites and instead of joining with the negativity, the professional leading company would try more to listen to its members' needs and to fix their image by presenting better services. But I guess I just had way too many high expectations from a place like xisto...Sorry, my bad I guess!Whatever you do all of you will come back at you! Karma is there and what goes around WILL come around! So your lies and lack of professionalism will not go on for very long, enjoy it while it lasts because we all know the truth anyway.
  2. Upvote
    Hurt4love got a reaction from anwiii in Negative Calorie Foods its for everyone who wants to be slim and fit.   
    I know this is a very old thread but having gone through so many diets before I know a thing or two about the stuff that has been said here. First of all I did weight training for a while and I had been working closely with a very qualified Personal trainer and Phd. nutritionist.First things first, First myth I read in this thread is that there are no negative calories in food. THIS IS A MYTH. There are indeed negative calorie food in that the poster was right. Some food need more calories than the food contains to burn the calories you are eating. The poster did not say that there are no calories in the neagtive calorie food at all. Only that you will need more calories than it contains to burn it off. how do I know that? Well when I was weight training I needed to eat certain things because of the weights I was lifting and I had to go on a strict calorie count. One day I was going out with a couple of friends and one of them was my weight trainer and another one was my nutritionist. They were both working on a program specially designed for me. When the waiter came to take our orders, I asked them what I could order and they told me about the negative calorie food. They even told me to order kiwi juice because kiwi is a negative fruit. Second, eating more proteins than carbohydrates would make you lose weight. ANOTHER DANGEROUS MYTH. When you eat more proteins than carbs it means you have to exercise more because the proteins make you build muscles and if you do eat more proteins and not exercise then you are causing harm for your body. If you don't believe me ask any personal trainer. I used to eat more proteins when I was weight training because I was building muscles. Now a healthy diet contains more fruits and vegetables and less protein and carbs. Everyone knows that. Now if you are lifting weights then you can increase proteins because your muscles need more proteins. Third thing I wanted to mention is that KIWI IS ANOTHER NEGATIVE CALORIE FOOD. It was missing from the list provided by the poster. The reason why I know this is provided in the first point I mentioned in this post.Lastly, if you are eating more proteins than carbs and not exercising to burn that protein off it could cause liver problems because it causes more strains on your liver trying to produce more enzymes to burn off your protein intake.I want to personally thank the person who posted this list because these fruits and vegetables are very healthy for you and they ARE negative calorie food.Last thing I want to say is you don't have to believe me or anyone who talks about healthy eating because if you want to start a diet you have to ALWAYS ask a nutrition specialist and not believe any myth you hear over the internet. Only ask the people that know what they are saying. But most importantly eat more of the natural food and less of the processed and fatty food and you should be eating healthy. And don't EVER do crash diets or go on those marketing diets like atkins or south beach because they all are marketing tricks for people to buy the food labelled with their diet labels in the stores. They all have side effects. Just work with health professionals who will not recommend certain hard to find food only for them to get commission. The most healthy diet should consist of food that are easy to find and available everywhere.
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