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Posts posted by roger112

  1. Thanks man for the info.I have been trying to learn how to program on my own for the past six months..I have read a few books on programming especially PHP and Java.I now know how to do PHP but Java has been the stumbling block. Its not one of my biggest passions I have to say...mainly because its soo freakin strict! lol!! Well my thinking is that if I can grasp the basics, I can then apply them across other languages, especially web programming, which is my biggest passion and I'm starting a web design business anyway.My biggest question is, should i persevere with Java or try out Python? I'm passionate about open source software anyways...can someone help?

  2. Welcome to Xisto dude!!I like it here so much, I want to get my hosting package as well! I didn't know about the yearly packages, I will work towards that since it means once I have it, I get peace of mind for a good year! Welcome once again and I hope to see you around often mate!

  3. Hey!Thanks web-designer for the warm welcome!I'm not much of a geek (just wish to be lol), I'm learning to program and do all kinds of stuff...actually I'm starting my own tech company.I found my way around and now i'm finally earning!! It feels great and I hope soon enough I'll have enough stakes to get the services that I want.Thanks once again...I gotta run outta here!!

  4. Your plan is great man!Everything is well thought out and if you do it like that, it will prove to you that when you guys talk,you really pay attention.Once tip though, don't bring up any controversial issues like where your relationship is headed okay. This is one of the biggest days every year on her calendar and if she doesn't feel like you guys can be an item...you'll spoil everything.Its nice to leave a very nice message in her card and tell her to check it out later. Go home and WAIT for her call okay. When she calls, you can then discuss about you guys...but more than anything....try to make her come to the decision or realisation that you're in love okay!All the best, good luck!!

  5. Thanks a lot, nitin.Drupal is a solid and very scalable system, i have used Joomla before but in my opinion, Drupal is way better and you feel like you're part of a family when learning how to code and learning its inner workings.You're also right that web programming is programming in just a different way, I have used Java as well and most of the concepts one learns by programming such a strict language can be applied across every coding department.PHP is good and if used correctly, you can sure make a name!

  6. I quite the design mate its simple enough but I can't help thinking maybe you should spruce it up with something at the bottom there.Some sort of box where users can post something maybe or just random things like describe where they are and just tell how the weather is like? It has to be smart how you implement this if you choose to but overally the homepage is looking good.All the best mate.

  7. I like php so much! lolI have used php for most of my life, its the first programming language that I learned and now i'm pretty comfortable with it, I'm now learning module development for Drupal CMS and I recommend php for anyone getting into the coding profession but you have to read lots of books to be good!PHP rocks!Long live PHP and web-programming!lol

  8. I don't have much experience in keyword marketing but I think the knowledge that I have on seo after years of creating and marketing my websites is enough to help you folks get where you want to go.Google and other search engines crawl the web gathering information and other stats that make it easy for people to search for information right. Generally a site that has relevant information does get linked from various sources and the search algorithms are quick to pick it up. After analysing the data they capture, they give them different types of ratings and a site that has the most 'incoming' links from other websites that shares some of its keywords is considered most relevant and gets the top spot...and so the search result pages are constructed. To deal with your case, my dear friend, I would advise you to focus on writing quality material and getting your website links out there on websites in your particular niche. there are various ways this can be achieved and two of the most popular ways are writing and commenting on blogs that allow you to insert a link to your site and joining a forum that discusses your subject matter then inserting your website link in your sig. These two ways will bring loads of traffic if done right and you have my word, will increase your PageRank. PageRank is simply your website's rating out of 10. I advise you folks to work on getting your Pagerank higher and using the best keywords relevant to your material...just do a bit of research and you'll be good. :)catch you later! Wish you all the success guys!!

  9. I have been in a long distance relationship for quite sometime now and its all been good.Two things that people need in a relationship like this is trust and love for each other, just these two qualities will beat anything that may come crawling your way.You have to be constanlty in touch and you have to keep reassuring each other that everything is good and soon you'll meet up and spend time together.

  10. Dude this girl likes you and so clear, even you see it!!What you need to do is come clean with her, I'm sure you like her too judging by the way you're describing everything so next time she does something nice, be a man...nah...a gentleman and reciprocate..One of these days you have to decide whether you like her or not and let her know so you can get the ball rolling!!!Good luck mate!

  11. Long distance relationships can work if the both of you are really into it.I've been in a long distance relationship for about 7 months and everything has been smooth. We rarely fight, me and my gf, of course and right now we are separated just to clear our heads and see if we still want to be together. lol. I think the reason why its worked out for this long is because we're both willing to give each other space and we're both clear about what should happen if anything comes up unexpectedly.I love my gf and I know she loves me the same, its that kind of trust that can hold a long distance relationship together. If the two lovers are mature enough to embark on it, success is not guaranteed but it can work...One last thing, sex is the one biggest cause of a long distance relationship not working. if you and your partner have been intimate, its difficult to be apart for long periods on end without any form of sexual activity. It's something that you have to discuss and possibly if you can allow flirting or just hanging around with other guys...that can work too and help alleviate the pressure so I advise anyone going into a long distance relationship to really think about before choosing that's what they want.Thats all from me, I hope what i said makes sense and I hope someone will learn and apply some of my theories ;)

  12. I personally think that you should just go for it man!the fact that you're asking for advice is very honourable man and i respect you for that. In life you meet a lot of people and it really goes back to you and how you really feel about each and every one of them. Judging by what you say happened, I think it would be fair if you give her and yourself a chance.the way you guys met is the most romantic and 'proper' way of knowing each other and I like the fact she took the initiative and asked how you feel about her. the only reason why you might be hesitant to get into a relationship is because she might be using you as the 'rebound' guy which is something that can later come back to haunt the relationship. I understand if you decided to give it some more time so that she clears her head and figures what is right for her since she just came out of a serious affair.Good luck man, all the best!

  13. hello everyone, I'm glad to be here with you and join this great community!I'm here for web hosting and to share knowledge mainly on web design and linux.I like to think myself more as a geek-in-the-making lol, i'm doing java, php and mysql on my own. I'm 21 years of old and just started a web design company with my brother so I'm here to give it a good launch!I look forward to happy times with all of you!!Laters for now!

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