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Posts posted by Dynamic-Xchange

  1. Thank you for your extensive due dilligence but the term Market-Maker has a different meaning within the Online Currency arena as we don't buy and sell while hoping to make a profit. It is nothing like that as we provide what basically equates to an exchange service for people who want to move between one e-curreny to another via out intermediate currency, that being DXG.This is also not an investment but rather postioning yourself within a network of exchangers through which you process the exchanges waiting for you, no buying or selling, just processing. You do not require a substantial amount of money to cover losses as losses are never made. All currency exchanges are postiive transactions as we get paid commission for processing the trade.As I mentioned, the term Market-Maker is completly different to the description you have given so I suggest reading the explanation of what a Market-Maker is within our industry and this can be found on the website.But I appreciate your post as alot of people due fail to research things so it is always welcome. When people do take up your advice and search for e-currency and the like, they might want to search for DXInOne aswell as that is the network we train people to use.Best Regards,Simon.

  2. The thing is with Paid2Surf programs is that they are many script based and are therefore very easy to set up and run ans therefore a mass of them started up and created huge competition but sadly alot were run by people who tryed to scam others and thus the bad reputation given to the majority. You need to find a business that has some level of complexity which makes it harder, if not impossible for people to copy effectively, and thus your reputation and system remains unknocked and then you can build upon it, such as with DXInOne. Many copycat sites have come and gone becuase they have come nowhere near to the level of the DXSystem and it's growing reputation.

  3. I have seen cars that advertise things.  I always wondered how much people make to have their car be a driving advertisement.


    I have just had my website placed on my car, nothing drastic but tastfully done on both front doors and the top of the back window. I know a few other people who drive flash cars and have done the same, they get a great response rate from people visiting their site, because as you just stated, they are interested in what they do to enable them to drive a nice car with advertising on.

  4. My balance is already at $500.00 and have only been doing it a couple of months, so I expect a cheque sometime this month, fingers crossed. With regards to clicking on your own ads, I have accidenty clicked on one or two over the last two months while creating and changing my site. Hope they aren't to harsh with that rule, not like sitting there clicking them constantly to gain revenue. I have been having great success with them after placing them all over my site on every page.

    Take a look. My Webpage

  5. These days, there seems to be an increased in the demand for online currencies; for example, more merchants accept online currencies as forms of payment.

    On the supply side, however, Egold is not very easy get.  I mean, if you go search on like google, there are not many business that sells E-gold, and those that do can have not-so-cheap fees.


    You can find the most commonly used Online Currency Exchangers

    here but they all charge a fee because they are providing a service to you:



  6. Hi,

    I have been involved with DXInOne for almost two years now and in that time it has become my full-time job and profession as I now teach people from around the world how to establish themselves in the DXSystem. It is definitly worth taking a serious look at as in thise two years, starting with little, I have amassed a $500,000+ DXPortfolio and I have not said that to impress you, but to impress upon you the serious heights you can achieve within this business. The DXSystem and vision is going to be massive, that is why some people find it difficult to get their heads around it, and therefore dismiss it or try diswade others from getting involved as they are afraid of missing out if their friends ect do make a go of it.

    The DXSystem does have a steep learning curve and due to it's dynamic, ever changing nature, some find it hard to keep up with this curve within a free forum such as DX4Dummies. As good as it is, it is difficult to keep up with a thread that has 20 people posting in it at the same time, thats what I tended to find anyway, thats why I opted for a course where everything was laid out in clear, concise chapters and the information updates where automatic, keeping in pace with the evolving DXSystem. I hear what the other poster is saying, who doesn't want free information, but you get what you pay for at the end of the day, forex traders spend thousands on courses to learn their trade properly, even thought there are hundreds of free sites around, but they opt for a course for the reason I mentioned above.

    If you want some general information about the different areas of the DXSystem you would be initially working with, take a look at some free tutorials as I have tried to organise the information in an easier format then DXInOne currently have it as the site is confusing to a newcomer.

    Best Regards,


    Notice from snlildude87:
    Removed referral link.

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