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Everything posted by hannahrtist

  1. I remember Dish Network... Personally, I rather like Dish Network. I remember that I used to watch tons of movies and random TV shows on there. It was like my second hobby (the first? i forget. it was a really long time ago...). But, now that I think of it: it used to be really messed up. My memory is flawed, so I can't really spout exact details. After a couple of years (or was it months?) the satellite thing would lose signal or something, and there'd be no TV for a while. In the winter, I remember entire weeks going by without a single minute of TV. I guess Dish Network isn't as good as it could've been.
  2. Hi. I'm Hannah. (what do I say now? oh right.) I'm new here. (i'm not supposed to tell my life story here, right?) So, how are you today? I'm perfectly fine. I mean, my teachers gave my a ton of homework that I finished, and now... I'm just kind of bored. Share a bit about me? Sure... I draw really well when I have a 3D model in front of me, and about an hour with a sketchpad and coloured/regular mechanical pencils. Yes, I do spell colour with a U. I've done simpler CSS since about fourth grade. I used to make little pages to show off my drawings. Spending entire summers finding ways to make the images fade in/out and making the text boxes semi-transparent? Best days ever. So how's your life?
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